zapret in lxc container as gateway for home devices

In an attempt to raise zapret for all home devices, I decided to change the firmware on the router. But my Mikrotik completely refused to write the Openwrt firmware to ROM. Therefore, I needed a solution with the stock RouterOS firmware. Good thing it supports GRE tunnels (primitive, convenient).

I have a home “under-bed” server running Debian and working as a “smart” home, NAS, spinning Telegram bots. You can set up zapret on it and select the server as a gateway for all home devices.

Why does it make sense to run zapret in a container instead of on the server?

  1. Isolated environment. For example, a container with complex nft rules is isolated from the server's nft tables (fail2ban). Separate update management, etc.

  2. We do not route regular server traffic through the GRE tunnel (GRE is the WAN for the container). Server traffic still goes directly through the router.

  3. You can raise several containers with different zapret settings. Select tactics in a separate container. You can make gateway containers with different settings for different home devices.

If these are not arguments, then you can install zapret on the host (read – server, hypervisor). In this case, it is good if the host has not one physical interface, but at least two (look at nano pi). One interface will work in LAN, the second will be WAN, but both interfaces will be connected to the LAN ports of the router. For single-port devices and single-board computers, the second physical interface can be an inexpensive USB network adapter. If there is only one physical interface, then you can create a virtual WAN in the form of a GRE tunnel with the router (similar to how it is described below in the case of a container).

Below is an instruction on how to set up an lxc container with zapret on a host with a single physical network interface.

Home network diagram

Home network diagram

1) Router: MikroTik settings

IP address of the router to the bridge bridge1 – default setting.

Let's create a GRE interface using commands via the console:

/interface gre add !keepalive local-address= name=gre3 remote-address=
/ip address add address= interface=gre3 network=
/interface list member add interface=gre3 list=LAN – this is the IP of the lxc container, which we will configure later.

2) Host: network settings

Debian 12 “Bookworm” host with address and the only network interface enp3s0 . Let's put this network interface into the bridge bridge0. To the bridge bridge0 lxc container with zapret will be connected.

nano /etc/network/interfaces

auto bridge0
iface bridge0 inet static
  bridge_ports enp3s0
  bridge_fd 0
  bridge_maxwait 0
  bridge_stp off

3) Host: lxc

We will install a container management system

apt install lxc lxc-templates

You can immediately disable the default bridge created by lxc-net – lxcbr0. Created bridge0 previously.

nano /etc/default/lxc-net


systemctl restart lxc-net

Let's create an lxc container with debian and additional packages (by default, the system doesn't even have ping). In addition to debian, you can choose any other template for the container, but debian suits me completely.

lxc-create -t debian -n ntc -- -r bookworm --packages=nftables,dnsutils,iputils-ping,git,curl,links

ntc – this is an arbitrary name that will be part of the path to the container's rootfs – /var/lib/lxc/ntc/rootfs/. Packages nftables, git, curl will be needed for zapret. With the help of links it is convenient to check the availability of sites directly from the command line.

After creation, the container is stopped. Let's immediately define the network settings of the container itself – we will bind the container to the bridge bridge0 host, and enable autostart of the container with the launch of the host.

nano /var/lib/lxc/ntc/config = bridge0 = 1

We configure the IP of the container and the GRE interface of the container with the router.
The gre3 tunnel will be established between the IP routers and IP container will be corresponding IP addresses at the ends of the tunnel (router) and (container).
The gre3 interface in the container will be the WAN interface (the gateway is specified for it) and NAT will be enabled for it after startup (post-up command).

nano /var/lib/lxc/ntc/rootfs/etc/network/interfaces

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

auto gre3
iface gre3 inet static
  pre-up iptunnel add gre3 mode gre local remote ttl 255
  post-up nft add table NAT; nft add chain NAT POSTROUTING {type nat hook postrouting priority srcnat \; policy accept \;}; nft add rule NAT POSTROUTING oifname "gre3" masquerade
  post-down iptunnel del gre3

Specify DNS server addresses.

nano /var/lib/lxc/ntc/rootfs/etc/resolv.conf


Now you can run the container with the command lxc-start ntcconnect to container lxc-attach ntc check active interfaces, ping sites.

It would be a good idea to check whether exchange between network interfaces is enabled (output 1 – enabled) in the container:

cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

By default, the option is enabled. If necessary, edit in the container settings:



4) Installing zapret in the container

Launching the container lxc-start ntcwe connect to his environment lxc-attach ntc. We give commands from this block in the container environment. Do not forget, by default in the container only root, act carefully.

git clone --depth 1 ~/zapret

When installing zapret, you will need to answer a number of questions. It is important to note that the WAN interface in the container is gre3!


After installation, it is worth indicating those strategies for bypassing blocking that were selected manually or by the utility zapret/ For example, like this:

nano /opt/zapret/config

NFQWS_OPT_DESYNC="--dpi-desync=fake,split2 --dpi-desync-ttl=5"

5) Home devices

You can specify a new gateway in the router's DHCP server settings Or specify this gateway manually on home devices.


For the purpose of testing bypass tactics, it makes sense to create a separate container (for example, ntc-test) in which GRE tunnels are not raised, but the router is specified as the default gateway.
Select blocking techniques with zapret/ in the ntc container it will not work simultaneously with its regular operation as a gateway.

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