Sphere emulator part 4


First of all, the client must find out that the loot bag has fallen out. To do this, the server sends a special packet of size 29 (0x1D) byte with object ID and server coordinates:

      0x1D, 0x00, 0x2C, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, MinorByte(localId), MajorByte(localId), 0x5C, 0x86, (byte) x_1,
      (byte) x_2, (byte) x_3, (byte) x_4, (byte) y_1, (byte) y_2, (byte) y_3, (byte) y_4, (byte) z_1,
      (byte) z_2, (byte) z_3, (byte) z_4, (byte) z_5, 0x20, 0x91, 0x45, 0x06, 0x00

When opening the bag, the client sends a package with a length of 26 (0x1A) byte, which we already saw when picking up an object from the ground. Most likely, similar packages are used for actions with the game world. This time, however, the “package type” is different (0x5C 0x46 0xE1), and the target ID lies in 11 and 12 bytes (0x41 0x00):

1A 00 A8 42 70 27 2C 01 00 AC D3 41 00 5C 46 E1 06 9E DE 00 0A 3A F0 F4 06 00

In response, the server gives information about the occupied slots in the bag: the ID of the item and its weight for each slot. Examples of packages for 1-4 occupied slots under the spoiler.

case 1:
    itemList = new byte[]
        0x19, 0x00, 0x2C, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, MinorByte(localId), MajorByte(localId), 0x5C, 
        0x46, 0x61, 0x02, 0x00, 0x0A, 0x82, 0x00, item0_1, item0_2, item0_3, 0x70, 0x0D, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 

case 2:
    itemList = new byte[]
        0x23, 0x00, 0x2C, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, MinorByte(localId), MajorByte(localId), 0x5C, 
        0x46, 0x61, 0x02, 0x00, 0x0A, 0x82, 0x00, item0_1, item0_2, item0_3, /*weight*/ 0xC0, 0x00, 0x00, 
        0x00, 0x50, 0x10, 0x84, item1_1, item1_2, item1_3, /*weight*/ 0x00, 0x4B, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00

case 3:
    itemList = new byte[]
        0x2E, 0x00, 0x2C, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, MinorByte(localId), MajorByte(localId), 0x5C, 
        0x46, 0x61, 0x02, 0x00, 0x0A, 0x82, 0x00, item0_1, item0_2, item0_3, 0x30, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x50, 
        0x10, 0x84, item1_1, item1_2, item1_3, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x82, 0x20, 0x08, item2_1, 
        item2_2, item2_3, 0x2C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00

case 4:
    itemList = new byte[]
        0x38, 0x00, 0x2C, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, MinorByte(localId), MajorByte(localId), 0x5C, 
        0x46, 0x61, 0x02, 0x00, 0x0A, 0x82, 0x00, item0_1, item0_2, item0_3, 0x30, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x50, 
        0x10, 0x84, item1_1, item1_2, item1_3, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x82, 0x20, 0x08, item2_1, 
        item2_2, item2_3, 0x2C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x14, 0x04, 0x61, item3_1, item3_2, item3_3, 0x80, 0x19, 
        0x00, 0x00, 0x00

Packages are similar in appearance, and by substituting obviously incorrect IDs in the remaining cells, we can always send the last one (4 items) regardless of the number of items.

Following the information about the occupied slots, the server must send the items themselves. I have not yet learned how to assemble item packages in code without crutches, so welcome to the rabbit hole.


Let’s use the gift of foresight and decide in advance that the same items in the package are always encoded the same way. This is (absolutely) not so, but reason is still more expensive. A few percent of incorrect items, at best, will simply not be displayed, and at worst, they will lead to a client crash. We’ll deal with them later.

Depending on the type of item, packages are divided into several standard groups:

  1. Mantras

  2. Weapons, armor

  3. Powders, alchemical ingredients, monster parts

  4. Rings

  5. Unique (wood, food, tokens, bags, scrolls, formulas, books, etc.)

Package examples:

Header        sync    id      type    "static"                            game_id   suffix  bag_id    count,etc
Мантра “Три звездочки"
28002C0100    029E    AE87    A48F    0F80842E090000000000000000409145    E65912    1560    A0F510    A0C0020100

Шлем IX на 90 выносливости
2B002C0100    FC0A    06FB    D48B    0F80842E090000000000000000409145    A61613    1560    C05D1F    A0900500FFFFFFFF

Усики сколопендры 
30002C0100    08C5    87C0    148B    0F80842E090000000000000000409145    A62310    1560    C01018    A0900500FFFFFFFF0516080000

Кольцо воздуха на 34 титул
3C002C0100    E035    A451    E08B    0F80842E090000000000000000409145    26FCA3    4701    0644A3    000A5900F0FFFFFF5F7807B5BB2FB2B4B036B934B7B3    981A    00

