Zinc: How Its Deficiency Affects Memory and Mood

Mostly, we don't think about the causes of depression or memory problems. We're in a pinch, we go to the doctor, buy some pills, and make our lives temporarily easier. But what if the problem could be just a deficiency of one microelement?

In touch RISE: Nootropics and Biohacking Community. We tell you how important zinc is for our brain and in what form is it best to take it?

How important is zinc?

Zinc is a trace mineral that plays an important role in overall human health and cognitive function.

Zinc is essential for the catalytic activity of about 100 enzymes. It is involved in the immune response, protein synthesis, wound healing, DNA synthesis and cell division, as well as bones, testosterone, and cognitive functions.

A little more detail about the participation of zinc:

  • Neurotransmission: Zinc inhibits NMDA receptors, which reduces glutamate toxicity. Zinc also modulates the activity of proteins such as receptors and enzymes involved in macromolecular regulation, regulation of signaling cascades and gene transcription, and transport processes.

  • Anxiety and Depression: Low zinc levels are associated with depression, and the lower the levels, the more severe the depression. Zinc increases the uptake of serotonin in certain areas of the brain, which increases the effectiveness of antidepressants.

  • Neuroprotector: Zinc acts as a regulator of oxidation-reduction homeostasis (both oxidative and antioxidant reactions) DNA repair. Zinc suppresses the production of inflammatory cytokines. Increases BDNF levels.

Adequate levels of zinc strengthen our immunity and help fight colds. Review Cochrane came to the conclusion that:

Zinc is useful in reducing the duration and severity of colds in healthy people if taken within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms

Zinc as an antidepressant?

Zinc certainly cannot be called a full-fledged antidepressant, but it plays a huge role in reducing the level of depressive disorders and improving mood.

Zinc is also critical for transmitting signals between neurons and other cells in your body. The highest amounts of zinc are found in the brain. Especially in the hippocampus. Zinc deficiency can lead to symptoms of depression, aggression, seizures, ADHD, and learning and memory problems.

Lately, more and more are appearing evidence that depression may be associated with low zinc levels.

Zinc deficiency causes an increase in NMDA receptors. This can cause glutamate overload and excitotoxicity. And then the chain reaction is a decrease in GABA and nerve growth factor, severe overexcitation, seizures, migraines, anxiety, etc.

A double-blind, placebo-controlled study in Japan was conducted with 30 women to examine the effects of zinc supplements on mood. Half of the women took a multivitamin. The other half received a multivitamin with 7 mg of zinc per day for 10 weeks.

  • Women who took multivitamins/zincshowed significant reduction in anger, hostility, and depression. Women taking only multivitamins showed no improvement in mood.

  • Another study involved patients with depression and overweight showedthat depression decreased in those who took zinc supplements.

  • Also the opposite studyshowed that people suffering from depression had extremely low zinc levels. And the more severe the depression, the lower the level.

And finally, one more thing study about combining SSRIs with zinc. At the end of the 12-week study, the scientists found that:

“Zinc supplementation with SSRI antidepressants improves major depressive disorder more effectively than placebo plus SSRI antidepressants”

Zinc for memory

Research over the past decade has shown that the presence of zinc in synaptic vesicles of excitatory neurons in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus regulates synaptic plasticity.

In other words, zinc is essential for our neuroplasticity, learning ability and memory formation. In one Italian research studied whether zinc supplements could help restore memory in stroke patients. Twenty-six patients took 10 mg of zinc daily for 30 days.

At day 30, the researchers found that zinc supplementation significantly promoted neurological recovery and partial memory restoration in stroke patients.

Zinc May Ease ADHD Symptoms

I mentioned above that zinc changes the dynamics of neurotransmitter release, which includes dopamine. In addition, zinc is necessary for the production and modulation of melatonin, which helps regulate dopamine function. The theory here is that people with ADHD are critically lacking dopamine. Subsequent studies also confirm this.

One studyconducted in Croatia, showed that taking 55 mg of zinc sulfate per day helps reduce ADHD symptoms. The dosage is quite high, so the study was conducted under strict medical supervision.

Double-blind, placebo-controlled study A study in Turkey was conducted with 400 boys and girls with a primary diagnosis of ADHD. Half of the group received 150 mg of zinc sulfate for 12 weeks, and the control group received a placebo.

Conclusion of the study

“Zinc monotherapy was significantly superior to placebo in reducing symptoms of hyperactivity, impulsivity, and impaired socialization in patients with ADHD”

Dosages and forms of zinc

For those who want to get zinc from food))

For those who want to get zinc from food))

The recommended dosage is 30 mg per day, balanced by 2 mg of copper. If zinc is taken in a complex, then the dosage is 10-20 mg + up to 2 mg of copper.

The percentage of zinc bioavailability varies depending on the form. The best forms are chelated, in which up to 55~57% is absorbed.

Zinc Bisglycinate 57%, Zinc Citrate 31%, Zinc Gluconate 30%, Zinc Sulfate 22%, Zinc Picolinate 25%.

Another important thing is the balance between copper and zinc. Zinc reduces the amount of copper your body absorbs because copper competes with zinc to bind to metallothionein (a binding protein that transports zinc into cells)

The ratio of copper to zinc in the body is more important than the amount of each.

Dosages for men are 22 mg zinc and 1.5~2 mg copper, dosages for women are 10 mg zinc and 1.5 mg copper.

Zinc can be taken as a preventative measure in a vitamin complex or as a mono supplement if you have a depressive disorder, ADHD or zinc deficiency symptoms. You don't need to take zinc all the time, take a course for 1 month and forget about it for 3-4 months. Much also depends on your condition and diet.

The best food source of zinc is oysters, followed by other seafood, beef, pork, chicken, some nuts and dairy products.

What's the bottom line?

  • Zinc is a very important supplement for our body, especially for cognitive functions and immunity.

  • Zinc should be taken with copper

  • The best form of zinc is chelated.

  • Zinc can be taken in a course of 1 month, with a break of 3-4 months, and also based on the condition, tests

Here are the conclusions to remember from the article. Therefore, take zinc in a complex, be healthy and productive.

This article was written by Ivan S, a member of the Rise: Nootropics and Biohacking community.
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