Onboarding in IT

While posting vacancies for the nth time on the HR search, we thought: it seems like we are doing something wrong. The problem of onboarding was more pressing than ever, and we needed to come up with a timely solution.

But we are getting ahead of ourselves. First, it’s worth defining what onboarding is? This is the “seating” of a person at the workplace. It’s difficult to immerse one employee in work; it’s even harder when, for example, there are ten new people. Everyone needs to devote time, answer all questions, and if at the same time the vacation period begins… Somewhere, HR specialists are definitely crying now, but not in our office.

We thought, is it possible to automate this somehow? We did not intend to fire all HR specialists, but it was necessary to make their work easier. The solution was found quickly. Chatbots were popular back in 2010, but now they have become even more in demand. It was a simple solution to a complex problem. This is how he appeared – Wombot. A service that allows you to set up a chatbot in Telegram to make life easier for all employees.

It turned out that we became the first consumers of our own development, because we created it primarily for ourselves, in order not to pour a lot of money into employee training.

Our “Qtim onboarding” contains information about regulations, vacation schedules and corporate bonuses, and more importantly, in the bot itself you can fill out all the necessary applications. The algorithm is as follows: you work well → you get tired of working → go to the bot → find the “I want to go on vacation” section → look at the vacation schedule and choose a time → fill out all the data (full name, etc.) → wait for confirmation → get ready to fly to the Maldives. And all this can be done in a couple of minutes without leaving your seat. Comfortable? We think so.

We have 60+ employees on staff, and it is very practical when all requests from them are in one place, and not scattered across all messengers, stuck like stickers on the laptop of a tired HR manager.

The topic of regulations and instructions deserves special attention; there are many different technical and operational ones, and previously it was necessary to spend many hours familiarizing employees with them. Now everything can be opened in the bot in five seconds. We are afraid to calculate how much time and money this decision saved us.

Our shock was that most employees had no idea about company bonuses before creating the bot. What a pleasant surprise it was for them to learn that work gives them the opportunity to study, get treatment and not carry their laptop every day, but have a corporate one in the office. It is clear that this is not a primary advantage, but for many it is important to find out about the opportunity to enroll in language courses or see a psychologist. This increased loyalty to Qtim.

The work was simplified, HR specialists did not turn into parrots, we saved the situation. More and more new features are being added to Wombot; we have already adapted its capabilities for different businesses. You can study in more detail what it can do Here.

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