Weird programming languages

Friends, we all know that programming is a very important and incredibly interesting activity that can take a lot of time and effort. But what if I told you that there are programming languages ​​that can look really crazy and weird? In this article, I want to share with you the most exotic and unique programming languages ​​that I have found. These programming languages ​​have unusual syntax, unique features, and unusual names. I am sure that this material will intrigue you and allow you to look at the world of programming from an even broader and more intriguing side. Let’s start our journey into the world of the strangest programming languages.

  1. Prologue (Prolog) is a logical programming language that is used to develop artificial intelligence systems, expert systems, data analysis, and many other tasks. Prolog uses inference to solve problems and operates on facts and rules.

An example of Prolog code that outputs the text “Hello, World!”:

% Определение правил и фактов hello_world :- write('Hello, World!'), nl.

% Вызов правила ?- hello_world.
  1. Malbolge is an exotic programming language designed to be extremely difficult to write programs in. The name Malbolge comes from the name of one of the nine circles of hell from Dante’s Divine Comedy.

An example of Malbolge code that outputs the text “Hello, World!”:


Обратите внимание на сумасшедший синтаксис и сложность кода, что характерно для этого языка.

  1. LOLCODE – язык программирования, созданный для написания остроумных и смешных программ. Он основан на интернет-мемах, что делает его уникальным и привлекательным для новичков в программировании. Пример Hello World на языке LOLCODE:

  1. Brainfuck – минималистичный язык программирования, который состоит всего из 8 команд. Он был создан для уменьшения размера программ и повышения их производительности. Написание программ на Brainfuck обычно требует большого количества времени и умственных усилий. Пример Hello World на языке Brainfuck:

+++++[>++++[>++>+++>+++>+<<<<-]>+>+>->>+[<]<-]>>.>---.+++++++..+++.>>.<-.<.+++.------.------- -.>>+.>++.

  1. Ok! Forth is a programming language developed on the basis of two instructions – “Ook.” and “Ook?”, which are sets of three “Ook” words syntactically equivalent to Forth instructions of the form “:”, “;” and “dup”.

An example of Ook!Forth code that outputs the text “Hello, World!”:

Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook! Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook.

Note the strange syntax and absurd nature of this language.

  1. ArnoldC is a programming language based on phrases and quotes by Arnold Schwarzenegger. It has a distinctive syntax using keywords such as “IT’S SHOWTIME” and “HASTA LA VISTA, BABY!”. This programming language is designed for fun, but at the same time is fully functional. Hello World example in ArnoldC language:

  1. redcode is a programming language that is used to write assembler programs for the virtual processor in Core War.

An example of code in the Redcode language that outputs the text “Hello, World!”:

START   SPL   #1
        DAT   #101, #"Hello, World!", #0
        MOV   #0, @#-1
        ADD   #4, #-2
        JMP   START
  1. Piet is a graphical programming language in which the program is represented as a drawing in which the color and shape of the blocks correspond to certain instructions.

An example of Piet code that outputs the text “Hello, World!”:

!Piet program that prints “Hello World”

Code result

Code result

Note the absolute oddity of this language, which uses pictures instead of code.

  1. Unlambda is a programming language created to test programming language design theories. The syntax of Unlambda aims to provide maximum flexibility when writing programs. Basically, it is used for educational purposes, as well as for the development of other programming languages. Hello World example in Unlambda language:

.H.e.l.l.o. .W.o.r.l.d.!

  1. Chef is an unusual programming language where the program resembles a recipe. Each line of code counts as a separate step in the cooking procedure. Despite the unusual syntax, the Chef language has all the functionality of other languages, but with an original approach to programming. Hello World example in Chef language:

Hello, world souffle.
This recipe prints a simple greeting.
72 g flour
101 g eggs
108 g milk
111 g butter
32 g world
10 g space
Put flour into mixing bowl.
Put eggs into mixing bowl.
Put milk into mixing bowl.
Put flour into baking dish.
Fold eggs into mixing bowl.
Stir eggs for 1 minute.
Fold milk into mixing bowl.
Stir milk for 1 minute.
Fold mixture into baking dish.
Put butter into mixing bowl.
Fold butter into mixing bowl.
Stir butter for 1 minute.
Pour contents of the mixing bowl into a bowl.
Serve with world.
Serve with space
  1. Befunge is a programming language written as a two-dimensional labyrinth of symbols, where the programmer manipulates many instructions by moving them in different directions. This language is very unusual and is used mainly for education and entertainment. Hello World example in Befunge language:

“dlroW olleH”,,,,,,,,@

  1. white space is a programming language in which a program is represented only by space, tab, and newline characters. Instructions and data are encoded by the length of a sequence of spaces, tabs, and newlines.

An example of White Space code that outputs the text “Hello, World!”:

Space   Space   Space   Space   Space   Space   Tab     Tab
Space   Tab     Space   Tab     Space   Space   Tab     Tab
Space   Tab     Space   Tab     Tab     Space   Tab     Tab
Space   Space   Space   Space   Space   Space   Tab     Space
Tab     Tab     Space   Space   Space   Space   Tab     Tab
Tab     Tab     Space   Space   Tab     Space   Space   Space
Space   Tab     Space   Space   Tab     Space   Tab     Tab
Space   Tab     Space   Space   Tab     Space   Tab     Space
Space   Space   Space   Space   Tab     Space   Tab     Tab

Each of these programming languages ​​has its own unique syntactic structure and set of keywords. Interestingly, some of them can even be used to write programs that perform real tasks. But regardless of whether it’s just a game or a serious development, these strangest programming languages ​​prove that the IT world is always a path to new discoveries and experiments.

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