Managing associated state is now even easier

Boo! Scared? Don't be afraid. Angular 19 is just around the corner and introduces a powerful new primitive called linkedSignalwhich will help you manage complex state in your applications. This is an alternative to using effect to simply update a signal based on a change in another signal. Not everyone in the community agreed (as always), some promoted the idea of ​​using computed instead of effectto reset signals based on a change in another signal.

linkedSignal is a feature designed to simplify this process by allowing you to link signals so that their values ​​are automatically synchronized based on a dependency. This is useful for creating reactive data where one value needs to be automatically updated when another value changes.

Let's look at an example

Let's say we have a signal that represents the number of rubles in the user's account:

const amountRubles = signal(700);

Now let's create a signal that will automatically recalculate our value in yuan:

const amountYuan = linkedSignal(() => amountRubles() / 13.63);

amountRubles and amountYuan are returned WritableSignalis an advanced signal interface that allows you to set/update values ​​and make them read-only.

The same code, but written using effect:

const amountYuan = signal(amountRubles() / 13.63);
effect(() => {
  amountYuan.set(amountRubles() / 13.63);

The result when changing the main signal is the same, the associated one will automatically change:

console.log(amountRubles()); // 700
console.log(amountYuan()); // 51.35


console.log(amountRubles()); // 1000
console.log(amountYuan()); // 73.36

There are situations when you need the ability to set more flexible settings. linkedSignal allows you to pass an object in which the update logic will be written:

selectedCity = signal('Москва');
weatherSignal = linkedSignal({
    source: () => this.selectedCity(), // Базовый сигнал (источник)
    computation: (city, previous) => {
      if (previous?.source === city && previous?.value) {
        // Если город не изменился, используем предыдущее значение
        return previous.value;
      // Получение прогноза из API при изменении города
      return this.fetchWeather(city);
    equal: (newVal, oldVal) => newVal.temperature === oldVal.temperature
    // equal предотвращает лишние обновления, если температура осталась прежней

This approach allows you to create linkedSignalwhich automatically updates only if the temperature for the selected city changes, minimizing unnecessary redraws.


  • Automatic data synchronization
    When one state changes, all data associated with it is updated automatically. This allows you to avoid “manual” recalculations and synchronization, which reduces the likelihood of errors

  • Reactivity without additional dependencies
    linkedSignal makes the code more straightforward, as it allows you to work with reactive data without the traditional RxJS

  • Simplify logic and improve readability
    Usage linkedSignal reduces the amount of code to handle reactivity. When dependencies are declared declaratively in a function linkedSignalthe code becomes cleaner and easier to maintain, since you can see exactly which values ​​affect the associated signal

  • Increased productivity
    linkedSignal optimizes calculations by causing recalculation only in those places where the state has actually changed. This reduces the load on the application compared to inefficient recalculations

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