Cursor AI Assistant Review for Developers

Let's face it, sometimes writing code can be a pain. We've all been there, staring at a blank screen, trying to remember that specific syntax, or trying to debug a problem that's driving us nuts.

Sure, there are AI-powered tools like GitHub Copilot, ChatGPT, and Claude that are trying to make our lives easier. But let’s be honest — they also leave us wanting more.

Have you ever wished, when you were deep into a complex project, that your AI assistant could see the big picture? For example, understand the overall architecture, your coding style, and the specifics of the project?

This is where Cursor comes to the rescue.

AI code editor Cursor

Cursor — is a code editor on steroids with AI support. It is an alternative to Visual Studio Code and brings advanced artificial intelligence capabilities to a familiar interface.

What makes Cursor stand out is its deep integration into your coding workflow. It doesn’t just suggest code or solve repetitive tasks, it actually understands your project. It understands your coding style, knows your project structure, and even follows your team’s best practices. It’s like having a pair programming partner who gives helpful advice, catches bugs early, and even helps you refactor your code — all in real time.

So let's take a look at the key features of Cursor and how they can improve your coding experience.

1. Tab

Forget everything you know about traditional autocomplete—now the Tab feature in Cursor comes to the rescue.

Once enabled, Tab works in the background, analyzing your existing code and predicting your next steps. It doesn't stop at adding a single line; Cursor can suggest edits across multiple lines, taking into account recent changes and the overall context of the project.

Generating a new level of code

Do you ever find yourself writing code and thinking, “I wish an AI assistant could write this function for me”? Well, the Tab feature in Cursor is very close to that. Start typing, and it will pick up on your intent and suggest possible next logical steps. It’s like pair programming with an AI that actually understands you.

Multi-line editing

This is where things get really cool. Tab can suggest multiple edits at once. This isn’t just about saving keystrokes — it’s about keeping you as focused as possible. Whether you’re adding new code or refactoring old code, Cursor has your back.

Smart rewrite

We all have days when our fingers can't keep up with our brains. Typos happen. Syntax errors creep in. Cursor's Tab function acts as your own personal code corrector, catching and fixing errors on the fly. It's like a spell checker, but for code.

Intuitive prediction of cursor movement

Have you ever felt like your cursor is always in the wrong place? The Tab function in Cursor includes intelligent cursor prediction. It's eerie how well it predicts where you'll want to edit next.

But Tab is just the beginning. Let's talk about the next big thing: ⌘ K.

2. ⌘ K

If Tab is your programming partner, consider ⌘ K a programming guru. This keyboard shortcut puts the power of AI-powered coding at your fingertips.

On-demand code generation

Are you looking at an empty file and don’t know where to start? ⌘ K can help you. Just describe what you want to create and watch Cursor write code. From templates to complex algorithms, ⌘ K will help you start the coding process.

Convenient code editing

Remember the last time you had to refactor a large piece of code? You probably drank a lot of coffee and felt a lot of frustration in the process. With ⌘ K, you can simply select the code, hit a hotkey, and tell the tool what you want to change. It's like a wish-granting genie, only instead of wishes, you get edited code.

Quick questions for instant answers

Sometimes you just need a quick explanation. That's where ⌘ K's Quick Question feature comes in handy. Pick any code, ask a question, and get an instant, context-sensitive answer. It's like having a senior developer on call to help (minus the awkwardness that comes with communicating with real people).

Now let's look at how Cursor brings its capabilities to the command line.

3. Terminal

Cursor's AI magic isn't limited to your code editor. It extends right into your terminal. No more frantically Googling command syntax or scrolling through manual pages.

With ⌘ K in the terminal, you can simply type your query in plain English, and Cursor will translate your query into the desired command. It's like having a command line interpreter that actually speaks human language.

For example, instead of trying to remember the exact syntax of the find command, you can simply type “Find all files modified in the last 24 hours” and let Cursor do the work.

4. Chat

If the cmd K function changes the way you write code, the Chat function changes the way you think about code.

Context-sensitive conversations

This isn't just another chat window in the sidebar. Cursor knows what file you're in and where your cursor is. It's like talking to a developer who can see what's happening on your screen.

Are you unsure about a feature? Just ask, “Is there a bug here?” and get an answer based on your actual code, not some generic answer.

Instant code application

See a suggestion in the chat window that you like? One click and it’s in your code. No need to copy and paste anything. This seamless integration between the chat and the code editor simplifies your workflow, allowing you to implement solutions faster than ever.

Visual context with image support

Sometimes code can't tell the whole story. Maybe you have a UI mockup or a system diagram. With Cursor's Chat, you can drag and drop images directly into the conversation. It's like being able to sketch on a whiteboard while reviewing code, only digital.

5. Composer

This is where things get really interesting. While Tab, Chat, and ⌘ K are great for writing and editing code, Composer takes them to a whole new level.

Generating applications

Imagine writing an app idea and seeing it come to life. That’s where Composer can help. Whether it’s creating a prototype, a proof of concept, or even a clone of an existing app, Composer can create a functional codebase in minutes. It’s not just writing code, it’s creating entire apps with all the necessary imports and boilerplate code.

Advice: Composer does a great job of generating code from a description, but there are specialized tools for converting design files directly into code. For example, Visual Copilot converts Figma designs into code. This can be especially useful if you have your own design system and want to simplify the process of turning designs into functional code.

