
There is a large community on reddit dedicated to vim: neovim, vim, plugins, vimporn. And in order not to miss some interesting things that happen in the world of vim, I threw in a bash script. The script displays the top 5 best posts for the year for each subreddit. The article will contain the script itself, and I will also talk in my own words about each post that made it to the top.

Bash script

Below is a bash script with which you can poll all subreddits (vim, neovim, vimplugins, vimporn) and get the best posts of the year.

API documentation:

#!/bin/bash -
one of (hour, day, week, month, year, all)
for subreddit in neovim vim vimplugins vimporn;
echo "{subreddit}/top/.json?t={LIMIT}"
curl -s $LINK|python -mjson.tool|grep permalink|  cut -d" -f4|sed 's!^!!'
sleep 10

LIMIT – the number of top posts we want to receive

PERIOD – can be substituted: hour, day, week, month, year or for all time

In line for subreddit in neovim vim vimplugins vimporn; you can indicate your subreddits that are interesting to you.

The result of a bash script with links to top posts
cellular-automaton.nvim - My first plugin
byu/Alfierra inneovim
Bram Moolenaar, creator of Vim, has died.
byu/TheSchilk inneovim
Be honest. How much time did you spend customizing your editor?
byu/vincentdnl inProgrammerHumor
I feel attacked
byu/TheRealTey inneovim
lazy.nvim: a new plugin manager for Neovim
byu/folke inneovim
Bram Moolenaar, creator of Vim, has died
byu/DriftingThroughSpace invim
byu/Algod2 invim
Why are Scandinavians so good at Vim?
byu/ScreamingPrawnBucket invim
I designed a Vim cheat sheet coaster for all they don't know how to exit Vim, made out a printed circuit board. I hope you like it :)
byu/WestArtFactory invim
This is what we call 1 in a million. I was going for a walk and found this car with a vim sticker on it. Who tf would put this into his car
byu/Alexxen_ invim
UPDATE: no-neck-pain.nvim - Dead simple plugin to center the currently focused buffer to the middle of the screen.
byu/KLMcreator inneovim
UPDATE: no-neck-pain.nvim - Dead simple plugin to center the currently focused buffer to the middle of the screen.
byu/KLMcreator invimplugins
Papyrus: Pandoc integration for automatic Markdown to PDF compilation in Vim!
byu/memes_for_developers invimplugins
VimTeX v2.12
byu/lervag invimplugins
Disassembly support lands in vimspector
byu/puremourning invimplugins
A lazy sunday rice after quite a while...
byu/probe2k invimporn
Clean and neat borders
by invimporn
Had to do a bit of hacking, but I am super satisfied with these tabs
by invimporn
My First Config
byu/InvestmentRadiant invimporn

Now you can go through all the tops and understand all the current trends. I’ll start with dessert – vimporn.


Reddit where people post their screenshots. A cute cat, a beautiful sunset can be sent to friends or acquaintances, but such a number will not work with Vim. So people have found a place where there are the same connoisseurs.

1st place (A lazy sunday rice after quite a while…)

Post link: A lazy sunday rice after quite a while…

Dotfiles: dots….

Wallpaper : IDK original sauce, so here it is…

Terminal: st

WM: bspwm

Font: Cascadia Code with modifications

2nd place (Clean and neat borders)

Post link: Clean and neat borders

Theme used in the screenshot:

3rd place (Had to do a bit of hacking, but I am super satisfied with these tabs)

Post link: Had to do a bit of hacking, but I am super satisfied with these tabs

Here we are simply talking about the tabs that are visible in the screenshot above. The topic is the same nordic.

4th place (My First Config)

Post link: My First Config

5th place (Survived freshman year in CS with only a phone. Made this config in the process)

Post link: Survived freshman year in CS with only a phone. Made this config in the process

A person runs neovim on their phone and uses it with an external keyboard connected.


Subreddit dedicated to neovim. Top posts:

1st place (cellular-automaton.nvim – My first plugin)

Post link: cellular-automaton.nvim – My first plugin

A comic plugin that should be launched when nothing works and life has been wasted. It dumps all your code on the page into one pile. See the gif with the plugin working.

