Blue Bird at home:

So the CIA BB program – its foundations were laid by notes on the work of German officers in the Dachau camp. Yes, yes, yes, around the time when Beria headed the NKVD and began to overthrow his angels, sluggish attempts to study the possibilities of consciousness control began in Germany.

With the beginning of the war, in parallel with this, in the country of the elves, sluggish attempts by psycholunchians began to turn soldiers into killers, otherwise, you know, you give a civilian a machine gun, train him, and he, on the orders of the fathers of the commanders, shoots, but for some reason consciously and past the enemy soldiers (then before British scientists have not yet realized that instead of all these psychological problems it would be much easier to use the services of prisoners and Wagnerites)

Everything would be fine, but still they began to achieve their first successes when the greatest politician of the last millennium, who I hope left Russian roots, united the Directorate of Strategic Services, which in turn allowed him to combine the works of British and German scientists in work on consciousness control.

Origins of the program's motivation:

At the first stage, in the sluggish attempts of the CIA to find someone to give out most of the budget money aimed at financing this program, the maximum success in this was achieved by the Church of Scientology, which I think is familiar to every second true connoisseur of Fallout 2, which in turn was motivated to prevent the destruction of the world as a result of a nuclear war, even before the first atomic bombs exploded at the USSR test sites. If you're starting to understand what I mean: take a closer look at one minor character from NewReno.

The main program of this church was:

  • Establishment of one world government – implementation initiated

  • Removing international borders is still at the experimental stage

  • A single world army – there are not even hints of this yet, and it is completely unclear to me who will need an army in the absence of a potential enemy

  • A single world bank and a single world currency are still only at the stage of hints to individual rulers in the form of: coups d'etat, political assassinations and invasions of armies armed with weapons that are ahead of the weapons of those who want to abandon the dollar for 1-2 generations.

Start Blue Bird:

The launch of the program was initiated in 1948 in one of the London psychiatric clinics. Where patients began to be continuously exposed to insulin comas for 3+ months in combination with electroconvulsive therapy and various medications. They specialized in sleepy rooms mainly on teenage girls, turning on paper mild eating disorders into severe schizophrenia:

“It was like I was being buried alive,” she says. “I lay in the dark for hour after hour and could not move. I was not aware of my body, only my head in this darkness. You could hear people moving, other people breathing and moaning.”

It must be said that in our institution, to which one not very high-ranking law enforcement officer was almost brought on his feet, he also thought a little about his behavior in a similar way:

Just think about your behavior…

Left alone with his wife, unable to move or say anything for months, but just listen to everything, cry and mumble, just until his wife finds another, more worthy one, after which it is possible to die from bedsores in a boarding school.

During those experiments, 4 patients died in that clinic; in Sydney, sleep treatment led to the death of another 26 patients. A pair of sadists with connections to MI6, in competition with each other, killed another 85 patients at ROSKOMNADZOR.

It must be said that both of these services in the late 40s were urgently looking for new ways to understand, fight and overcome the medical manipulations of Soviet and Chinese psychiatrists.

Big Leap in Social Engineering:

In 1948, a congress on mental health was held in London, where they tried to convey the message to all those present:

The ultimate goal of mental health is to help people live with their fellow humans in the same world…

The principles of mental health cannot be successfully implemented in any society unless there is a gradual acceptance of the concept of world citizenship.


In 1948-1950, either before receiving serious funding from the intelligence services, or after, Hubbard began his experiments on more than 1000 initially unsuspecting psychiatric patients. At the same time, he also fooled the Office of Strategic Services, who considered that this was just an ordinary drug study for suitability for interrogation, giving this version more credibility with a reference to the works of Freud.

In addition, showing the military its usefulness in the form of rehabilitation of the five hundredths, as well as the unconscious possibility of causing serious mental injuries by ordinary medical personnel during routine anesthesia.

Closer to 1960, Hubbard, having gained sufficient experience in experiments on mental patients, began to joke about the medical staff of psychiatric clinics, not so much because of his bad sense of humor, but in order to put hopeless psychiatric patients on their feet using methods that were not approved in society … despite that:

if you go into an institution you will find that you are dealing with people who are now deprived of all civil rights, who are wards of the state, who are in fact the property of the state

Apparently, unnecessary damage to such property, even for reasons of humanity, was not welcomed by ordinary medical personnel who had not yet been brainwashed.

In any case, they only treat schizophrenia.

And they take someone who is suffering… and they take him from ROSKOMNADZOR, and they take him to ROSKOMNADZOR, and he ends up in the books as a schizophrenic.

BB goals and methods:

  1. As a means of controlling people using special interrogation techniques

  2. As a way to prevent the extraction of information from CIA agents

Psychiatrists with connections to the CIA conducted experiments with electric shock, painkillers, hypnosis, and various drugs and psychedelics. They also used some ideas that arose at the end of the 18th century…

TO DO: resume after communication with the source is restored

Fantastic part:

After, either on the fourth or fifth attempt, having heard the Voice of God, I got away with several sick days instead of a psychiatric hospital, I partially lost my former modesty in communicating with both attractive and not so attractive girls and temporarily gained a complete absence of fears and horrors.