Хлебная лепешка
2E002C0100    A485    659E    348A    0F80842E090000000000000000409145    068002    0C9C    C00314    B200E0FFFFFFBFC0020100

Малая книга мантр
2D002C0100    763B    4571    6486    0FF0502E09308023198095F7F85F9145    068002    0CC0    D60114    2620A0900500FFFFFFFF

A8002C0100    0A03    CCF1    908C    0F80842E090000000000000000409145    068002    0C80    A90314    582000A0F00D046919000005FFFFFFFF000200854F00708B0000B08B0000283C43F4000040EB00000000000040E107281400

If you look closely, some segments of the packages are similar to each other. In general, the package will include:

  1. Object ID (should match one of the previously sent occupied slots)

  2. Item type (e.g. E08B for regular rings). Stored offset, so the correct value for rings is 760.

  3. Static sequence like 0F80842E090000000000000000409145

  4. Item ID in the game database (files params/group_*.cfg)

  5. Suffix (for example, 4701 for an air ring). For non-unique items without a suffix – always 1560

  6. Container ID (for example, the ID of the bag containing the item)

Additional possible fields:

  1. Quantity (0516080000 for one centipede tendril). For Powders, Ingredients, and Monster Parts, it’s always listed, even if 1. For Mantras, it’s only listed if greater than 1.

  2. Premium level flag (050F08). Indicated only for premium items.

  3. The flag of the item created by the player. It differs depending on the level of specialization.

There is no entry in the game database for unique items. Instead, each individual item has its own type (for example, 551 for a ruby ​​ring and 552 for a diamond ring) and most often, its package. The list of types that I managed to find is under the spoiler.

  Token = 8,
  Mutator = 30,
  SeedCastle = 40,
  XpPillDegree = 47,
  TokenMultiuse = 66,
  TradeLicense = 68,
  ScrollLegend = 90,
  ScrollRecipe = 91,
  TokenIsland = 104,
  TokenIslandGuest = 105,
  Bead = 236,
  BackpackLarge = 400,
  BackpackSmall = 401,
  Sack = 405,
  Chest = 406,
  MantraBookSmall = 409,
  RecipeBook = 410,
  MantraBookLarge = 411,
  MantraBookGreat = 412,
  MapBook = 413,
  KeyBarn = 418,
  PowderFinale = 451,
  PowderTarget = 453,
  PowderAmilus = 454,
  PowderAoE = 455,
  ElixirCastle = 471,
  ElixirTrap = 472,
  WeaponSword = 500,
  WeaponAxe = 501,
  WeaponCrossbow = 502,
  Arrows = 503,
  RingDiamond = 551,
  RingRuby = 552,
  Ruby = 553,
  RingGold = 555,
  AlchemyMineral = 600,
  AlchemyPlant = 601,
  AlchemyMetal = 602,
  FoodApple = 650,
  FoodPear = 651,
  FoodMeat = 652,
  FoodBread = 653,
  FoodFish = 655,
  AlchemyBrushwood = 700,
  Key = 701,
  Map = 703,
  Inkpot = 704,
  Firecracker = 705,
  Ear = 706,
  EarString = 708,
  MonsterPart = 709,
  Firework = 712,
  ArmorChest = 750,
  ArmorAmulet = 751,
  ArmorBoots = 752,
  ArmorGloves = 754,
  ArmorBelt = 755,
  ArmorShield = 756,
  ArmorHelmet = 757,
  ArmorPants = 758,
  ArmorBracelet = 759,
  Ring = 760,
  ArmorRobe = 761,
  RingGolem = 762,
  AlchemyPot = 800,
  Blueprint = 804,
  QuestArmorChest = 949,
  QuestArmorAmulet = 950, // unused?
  QuestArmorBoots = 952,
  QuestArmorGloves = 953,
  QuestArmorBelt = 954,
  QuestArmorShield = 955,
  QuestArmorHelmet = 956,
  QuestArmorPants = 957,
  QuestArmorBracelet = 958, // unused?
  QuestArmorRing = 959, // unused?
  QuestArmorRobe = 960,
  QuestWeaponSword = 961,
  QuestWeaponAxe = 962,
  QuestWeaponCrossbow = 963,
  SpecialGuild = 976, // sometimes different
  SpecialAbility = 977, // same type for specialization itself
  ArmorHelmetPremium = 990,
  MantraWhite = 1000,
  MantraBlack = 1001,

I don’t really want to understand such a zoo of options, and correctly separating the fields in each package is entertainment for at least a couple of months (the same data in them can lie in different places with different shifts, I tried). Fortunately, we can take ready-made data from the live server, replace the minimum required set of fields in them and give it to the client, right?

If you answered yes to this question, you unfortunately didn’t read my previous articles, because the Sphere likes to hurt differently.