Multi-file magic

Composer doesn’t just work with individual files. It can orchestrate changes across an entire project. It’s like having an AI architect that understands not only your code, but also how all of its parts fit together. The perfect example is when you’re building an app and want to refactor your codebase to use a new library.

Composer comes with two interface options:

  1. Floating Window (CMD+I): A movable, resizable window that lets you keep Composer handy while you work on other things. Perfect for multitasking.

  2. Fullscreen mode (CMD+SHIFT+I): When you need to focus on the big picture, you get three panes.

It's like having a senior developer who can not only write code, but also understand and implement entire architectures.

6. Context

Cursor is different from other AI coding tools because it understands context. It doesn’t just see the file you’re working on, it understands the entire codebase. This deep understanding enables many of Cursor’s features, providing more accurate and relevant help.

@ Symbols: Your Contextual Superhero

Cursor uses @ symbols as a powerful way to reference different types of context in your interactions with AI. Whether you’re using ⌘ K, Chat, or Composer, @ symbols provide quick access to files, code snippets, documentation, and more.

Here's a quick summary:

  • @Files: A reference to entire files in your project.

  • @Folders: reference entire folders.

  • @Code: Reference specific sections of code.

  • @Docs: Access pre-indexed documentation from third-party developers or add your own.

  • @Git: Add git commits, diffs or pull requests to your prompt (in chat).

  • @Codebase: Scan the entire codebase for context.

  • @Web: search for the information you need on the Internet.

  • @Chat and @Definitions: ⌘ K lets you use chat messages or nearby code definitions as context.

You can even insert links with the @ prefix to tell Cursor to include that web resource.

And if you want to keep Cursor from getting distracted, you can use a .cursorignore file (works like .gitignore) to exclude certain files or directories from being indexed.

7. AI Review

Imagine having an experienced developer review your code changes in real time, identifying potential errors before they reach production. That’s what Cursor’s AI Review feature offers.

It scans your latest changes, providing insights and identifying potential issues. You can dive into individual review elements, see full context in the editor, and even chat with AI to learn more.

You can customize what the AI ​​looks for — want to focus on performance optimization or security vulnerabilities? Just tell the AI ​​what to look for, and it will adjust its scan accordingly.

Additionally, you have a choice of when to run the scan:

  • Check for unsaved changes

  • Compare your work with the main branch

  • Study the latest commit.

It's like doing code reviews on demand without disturbing your colleagues. This feature significantly improves code quality and can even help you write better unit tests.

8. Rules for artificial intelligence

Every developer and team has their own coding style, best practices, and specific project requirements. Cursor lets you write these preferences directly into the behavior of the AI.

Under Settings > General > AI Rules, you can add custom instructions for Cursor's AI to follow in features like Chat and ⌘ K. This ensures that the AI's suggestions adhere to your coding standards.

For even more control, you can use a .cursorrules file in the root directory of your project. This will allow you to define project-specific instructions to ensure that the AI ​​understands the unique requirements of each codebase.

It's like training your personal AI assistant to write code the way you prefer.

10. Privacy and Security

Cursor takes data security seriously. It offers a privacy mode that ensures your code never leaves your computer. This is ideal for working on sensitive projects or when working with proprietary code.


Cursor takes AI-powered development to a whole new level. It’s no longer just about code completion or code generation. It’s about AI that truly understands your project, your coding style, and your needs as a developer. It supports a variety of programming languages ​​and can help both new coders and experienced developers.

As AI continues to evolve, tools like Cursor show us a future where the line between developer and AI assistant becomes increasingly blurred. Hopefully, this will lead to more efficient, creative, and powerful software development.

Cursor’s ease of use belies its powerful capabilities. With just a few lines of instructions, it can generate complex functions, refactor entire code bases, or even create a functional app. It’s truly part development environment, part AI assistant, and it’s a game-changer.

So why not give Cursor a try? It might change the way you think about coding. And who knows, you might even enjoy the process.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Cursor

What programming languages ​​does Cursor work with?
Almost everything. It works great with the most popular ones like Python, JavaScript, and Java, but it will work with most languages ​​supported by VS Code.

Do I need an OpenAI API key to use Cursor?
No, Cursor works right out of the box. No additional settings are required.

Can Cursor handle complex coding tasks?
Of course! It can help with both simple functionality and more serious tasks, such as refactoring huge code bases or writing entire functions.

Is Cursor suitable for beginners?
Definitely. If you're just starting out, he can explain concepts, point out best practices, and help you learn as you go.

How does Cursor work with existing code?
Pretty good. It can understand and work with code that has already been written. It can help you manage code, refactor, and even explain complex parts of your codebase.

Can Cursor create an entire application from scratch?
It's not magic, after all — it can't create a full-fledged app out of thin air. But it can speed up the process considerably. With the right prompts, you can go from an idea to a finished app pretty quickly.

Will Cursor break my existing workflow?
Cursor is designed to integrate seamlessly into your development process. It's built on top of VS Code, so once you get used to it, it'll be fine.

Can Cursor help with unit testing?
Yes, Cursor can help you write and improve your unit tests. It can suggest test cases, help you set up tests, and even identify areas of your code that need better test coverage.

You can master other relevant tools, as well as programming and testing skills on online courses under the guidance of industry experts.

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