Time Optimization Tools

At some point, there are so many things to do that it is impossible to keep everything in your head, so we look for outside help. This is where time optimization tools come to our rescue.

We want to share with you a couple of task trackers that will help make your life easier!

  • Any.do
    A convenient application where you can link reminders to time and place. In addition, you can tag tasks, divide them into smaller subtasks and attach various attachments

    The basic version of the application is free

  • Google Calendar
    An indispensable statement piece for all planners. It is easy and intuitive to use, all the most important functions are present. Google Calendar syncs with other trackers if you use more than one, so you will definitely not forget anything

    The application is free

  • OneNote
    Similar to the popular EverNote, but with fewer restrictions. Suitable for those who are especially used to keeping organizers, because the system is built as a digital notebook. Draw, tag, add files to your heart's content!

    The application is free

  • Kawaii
    Hidden jam, which we learned about from a secret source. This is an AI-based app that helps you track your tasks and also breaks down a large task into subtasks. You will definitely not forget about your plans, because Kawaii will remind you about it!

    The application is free

What apps do you use? Write in the comments, we will be glad to discover something new

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