Your City Index – Big Update

When assessing the accessibility index (schools, medicine, sports, etc.), isochrones for pedestrian and automobile routes are now used. This is perhaps the biggest change since the launch, but not the only one for today.

Start – “Your city index”.

Continuation – “Your city index – The whole city”.


Park accessibility – The attribute by which objects are selected has been adjusted – now areas with the attribute “garden” (usually public, botanical gardens) and beaches are included (thanks for the checks and idea @dude_sam). The index is now called “Accessibility of parks/beaches”. Also, “merging and absorption” of parks and beaches is now done – in OSM, for example, it sometimes happens that a botanical garden exists both as a large whole and as a set of separate alleys. Now all this is taken into account as one object.

Accessibility of transport – the contribution/weight of a specific stop now takes into account the length of public transport routes passing through it. The longer the route, the higher the index.

Cities added – Izhevsk, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Vienna (at the request of the audience – that's why this set is “strange”).

Isochrone-based availability

And the most interesting thing for dessert – if earlier the index was built only on the basis of the distance by the H3 index (almost “line of sight”), now there is a separate layer (“For apartment buildings (isochrones)”) in which the reachability of objects by time for pedestrians and cars is used. For different indexes (there are hints) this is 5, 10, 15, 30 minutes on foot and/or 10 minutes by car.

Isochrones are constructed using Valhalla (more specifically based on Valhalla Docker image by GIS • OPS).

Example of pedestrian isochrones every 5 minutes

Example of pedestrian isochrones every 5 minutes

This allows you to more accurately calculate the accessibility of objects – when they are, for example, located behind a river or a busy highway.

On the left is the availability of bars by distance, on the right - by time.

On the left is the availability of bars by distance, on the right – by time.

The calculation of isochrones for the layer “For the whole city” was not performed because it is time-consuming and is not yet achievable on a “community basis”.


I remember that I have been promising to open the code for a long time, but still nothing. Now I hope that I have already implemented everything I wanted and “polished” the code a little – in the coming days I will open the repository and share the link.

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