Okay, I lied a little – the ready-made data from the live server is enough for situations where the client receives exactly one item. In the next section, we will see how to assemble a set of packages for all occasions, but for now, under the spoiler, an example of encoding. Standard streams in C# do not support non-integer byte shifts, so here and below I use my fork bitstream with a few additional helper methods.

  stream.WriteUInt16(Type, 10);
  stream.WriteBytes(X, 4, true);
  stream.WriteBytes(Y, 4, true);
  stream.WriteBytes(Z, 4, true);
  stream.WriteBytes(T, 4, true);
  stream.WriteUInt16(GameId, 14);
  if (FourBitShiftedSuffix)
      stream.WriteUInt16(SuffixMod, 12);
      stream.WriteByte((byte) SuffixMod);

  if (ObjectType is ObjectType.Arrows or ObjectType.Bead or ObjectType.Ruby or ObjectType.Token
      or ObjectType.AlchemyBrushwood or ObjectType.AlchemyMetal or ObjectType.AlchemyMineral
      or ObjectType.AlchemyPlant or ObjectType.ElixirCastle or ObjectType.ElixirTrap or ObjectType.FoodApple
      or ObjectType.FoodBread or ObjectType.FoodFish or ObjectType.FoodMeat or ObjectType.FoodPear
      or ObjectType.MantraBlack or ObjectType.MantraWhite or ObjectType.MonsterPart or ObjectType.PowderAmilus
      or ObjectType.PowderFinale or ObjectType.PowderTarget or ObjectType.RingDiamond or ObjectType.RingRuby
      or ObjectType.SeedCastle or ObjectType.TokenIsland or ObjectType.PowderAoE)

Separators and bit shifts

Items in the package are written linearly ([предмет1] [разделитель] [предмет2] […]). Theoretically, we could divide it into sequences of known length, and then parse each of them as a separate item. This approach will not always work:

  1. An item can take a non-integer number of bytes, the final shift in the stream depends on the type of item

  2. Before some suffixes, you need to add an additional 4 bits, otherwise the client will not recognize them

  3. Player crafted item marker is different for each rank of each specialty

  4. For premium items, fixed 3 bytes and a marker are added (different sequences for 1 and 2 premium levels)

  5. Some items just need a longer sequence

The biggest problem is in the last paragraph. Let’s take, for example, 5 different helmets without suffixes, which differ only in the ID in the game database (the client determines the characteristics, requirements, etc. by this ID). Writing four of them will take a conditional 30 bytes, and writing the fifth one will take a conditional 35 bytes. In this case, the packages for the first four helmets will be the same with ID accuracy, that is, we can store one package and replace the ID in it with the desired one before sending. For the fifth helmet, such an operation will cause the client to crash. I couldn’t find any pattern.

Let’s go back to the list of item packages (above) one more time. Subsequence 0F80842E090000000000000000409145 in the middle of the packet always starts with 11 bytes and occupies 16 bytes, but according to the small book of mantras (0FF0502E09308023198095F7F85F9145) you can see that its contents can change. After looking at a couple dozen more thousand packets, we will notice that the first byte is always 0x0F and the last 4 bytes must satisfy a set of conditions:

  1. Byte 0 – LSB is 8, 9, or 0

  2. Byte 1 – MSB is 4 or 5

  3. Byte 2 – odd number

  4. Byte 3 is equal to 0x44 or 0x45

It remains to make a filter out of these conditions (any packets that contain the desired byte sequence will do) and divide each packet into separate items. The shift in the stream is not known in advance, so you have to search bit by bit. Code example:

    while (containerStream.ValidPosition)
        var test = containerStream.ReadBytes(4, true);

        if (!containerStream.ValidPosition) break;


        if (IsObjectPacket(test))
            var pos = (containerStream.Offset - 16) * 8 + containerStream.Bit;
            var currentOffset = containerStream.Offset;
            var currentBit = containerStream.Bit;
            containerStream.Seek(currentOffset - 14, currentBit);
            var typeCheck = containerStream.ReadUInt16(10);

            if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(ObjectType), typeCheck))
                Console.WriteLine($"Unknown: {typeCheck} at {currentOffset} {currentBit}");
            containerStream.Seek(currentOffset, currentBit);

catch (IOException)
    if (offsets.Count > 0)
        containerStream.Seek(offsets[0] / 8, (int) (offsets[0] % 8));

offsets.Add(containerStream.Length * 8);

The code can definitely be optimized, for example, to move forward along the stream by the minimum packet size each time the sequence with the item is found. The protocol, however, does not guarantee that a ping or something else will not get between parts of one long packet (for an inventory whose length is guaranteed to be more than 1400 bytes, a structure is possible [инвентарь1][пинг][инвентарь2]). Instead of handling exceptions, you can also take something decent.

