Comparison of how Virtual DOM works in React and Vue

In this article, we will do a general comparison of how Virtual DOM works in React and Vue. Let's compare how the reactivity of these libraries works. The emphasis will be on Vue.js, as I use it on a regular basis. This article is good for beginners.

What is VDOM?

Virtual DOM (VDOM) is a programming concept in which an ideal or “virtual” representation of a user interface is stored in memory and synchronized with the “real” DOM ​​using a library such as ReactDOM. This process is called agreement.

The Virtual DOM is how rendering works under the hood. This is not related to JSX or template in Vue.

Comparison of Vue.js and React: Reactivity and Explicit Update

Reactivity in Vue.js

Vue.js offers hidden reactivity based on data objects. Reactive objects are declared using Vue methods, and when their properties change, Vue automatically updates the corresponding parts of the interface. This makes development more convenient and productive, since the programmer does not need to manually monitor interface updates.

Explicit Update in React

Unlike Vue.js, in React all data changes and component updates must be done explicitly by the programmer using methods setState or hooks useState. React does not provide a built-in reactivity system, so it is up to the developer to control data changes and component updates.

Templates in Vue.js and Render Functions

In Vue.js, templates are converted into render functions similar to those in React. However, due to declarative templates and compile-time optimizations, Vue.js offers a more convenient way to describe the interface, which can be even more efficient.


A general analysis of how Virtual DOM works on the Vue and React libraries helps when choosing between them. Understanding how VDOM works can be a deciding factor when choosing a library for development. Of course, in addition to this, you need to consider other factors when making a decision. I hope this article will be useful to you and expand the concept of Virtual DOM.

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