2nd place (Bram Moolenaar, creator of Vim, has died)

Post link: Bram Moolenaar, creator of Vim, has died

Notice of the death of Bram Molenaar, creator of vim.

3rd place: (Be honest. How much time did you spend customizing your editor?)

Post link: Be honest. How much time did you spend customizing your editor?

Like, let’s be honest, how much time did you spend setting up your editor? And then in the comments the bazaar-station begins.

4th place (I feel attacked)

Post link: I feel attacked

Continuation of the banquet, which began in the 3rd place.

5th place (lazy.nvim: a new plugin manager for Neovim)



Post link: lazy.nvim: a new plugin manager for Neovim

A post about a new and trendy plugin manager for neovim called lazy.nvim. Here is the link to github.


The thread is dedicated to classic vim.

1st place (Bram Moolenaar, creator of Vim, has died)

Post link: Bram Moolenaar, creator of Vim, has died

Notice of the death of Bram Molenaar, creator of vim.

2nd place (.vimrc)

Post link: .vimrc

People are kidding. Vim when it was first installed, and two hours later. When I started changing .vimrc.

3rd place (Why are Scandinavians so good at Vim?)

Post link: Why are Scandinavians so good at Vim?

There’s a play on words here. Why are Scandinavians good at vim? Yes, because they are Vi Kings!

And in the comments they immediately answered him: “Thank you, dad!”


4th place (I designed a Vim cheat sheet coaster for all they don’t know how to exit Vim, made out a printed circuit board. I hope you like it :))

Post link: I designed a Vim cheat sheet coaster for all they don’t know how to exit Vim, made out a printed circuit board. I hope you like it 🙂

A man made this cool coffee stand with vim hotkeys. People immediately wrote to him in the comments: Shut up and take my money!!!

I would also bribe such a stand.

5th place (This is what we call 1 in a million. I was going for a walk and found this car with a vim sticker on it. Who tf would put this into his car)

Post link: This is what we call 1 in a million. I was going for a walk and found this car with a vim sticker on it. Who tf would put this into his car

The person was so impressed that someone put a sticker with the Vim logo on their car that they made a post on Reddit. He was immediately told in the comments that this car was probably controlled using hjkl.


Subreddit dedicated to plugins for *vim.

1st place and 2nd place (UPDATE: no-neck-pain.nvim – Dead simple plugin to center the currently focused buffer to the middle of the screen)

Post link: UPDATE: no-neck-pain.nvim – Dead simple plugin to center the currently focused buffer to the middle of the screen.

Link to github:

The plugin moves the text to the center of the screen, so that your neck doesn’t hurt and the text is right in front of your eyes.

3rd place (Papyrus: Pandoc integration for automatic Markdown to PDF compilation in Vim!)

Post link: Papyrus: Pandoc integration for automatic Markdown to PDF compilation in Vim!

If you have text written in markdown, then you can convert it to pdf using this plugin. See screenshot. Compilation occurs directly from vim. Here link to github.

4th place (VimTeX v2.12)

Post link: VimTeX v2.12

The post talks about updating the VimTeX plugin for Vim And Neovim to support LaTeX files.

5th place (Disassembly support lands in vimspector)

Post link: Disassembly support lands in vimspector

The author reports a plugin update. The plugin itself is a graphical Vim debugger with support for several languages. It is mainly tested for C++, Python and TCL, but theoretically supports any language.


Felt-tip pens for taste and color porn different. It’s strange, but I personally liked completely different ones that didn’t make it to the top. I decided to share them below too:

Pink, Productive, Powerful

Fast: Pink, Productive, Powerful

The post is dedicated to the color scheme for vim called

For those interested in the wallpaper artist, here are more of his works: and the wallpaper itself:






Post link: bluloco.nvim — A fancy but yet sophisticated neovim theme

The post is dedicated to the neovim topic on Github:

Blazingly fast neovim setup [ pwnvim ]

Fast: Blazingly fast neovim setup [ pwnvim ]

OS in the screenshot:

The neovim build called pwnvim:

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