Free VPN without limits for everyone. At whose expense is the banquet. Part II

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wallpaper digital ocean linux+shark

only 5 terabytes for 56 bucks

only 5 terabytes for 56 bucks

Amazon Cloud and other hosts have similar numbers.
Accordingly, for 1 GVA for 5-6 bucks, there is only 1000GB of traffic, which is not possible to sell or even give to users, because if users are active on YouTube and other services, you will have to block or use traffic restrictions for each user, which creates great discomfort.

The choice fell on TimeWeb loyal Russian hosting with Russian support and without restrictions.

  1. What are our real costs?

    For 1 VDS, our project spends 250 rubles per month – the most comfortable stay of users is no more than 150 users per 200 megabit communication channel in the Netherlands
    We do not limit traffic, use different ports and even torrent.
    At the time of this writing, we already have more than 2.5k users and 16 VDS
    Monthly consumption for 2.5k users 4166r

    For a free project, this is a lot, and it would seem that we are drowning in debt – but no.

  2. How we implemented a donation system through Tinkoff and Telegram

    In this paragraph, we will talk about donations, the most voluntary, unobtrusive.
    We understand that our free VPN service can be a real lifesaver for many users who are looking for a safe and secure way to bypass blocks and restrictions on the Internet. Therefore, we do our best to ensure stable and high-quality operation of our service.

    We have implemented a donate bot to collect alms donations – and they are enough to pay even with a slide.

    To make the system transparent, any user who has made a contribution will be thanked in the telegram chat, where the bot publishes the amount and wishes for the project.


// Замените YOUR_BOT_TOKEN на токен вашего бота

// Замените YOUR_CHAT_ID на id чата, в который нужно отправлять уведомления
define('CHAT_ID', 'YOUR_CHAT_ID');

// Замените YOUR_PAYMENT_AMOUNT на сумму платежа

// Замените YOUR_TINKOFF_TERMINAL_KEY на ваш терминальный ключ Тинькофф Банка

// Замените YOUR_TINKOFF_SECRET_KEY на ваш секретный ключ Тинькофф Банка

// Функция отправки сообщения в чат
function sendMessage($text) {
  $url="" . BOT_TOKEN . '/sendMessage';
  $data = array(
    'chat_id' => CHAT_ID,
    'text' => $text
  $options = array(
    'http' => array(
      'method' => 'POST',
      'content' => json_encode($data),
      'header' => "Content-Type: application/json\r\n"
  $context = stream_context_create($options);
  $result = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
  return $result;

// Функция генерации формы оплаты Тинькофф Банка
function generatePaymentForm() {
  $amount = PAYMENT_AMOUNT;
  $terminalKey = TINKOFF_TERMINAL_KEY;
  $description = 'Пожертвование на поддержку проекта';
  $orderId = uniqid();
  $data = array(
    'TerminalKey' => $terminalKey,
    'Amount' => $amount,
    'OrderId' => $orderId,
    'Description' => $description,
    'SuccessURL' => '',
    'FailURL' => ''
  $token = '';
  foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
    $token .= $value;
  $data['Token'] = hash('sha256', $token);
  $form = '<form method="POST" action="">';
  foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
    $form .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $key . '" value="' . $value . '">';
  $form .= '<button type="submit">Оплатить ' . $amount . ' руб.</button>';
  $form .= '</form>';
  return $form;

// Получаем данные из входящего запроса
$update = file_get_contents('php://input');
$update = json_decode($update, true);

// Определяем тип входящего сообщения
if (isset($update['message'])) {
  $message = $update['message'];
  if (isset($message['text'])) {
    $text = $message['text'];
    if ($text == '/donate') {
      // Отправляем форму оплаты Тинькофф Банка
      $form = generatePaymentForm();
} else if (isset($update['callback_query'])) {
  // Обрабатываем ответ после оплаты
  $callbackQuery = $update['callback_query'];
  $data = $callbackQuery['data'];
  if (strpos($data, 'tinkoff_payment_success') !== false) {
    $amount = PAYMENT_AMOUNT;
    $text="Благодарим за пожертвование в размере " . $amount . ' руб.';


In this script we use the function generatePaymentForm(), which generates the Tinkoff Bank payment form with the specified payment amount. After submitting the form, the user will be able to pay through Tinkoff Bank.

When the user makes a payment, Tinkoff Bank will send a request to the SuccessURL that we specified when generating the payment form. This request will contain payment information that we can use to send a notification to the chat.

In this script we use the function sendMessage()A that sends a message to the specified chat. We also process the post payment response via callback_query to send a notification to the chat after successful payment.

As a result, this script allows you to create a web hook for Telegram, which opens the Tinkoff Bank payment form and sends a notification to the chat after payment.

You can use this script to collect donations to support your project or charity.

As a result, 40-50 out of 2.5 thousand people who chipped in for 100 rubles are enough, and this is only 3% of the total mass – without taking into account large contributions of 1000 and 500 rubles.

Is it possible to build a business on a VPN?

There are many reasons why a VPN should be free. One of the main reasons is accessibility for all users. A VPN provides security and privacy while using the Internet, but many people cannot afford to pay for this service.

In addition, a VPN is an essential tool for protecting personal data and online privacy. Many users believe that the right to privacy on the Internet should be available at no additional cost.


To support the project – join us
-no ads
– no paid services
– no traffic restrictions
– there are no restrictions
-no application – use WireGuard or l2tp
-no time limits
We do not store your data at all.

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