Insomnia – Instructions for use

For beginner testers

Author: Nadezhda Dudnik

I want to say in advance that I like Postman, it’s just that Insomnia is a frequently used tool at my work, and it’s important to share information about its capabilities.


  • Introduction

  • Collection import

  • User creation

  • Working with variables and the environment

  • User authorization

  • Getting a token

  • Create a project

    • authentication through the “Headers” tab

    • authentication through the “Auth” tab

    • An addition about automating the receipt of a token for methods that

    require a bearer token.

  • General information about Insomnia

  • Certificate Installation

  • Automation options

  • Importing OpenAPI Documentation

  • Creating the first autotest when creating a user

  • Conclusion


Insomnia – REST API testing tool (API interaction client)

Download Insomnia

For example, I will use my favorite website Vikunja.


API documentation:

Download API Documentation from (search for “Download OpenAPI specification on the page”)

Collection import

Open the Insomnia app (Insomnia.Core-2023.4.0 for Mac/Windows at the time of writing). I will be using the app on Mac.

Button "Import"

“Import” button

Find button “Import” and click on it. Insomnia offers to download the data.

Import to project

Import to project

Select our docs.json file downloaded from

Import selected file

Import selected file

Click on the button “Scan” -> “Import”

Collection loaded:

Select a collection, and the contents of the collection are opened:

User creation

I will analyze the very first request, which is related to user registration on the site.

“auth” folder -> POST Register request

Folder "auth" -> POST Register request” title=”Folder "auth" -> POST Register request” width=”2512″ height=”1234″ data-src=””/></p><p><figcaption>“auth” folder -> POST Register request</figcaption></p></figure><h2>Working with variables and the environment</h2><p>Before dealing with sending the request itself, I will analyze where to create a variable and where it is stored.</p><blockquote><p><em>The “.base_url” variable is displayed in the address bar for the POST request.</em></p></blockquote><p>Choose “<strong><em>no environment</em></strong>” in the upper left corner</p><figure class=Choice "no environment"  in the upper left corner

Selecting “No Environment” in the top left corner

Click on “Manage Environments”.

Click on “+”.

Specify the name of the new collection “Vikunja”, create a variable base_url enter data as

{“base_url”: ““}

Creating a base_url variable

Creating a base_url variable

Click on the button Close.

The environment “Environment” as “Vikunja” is selected immediately by default.

Click on “.base_url” in the address bar -> a pop-up window will open to edit the variable in the environment.

Check that our created value base_url has the following form:

Popup window for editing a variable in the environment.

Popup window for editing a variable in the environment.

Click on the buttonDone“.

Specify the values ​​in the request body on the tab “JSON“, there are also tabs “Auth“, “Query“, ”headers“, “docs“, we will analyze them below.

Request body in JSON format

Request body in JSON format

Click on the button “Send”. A new user has been created in the system. Hooray :)!

User creation.  Display the response from the server.

User creation. Display the response from the server.

User authorization

Next, send the following user authorization request

“auth” folder -> POST Login request

Getting a token

and get the token in the response from the server. According to documentation JWT-Auth is used:

Authorization: Bearer <jwt-token>

User authorization request.

User authorization request.

Click on the button “send“. The user is authorized in the system. A token has been received. Hooray :)!


Getting a token

Create a project

Now we use the created token in the request to create the project.

Find folder “project“, open it, select a request

Folder “project” -> PUT Creates a new project

Preparing to submit a project creation request

Preparing to submit a project creation request

There are two ways where you can specify a variable for the token (the life of the token is 30 minutes or the user will be deleted from the system in 30 minutes).

  1. way through the tab “headers

  2. way through the tab “Auth

Precondition: Select “Vikunja” environment in the top left corner -> Select “Manage Environments” -> Add new variable with value:

“token”: “eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6IiIsImVtYWlsUmVtaW5kZXJzRW5hYmxlZCI6ZmFsc2UsImV4cCI6MTY5MjYyNTE3NSwiaWQiOjIsImlzTG9jYW xVc2VyIjp0cnVlLCJsb25nIjp0cnVlLCJuYW1lIjoiIiwidHlwZSI6MSwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJVc2VyTmFtZSJ9.QFcn0BDkmh2bF2fpZocxOrUoVVSra8c1cNE9beROYZA”

Adding a new environment variable

Adding a new environment variable

Click on the button close“.


