The real story of quadruples

The roots of quadrobers go back to ancient times, when primitive hunters performed magical rites, made ritual movements imitating the habits of animals, hoping with their help to achieve success in hunting and protect their lives from dangerous predators. This is evidenced by rock paintings discovered in Mousterian and Paleolithic caves. Materialistic science explains the origin of quadrobers by the powerlessness of primitive man in the fight against nature.

Quadrobers are interconnected with forms of primitive religiosity, primarily with totemism. Tribes of people in the new world, who preserved their customs until modern history, directly associated themselves with animals. For example, the Indian names Eagle Big Egg, or Diagon Bear directly tell us about this. Moreover, entire groups of people united into Quarober groups. For example, the word “Cherokee” comes from the name of the bird.

Possible Cherokee Indian.

Possible Cherokee Indian.

In ancient times, the supreme god of the ancient Greeks did not deny himself the pleasure of being a quadrober. Zeus became an animal more than once. His most famous transformation into a quadrober is the kidnapping of Europa.

There is a legend about how Zeus took the form bullto steal Princess Europa. He approached her while she was walking on the seashore with her friends. Europe saw the animal and, fascinated by its beauty and gentleness, approached it. Zeus immediately took her on his back and carried her to the island of Crete.

Rubens. The Rape of Europa is a 1628-29

Rubens. The Rape of Europe is a 1628-29

It is also mentioned in myths that Zeus was reincarnated as cuckoo, eagle, swan, ram.

Later in the Roman era of ancient history, even God Mars, to the planet whose name some may soon fly, was associated by famous contemporaries with an animal. Those. it may have been normal for the Romans to represent their gods as quadrobers.



Plutarch notes that woodpecker (picus) sacred to Mars because “it is a bold and energetic bird, whose beak is so strong that it can overturn oak trees, hammering them until it reaches the innermost part of the tree.” Because the beak picus marcius contained the god's power to ward off harm and was worn as a magical amulet to prevent bee and leech stings. .

What can I say, the founders of Rome themselves were quadrobers in childhood!

The founders of Rome were Quadrobers as children.

The founders of Rome were Quadrobers as children.

The twins Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome, were suckled by a she-wolf in a cave.

Persecution of quadrobers in the Middle Ages.

After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Dark Ages began. And the persecution of quadrobers began. People who, in the opinion of others, could turn into animals, even cats, began to be searched for and destroyed. In Western Europe, quadrobers were burned at the stake and drowned in ponds. This happened not only with quadrobers, but being a quadrober in those days was very dangerous.

It was believed that witches harm people and can turn into a cat or dog, so the fate of the quadrober girl was unknown at that time.

Quadrober boys can become a wolf or a bear to destroy the neighbor's cows or goats. Illiterate peasants called Quadber boys werewolves and could also be burned at the stake or drowned in the river.

Burning the quadrober.

But it's not all bad. In the east, quadrobers went to monasteries, studied and subsequently created martial arts themselves. The most famous monastery where militant quadrobers lived in our time was the Shaolin Monastery in China. Medieval quad fighters created their own styles of martial arts.

Monkey style.

Quadrobers in modern history.

The most famous case in modern history is the case described by the English journalist and traveler Rudyard Kipling in his work “The Jungle Book”. In the jungle at the end of the 19th century, an Indian boy was found raised by a wolf pack. The boy was named Mowgli.

In the domestic literature, a case is described when a famous scientist, professor, at the beginning of the 20th century created a quadrober from a stray dog. M. Bulgakov described the details in his novel. The work is called “Heart of a Dog”.

The kvadrober plays the balalaika and sings kvadro ditties.

In the USSR, quadrobers are under the strict control of educators. But the movement was supported by the older generation on a forced basis.

Soviet quadrobers.

Soviet quadrobers.

Also appeared quadrober plants.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the movement of quadrobers received its modern name and gained popularity due to the healthy physical activity that participants in the movement receive in the process of realizing their deviation and conditionally opposing themselves to the erased generation.

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