Basics of Goal Setting in Brave New World:

It seemed that something like this could motivate you when the debit card almost never runs out of money, because their absence will lead to serious grievances and probable punishment of almost innocent people, and their serious accumulation will lead to frustration due to the need to find measures to improve their security…

What to do when you are in hibernation without thoughts, desires and future? The first thing that came to mind was to fulfill the wish of a girl with whom we were friends during our student years… she just wanted to get a part-time job at one Production Association.

While in hibernation, I simply lured either 4 or 3 employees of this software to my institution after reconnaissance about the agony of this software, which supplies components for video conferencing systems.


The first thing to do if you stumble and fall and find yourself in a brave new world is to look around both outside and inside yourself:

If I just felt the attention of someone’s special services outside, then my gut whispers to me that soon they will be overwhelmed by the attention of their colleagues.

Then from within, one ability returned from within the list of bigots – understanding and using specific terms available only to specialists… which once upon a time was completely repelled by a course of Zyprexa, as well as the simple ability to simply fall asleep without regularly taking something more challenging.

Also added 2 new abilities to access the list of bigots:

Lack of modesty in communicating with girls and complete fearlessness towards external and internal threats.

Well, if we move from spiritual practices to the state of the body – serious, partially irreversible damage to the endocrine glands, probably reversible damage to the heart, serious degradation of connective tissue formations (skin, joints, ligaments), moderate partially uncorrectable visual impairment, serious mental problems, temporarily partially compensated .

I'm a legend:

Before introducing it into software, you need to think through your legend very carefully… Unfortunately, I didn’t have to invent anything, mania turned me into: A preoccupied sexual maniac, carrying the word and work of the ancient gods, into a simple schizophrenic experiencing serious problems with potency from 20+ years of intoxicating therapy.

Don't get lost when you hit the signal:

After waking up, having begun to actively brainwash the last software employee who ended up in my institution, someone suspected something strange in his behavior, and a person came to me from a system related to the pentagram, probably closely communicating through video conferencing with the software. However, we left happy with each other, so we didn’t even have to take his phone number. After he left, I noticed that one specific term, characteristic of all three institutions, slipped into one of my chats.

Determining the limits of competence of the Chat Security Council:

At first, subtly hinting that I have knowledge of drugs that preserve the ability to speak and feel pain, but completely eliminate the memory of what was said. Then he brazenly lured one of the chat participants to my institution, after which he disappeared from the chat for a couple of days… without alerting anyone. Then he thickly hinted at his memory problems, in the form of a question, which he was embarrassed to answer because of his shyness, citing memory problems. And after my formidable reputation as a sexual maniac pervert turned all of the above into an innocent joke about a proctological examination, it became clear that the SB PO does not have the slightest idea about special interrogation methods under the Blue Bird program.

Publication timing:

Yes, my dear friends, if you want to create the most favorable impression about your article, then in addition to the influence of the weather, which varies so much depending on the geography of readers, the second important factor is the time of day.

In terms of tolerance for my nonsense, one should strictly highlight the last quarter of the working day – when the attitude towards the irritant is as negative as possible, the more pleasant evening time, when if someone finds my nonsense pleasant, then the rest try not to express irritation, so as not to deprive the individual inhabitants of the chat of pleasure.

And the time after midnight, when the groom comes in the night, on the one hand, this time of day makes most individuals maximally sensitive to certain types of spiritual mental practices, on the other hand, if the SB is weak, then she is sleeping at this time.

Innocent poem:

As the serpent charms – the servant bows

As the serpent schemes – the servant dreams

As the serpent sleeps – the servant waits

As the serpent strikes – the servant prays

It would seem that innocence itself and what does this have to do with one little-known US Navy officer…

Strike purely on instincts:

So, a couple of hours after midnight, the most suggestible victim began to give me data that went beyond the scope of the NDA. Moreover, her mind was taken under control so easily that only an hour later did someone from the chat realize to wake up the chief security officer. Who was very taken aback by what he saw and without having read my above action plan beforehand, began to work according to the template, in response receiving subtle hints from which a more erudite specialist might have crap himself a little. The actual Security Council action template:

  1. They start with a vague threat: be careful not to shit yourself.

  2. Then the threat to reset the accounts – in response, I lured an employee of the HR department of the bank where my debit card was issued for a walk – who didn’t particularly understand HR and, as a result, either because of problems with sleep or because of work, a week later she pretended that she was completely forgot my name

  3. The threat to deprive them of the opportunity to engage in professional activities – in response, a subtle hint showed that they were not in the subject regarding the communication systems of one interesting local town, probably working with the GDC

  4. The threat to turn into a woman, either in the form of sexual intercourse, or through a surgical operation – in response, religious nonsense with a very subtle family overtones, which also did not reach them

  5. The threat to turn into an animal – in response to even more subtle religious nonsense, which showed that they are not at all aware of the probable threats revealed by the insider

  6. At this point, either the instructions or the imagination of the Chief Security Officer ended, and he responded to my hidden threat with a banhammer.

