Worst path to IT

You have a path that you need to go through, and there is no shortcut. You must go through it from beginning to infinity. But there are no “cuts” there. And all that seems to them is a swamp. This is a long-sucking quagmire of lying to yourself.”

Franz Wertfallen, book About Flying Snakes. Naples



I’ll start with a story about myself and what I’ve been doing for several years, believing that willpower will give its results.

Since the beginning of my working life, I have worked in a very respected (overall) profession. Like many other professions, with the development of “democracy” in our imperialism, our profession began to work not for the good, but against it. Many who adhered to a certain code of morality began to move into other professions. Someone is in a taxi, someone is in security, etc. In general, work for food.

I had a good friend who, at the time of 2019, worked as an engineer at an IT company. Despite my path (which is not even close to IT), he suggested that I take up retraining for top specialties in the IT field.

“Oh well,” I thought. I once graduated as an electronics technician with a hard 4. I understand something about the structure of a computer and can solve linear equations. Well, it looks like it will do for a start.


It all didn’t start out the way I expected. A friend gave me parting words in the form of “In short, it’s like this, either you use what you need yourself, or you won’t be able to row in this ocean. Here’s your primer (At that time it was “Learning Python” by Lutz), let’s read it, write if you have any questions.”

Since I didn’t have much of a choice, I started reading this primer…. I wouldn’t even say then that it was a textbook…. For me it was some kind of collection of technical literature on Python… Of course, at some points I I took it from there. For example, I learned what Python and Monty Python are. ALL!

Since my character (as my wife says – she will raise the dead from the grave) is quite critical of myself, I could not leave this topic and continued…

I’m genius

I started with Python. There was a course for beginners, which I passed with flying colors. Then the advanced course, which I also completed with excellent marks. But when frames like Django began to appear, I caught myself thinking “STOP”, because I’m not ready yet, I don’t understand how the garbage collector works in Python and how the code is translated into the compiler.

I created a problem for myself that I must solve myself. Then I started cleaning the network about this and it came to me that programming is not possible without understanding compilation.

I want to know everything

2020 early 2021

From Python I began to switch to studying the OS and computer architecture in general. I sat from 8 am to 12 midnight studying everything related to the processor, registers, buses, etc.

And here it seemed to me that I didn’t have enough knowledge to write comfortably in Python). I just saw a person writing code in assembler. I won’t continue, I think you can guess what this led to…

Yes! I started learning assembler. After some time passed and a meeting with my friend, I became convinced that there is no need to learn assembler.

Since I already had more or less knowledge in the field of memory management, my friend suggested that I take the position of network administrator in their company for insignificant money, but with the opportunity to grow.

I refused. I entered the university to study “Software Engineering” in the hope of acquiring more in-depth knowledge (they don’t teach anything at the university except self-organization). Thanks to the experience I already had, I passed the exams a semester earlier. As a result, for the required 6-year training, my program was reduced to 3 years

It’s impossible to know everything

Having studied C at the level of creating scripts for running other applications, I began to understand one wonderful phrase “Every doctrine is true in what it affirms and false in what it denies or excludes. “— Leibniz.

Yes. At this point I decided to go back to python. But… Now the language has become no longer interesting to me, moreover, I began to understand that this is nothing more than a scripting language. What do you think?

I just started googling a language that can be written at the C level or a little higher. Found. I don’t even want to write banal things.

As a result. 2022 -2023 studying C++.

Who am I

Now I’m starting my career as a junior at DEVOPS. The courses that I completed in this area took me 3 months. Those guys who took the course with me don’t even have an understanding of what registers are, bit depth and interrupts are quite capable at work. When I tell them (to show off) about hash, I understand that they don’t need it and I look funny.

Bottom line

In my understanding, a programmer will always remain a person who writes, maybe in assembler, or maybe just solders a transistor. I advise everyone to look at my path and not repeat the main mistake. Don’t get bogged down by programming options. As one good person said, “To become a sought-after specialist, you just need to be a specialist in one field.”

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