It is better to save the resulting packages, they will be useful to us the next time we finally put on the dropped items. As a free bonus, we get object separators in the package. The main thing is not to round the length of records of individual items to an integer number of bytes, otherwise the client will not cope with them. The storage structure is something like this:

  public int DbId { get; set; }
  public ushort Id { get; set; }
  public Bit[] _skip1 { get; set; }
  public ushort Type { get; set; }
  public Bit[] _skip2 { get; set; }
  public byte[] X { get; set; }
  public byte[] Y { get; set; }
  public byte[] Z { get; set; }
  public byte[] T { get; set; }
  public ushort GameId { get; set; }
  public ushort SuffixMod { get; set; }
  public Bit[] _skip3 { get; set; }
  public ushort BagId { get; set; }
  public Bit[] _skip4 { get; set; }
  public ushort Count { get; set; }
  public bool IsPremium { get; set; }
  public Bit[] _premiumSkip { get; set; }
  public Bit[] _strangeSkip { get; set; }
  public string FriendlyName { get; set; }
  public SphGameObject? GameObject { get; set; }
  public byte[] Packet { get; set; }
  public long BitsRead { get; set; }
  public bool FourBitShiftedSuffix { get; set; }
  public bool IsStrangeSuffix { get; set; }
  public ObjectPacketEncodingGroup EncodingGroup { get; set; }
  public ObjectType ObjectType { get; set; }

Any database will do, in my case – LiteDB. For early beta versions of Godot (4.0 beta 2 and around), it was necessary to change the target version of .NET to 4.7/4.8 in order for the project to build, with new ones there is no such problem.

By the way, for experiments you do not need to get loot from monsters, just open the trade window with any NPC – they store items in exactly the same form, and the package will immediately contain a whole set of necessary data.

Now it remains only to get the necessary records from the database, replace the set of fields in them, write them into a package in a row and give them to the client. If there is no mistake anywhere, the client must correctly recognize the objects.

Code example

ID is the number of a specific package from the collected base, in your case they will be different.

var weaponArmorNotShiftedId = 243;
var weaponArmorShiftedId = 153;
var ringNotShiftedId = 666;
var ringShiftedId = 637;
var mantraId = 354;
var alchemyId = 374;
var powderId = 147;
var foodAppleId = 2161;
// var keyId = 296;
// var mantraBookId = 317;
// var tokenId = 330;
// var diamondRingId = 569;

ObjectPacket result;
var objectType = item.ObjectType.GetPacketObjectType();
var suffixMod = item.Suffix == ItemSuffix.None
    ? (ushort)81
    : (ushort)GameObjectDataHelper.ObjectTypeToSuffixLocaleMap[item.ObjectType][item.Suffix].value;

var dbId = -1;
if (GameObjectDataHelper.WeaponsAndArmor.Contains(item.ObjectType))
    dbId = suffixMod > 1000 ? weaponArmorShiftedId : weaponArmorNotShiftedId;

else if (GameObjectDataHelper.Mantras.Contains(item.ObjectType))
    dbId = mantraId;

else if (GameObjectDataHelper.Powders.Contains(item.ObjectType))
    dbId = powderId;

else if (GameObjectDataHelper.AlchemyMaterials.Contains(item.ObjectType))
    dbId = alchemyId;

else if (item.ObjectType is GameObjectType.Ring)
    dbId = suffixMod > 1000 ? ringShiftedId : ringNotShiftedId;

else if (item.ObjectType is GameObjectType.FoodApple)
    dbId = foodAppleId;

if (dbId == -1)
        $"NOT FOUND: Type: {Enum.GetName(item.ObjectType)} Suffix: {suffixMod} {Enum.GetName(item.Suffix)}");
    dbId = 4;

result = MainServer.LiveServerObjectPacketCollection.FindOne(x => x.DbId == dbId);
var client = MainServer.ActiveClients!.GetValueOrDefault(clientId, null);
if (client is null)
    return null;

result.Id = client.GetLocalObjectId(item.Id);
if (objectType is not ObjectType.FoodApple)
    result.GameId = (ushort)item.GameId;
    result.SuffixMod = suffixMod;

var bagLocalId = Client.GetLocalObjectId(clientId, bagId);
result.BagId = bagLocalId;
result.Count = (ushort)item.ItemCount;

result.GameObject = MainServer.GameObjectCollection.FindById(item.GameObjectDbId);
if (objectType is not ObjectType.FoodApple)
    result.FriendlyName =
    var type = result.GameObject.ObjectType;
    result.Type = (ushort)objectType;
    if (GameObjectDataHelper.ObjectTypeToSuffixLocaleMap.ContainsKey(type))
        result.GameObject.Suffix = GameObjectDataHelper.ObjectTypeToSuffixLocaleMap[type]

return result;

That’s all, next time we’ll look at trading with vendors, try on freshly picked things and finally go out into the outside world.

See you!

Project code on Github

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