Authentication via “Headers” tab

Let’s analyze 1 way through the tabheaders“.

Select tab headers“.

Tab Authentication "headers"

Authentication via “Headers” tab

Click on “.api_key” -> a pop-up window will open to edit the variable in the environment.

Edit”.api_key” on “.token“and click on the button”Done

Choosing a token value

Choosing a token value

The set variable looks like “.token“, and at the beginning be sure to add the word “Bearer” and a space – it’s important to specify for the “Authorization” header, since the token is bearer.

Edit the request body in the “JSON” tab according to requirement and click on the buttonsend“.

In the body of the request, specify only the name of the project:

{ “title”: “my project”}


Authentication via the “Auth” tab

Let’s analyze the 2nd method through the tab “Auth“.

Select tab “Auth” , click on the down arrow (more precisely, expand) and select the type of authentication Bearer Token

Tab Authentication "Auth"

Authentication via the “Auth” tab

The following view is displayed:

tab "Bearer"

Bearer Tab

Start typing a value {{_ in the field “TOKEN”

and select variable “.token“. Click on the buttonsend“.

Choosing a token value and sending a request to create a project.

Choosing a token value and sending a request to create a project.

A new project has been created! Hooray!)

Create a new project

Create a new project

An addendum about automating the receipt of a token for methods that require a bearer token.

Precondition: Select “Vikunja” environment in the top left corner -> Select “Manage Environments” -> Add new variable with value:

Request -> OAuth 2.0 Access Token

Token acquisition automation for methods that require a bearer token

Token acquisition automation for methods that require a bearer token

After this value is selected, it will look like this:

Select Request -> OAuth 2.0 Access Token” title=”Select Request -> OAuth 2.0 Access Token” width=”2324″ height=”654″ data-src=””/></p><p><figcaption>Select Request -> OAuth 2.0 Access Token</figcaption></p></figure><p>Click on <em> {% request ‘oauth2’, ”, 0 %} </em></p><figure class=Editing a variable

Editing a variable

Next, configure, selectResponse – reference values ​​from other request’s responses

Choice "Response - reference values ​​from other request's responses"

ChoiceResponse – reference values ​​from other request’s responses”

The following window will be displayed, it is important to fill in these fields with the following values:

  1. Attribute – value from the body of the response from the server

  2. Request – user authorization “POST Login

  3. Specify a specific key, starting with $.namely $.tokenand in “live preview” immediately displays the value of the token.

  4. Trigger Behavior says that when the token fades out, then once again send a request for user authorization

  5. You can click on “Refresh“, the token will be updated

  6. Click on “Done

Entering the required data

Entering the required data

The following window will be displayed, IMPORTANT to specify the value of the token in quotes!

“token”: “Response -> Body Attribute”

the command itself looks like this:

“token”: “{% response ‘body’, ‘req_d2e9a976eb4d4e6595011784f232df4a’, ‘b64::JC50b2tlbg==::46b’, ‘when-expired’, 60 %}”

"token": "Response -> Body Attribute"” title=”"token": "Response -> Body Attribute"” width=”1296″ height=”508″ data-src=””/></p><p><figcaption>“token”: “Response -> Body Attribute”</figcaption></p></figure><p>Close a window<em> “</em><strong><em>Manage Environments</em></strong><em>“.</em></p><p>Select tab “<strong><em>Auth</em></strong>” , click on the down arrow (more precisely, expand) and select the type of authentication “<strong><em>Bearer Token</em></strong>“.Start typing value <strong><em>{{</em></strong>  in field “<strong><em>TOKEN</em></strong>” and select variable “<strong><em>.token</em></strong>“. Click on the button “<strong><em>send</em></strong>“.</p><figure class=Display required data

Display required data

Hooray! Project created! The main thing is not to forget to create a user, log in to the system, and the token will be obtained automatically in this way.

For other queries, you can also “pull” the required values.

General information about Insomnia

Insomnia supports sending requests via HTTP, gRPC, GraphQL, WebSocket.

Sending requests via HTTP, gRPC, GraphQL, WebSocket.