But if everything were that simple…

In the absence of instructions from the center:

If you haven’t forgotten, there was still a victim in the chat under my control, who started such a fight with my banhammer in the chat that the GB took care to take away the phone number from probably one of the software workers who suddenly showed pro-American positions. And the next time I returned to the same chat.

GB began to experience severe embarrassment, and I cheerfully reported to my girlfriend that I had already made a joke about GB in the chat she needed and today he would not be in the chat… as a result, many of the institutions where my girlfriend mainly works really crap themselves, and I felt what an agent felt when left without instructions from the center.

Things to do:

It was immediately clear that GB has the highest resistance to MDT of all those present in this chat, and it became decisively important for me to measure my potential on it. I will say right away that I have already met several people on whom my MDTs have practically no effect yet… but there is one caveat – they are completely unsuitable for working as GBs.

Since, by this time, the GB had already realized that he had spoken about one, and perhaps more than one article, and in response I was talking complete nonsense with subtle hints incomprehensible to the uninitiated reader… then, just in case, he deleted all traces of these threats, and the disclosure of the NDA… which seemed to hint that it was time to start recruiting him under the guise of the CIA… But either he turned out to be too stupid or too smart to admit that everything he said remained on the American servers… but before March 8 There were hints of unlimited funding so that some girls would flow from both above and below.

From March 8:

What to do when they offer unlimited financing.

Because the cutest girl in the chat, who is either married or not, blocked me in the private chat. First, I clarified the GB’s position on Kazakh women… who in some ways remind me of Russian women imported to the sultry steppes of Australia in not the best years for Russia. Then he hinted that instead of gifts on March 8, it would not be better to establish either a concession or not entirely legal channels for the supply of raw materials from there. Then he hinted that one officer, oddly enough now also serving in the US Navy, already had experience building a nuclear reactor in his backyard, despite the much worse situation with raw materials than in Kazakhstan.

But when it began to dawn on me that he didn’t seem to understand what I was talking about. Then I strongly hinted to him that it would be nice to throw 2 megatons at the bunker, the coordinates of which, as it turned out, for some reason no one knows, despite working in such valuable software.

Meeting with a military psychiatrist:

Since before such thick hints about a nuclear loaf, I hinted in the chat that I was hit by something so strong at work that while I was half asleep, someone asked me strange questions about familiar hackers… then everyone in the chat for some reason thought to the fact that the GB gassed me through the ventilation system… which, experiencing pangs of conscience, he regretted and deleted part of this correspondence… despite the fact that all the data remained on the American server… he was not so much experiencing pangs of shame and conscience, but fearing for his reputation among colleagues who have already begun to understand that I am he, and he is me, and that he corresponds with himself via 2 cell phones, and that it is not me who needs the pills, but him… he delegated his powers to military psychiatrists.

Nightwish – The Phantom Of The Opera (ft. Henk Poort) (LIVE)

Likely source for a future article:

Since the accusations against psychiatry were very serious, the VP was probably forced to record the conversation in order to share responsibility, so to speak, just in case.

Smelling a man with a military registration and enlistment smell still far outside the office, I invited him aside so that our conversation would not frighten the rest of the staff. As a legend, he chose his own student, if I’m not mistaken, Glushkov in the Ministry of Electronic Industry, which, however, was limping at the seams.

  1. He was unable to name Glushkov's main mistake.

  2. He was unable to determine the time complexity of the quicksort algorithm.

  3. He was not aware of the technological solutions to protect against Satan's radiation in Satan himself.

However, we left happy with each other and didn’t even have to take his phone number, I think in their report they were forced to write: he simply shows an increased interest in atomic weapons and electronics. But this led me to the idea of ​​writing an article about what was happening with the MEP, at a time when most of us were at school… because by absolutely coincidence, a real and more knowledgeable MEP worker visited me a little earlier than the EP.

Speaking of donations:

2Taylor_Swift: If you were to take a closer look at my behavior in EU4, you would notice that Weaving is my secondary skill, the most heavily used, not so much due to its effectiveness, but to the sudden need for leveling it up.

And since someone either hinted at paying for writing an article, or did not hint, in any case there was not even a hint of a form of payment…

I ask you to send the donation using a bird, in the shape of a pebble, with an engraving that I hope is already known to you, at a coordinate that I hope is already known to you, because if it is not already known to you… then it would be nice to start preparing for the wrath of Poseidon.


There is a slightly prohibited practice by the Ministry of Health: study Hubbard’s work – if you are a smart and resilient person enough – then you will definitely touch the search networks of the Church of Scientology and with a little luck you will simply break the will of their minions and be reborn. If you don’t have very good personal qualities, then you can give them all the money and rise to a new level or end your life in suicide – not that this is an extremely dangerous practice, but the likelihood of self-cutting will be somewhat higher than for a 20-year-old who started taking an antidepressant .

Resistance to mental techniques is different for everyone, and is much higher for a security officer, and when you start to pressure him, to do something that contradicts his moral principles, he simply begins to go crazy, never completing what is required.

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