Sending requests via HTTP, gRPC, GraphQL, WebSocket.

for HTTP requests:

Tabs”Body” (indicating the request body), “Auth” (indicating the type of authorization), “Query” (specifying parameters), ”headers” (indicating HTTP request headers), “docs” (specifying the OpenApi documentation for the request

for HTTP request

for HTTP request

Selecting JSON Data Transfer Format

Selecting JSON Data Transfer Format

For a request, you can do the following:

Request Actions

Request Actions

A particularly important function Generate code.

For HTTP response:

Tabs”Preview or Source or Raw” (indicating the body of the response from the server), ”headers” (indicating HTTP response headers), “Cookies“, “Timeline“(information about temporary features)

For example, Timeline when creating a project

Preparing request to

Current time is 2023-07-22T21:30:46.171Z

Enable automatic URL encoding

Using default HTTP version

Enable SSL validation

Too old connection (567 seconds), disconnect it


Parameter for the response from the server

Parameter for the response from the server

Certificate Installation

About installing a certificate (for example, for fintech, this is the very first thing to do before sending a request).

Choose “Collection Settings” -> “Client Certificates“. Click on “New Certificate“.

Add Certificate window

Add Certificate window

All necessary files and hosts must be provided by colleagues (admins, ask in the general chat).

Specify “Host“, click on “Choose Cert” And “Choose Key“, add files.

Filling out the window for the certificate

Filling out the window for the certificate

Click on the buttonCreate Certificate

View mode:

Display of the entered data, the certificate is selected by default.

Display of the entered data, the certificate is selected by default.

For our work in the request settings, uncheck the checkboxes “Send cookies automatically” And “Store cookies automatically“:


Automation options

The tool allows you to make test scenarios: negative and positive, uses the JS language for automation, allows you to run runs and get a run report and generate CI for autorun from the console.

Importing OpenAPI Documentation

Click on the iconHomepage” -> Find “All Files” -> “Documents” -> Click to “+”

Import Open API Documentation

Import Open API Documentation

The system displays a pop-up window “Create New Design Document“, leave “my-spec.yaml“and click on the button”Create



New Document created. Three tabs displayed “DESIGN”, “DEBUG”, “TEST”.

New Document created

New Document created

Click on the buttonImport OpenAPI” -> ChooseFile“.

Select our docs.json file downloaded from

Displaying Open API Documentation

Displaying Open API Documentation

Displayed “Vikunja API” documentation.

Creating the first autotest when creating a user

Select tab “DEBUG“-> Add a request to create a user ->

I warn you that when you re-create a user, you need to change the mail and username.

Since I have already created a user, for the autotest I will change the mail and username values ​​for the user.

Select tab “TEST“-> Find and click New Test Suite->

Specify name “Tests” -> Click on the button “Create Suite

Create a test

Create a test

Click on the button “New test” -> Keep default name “Returns 200” (because when creating a user, the status code 200 is returned) -> click on “New Test”

Returns 200

Returns 200

Select dropdown”Select Request” -> Select our request for “User creation (registration)” from the “DEBUG” tab

Request for "User creation (registration)" from the tab "DEBUG"

Request for “User creation (registration)” from “DEBUG” tab

Insomnia offers a default code snippet:

const response1 = await insomnia.send();


Default code display

Default code display

Click on the buttonRun Tests“.

Status specified "Passed"

Status specified “Passed

Test completed successfully, status is “Passed.

Press the button againRun Tests“.

status specified "failed"

status specified “failed

Test failed, status indicated “failed“.

Hooray, the simplest autotest is written.

More examples:

Preconditions: changed mail and username on the “DEBUG” tab

Added two tests to send user registration “Response body has property Id” and ”Response body is json object’. Each time a new test is submitted, so the second test will display an error that such a user exists (a new test will be created for this case” User already exists”.

Code for training:

1 test “Response body has property Id”

const response1 = await insomnia.send();

const body = JSON.parse(;

const item = body;


2 test ”Response body is json object’

const response1 = await insomnia.send();

const resp_body = JSON.parse(;


3 test to check that such a user exists (“User already exists”).

const response1 = await insomnia.send();


const body = JSON.parse(;

const item = body;



More information about scripts in official documentation.



And there are also such features: built-in DevTools, request conversion into code, JSON|XML – readable view (Beautify JSON), there are hints for validating entered values, request history.

Thanks for reading.

Sincerely, Nadezhda Dudnik (protestinginfo)chief test engineer in fintech and software testing mentor.

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