With a laptop on the street: a pessimist's view

It's great to get out of the office and work outside, but be aware of the potential dangers

It's great to get out of the office and work outside, but be aware of the potential dangers

I don't know about you, but as soon as the weather improves in April (or June – depending on luck), I try to go outside to work. I take my MacBook under my arm and head to the nearest park. Even a simple bench in the yard is better than a stuffy apartment or a noisy office. But there are at least 10 reasons not to do this. Today we will discuss everything that is dangerous for you or your computer when working outside. If you just wanted to go get coffee and work in the park on the way, but the mood calls for horror stories – this article is for you.

Why does the laptop heat up outside

Surely, when it rains, you don’t want to go outside, so we are, of course, talking about good sunny weather. And herein lies the main risk. One of the main dangers when working with a laptop outdoors is overheating. Laptops are designed for use in temperature-controlled rooms. They are not designed for the sun to shine on their black keyboards. It is not for nothing that we were taught in physics lessons at school that black heats up more than all light colors. Because of this, the internal components of the computer also heat up.

As a result of overheating, we are faced with a decrease in performance due to throttling of the processor and graphics chip, as well as accelerated battery degradation and a reduction in its capacity (in some cases, this can lead to swelling and even fire). The matrix also suffers from direct sunlightespecially OLED. And due to overheating, some components may fail. As a bonus, we will add that the cooling system works to wear and tear, and here we move on to the next problem.

A Fun Way to Protect Your Computer from the Sun

A Fun Way to Protect Your Computer from the Sun

How Dust Gets Into a Laptop

Since the computer heats up a lot and the cooling system works in an enhanced mode, it can suck in much more dust. Internal components also suffer from this, and clogging of the cooling system leads to even more overheating.

If you work outside, think about cleaning the cooling system more often. And at the same time, watch where you put your computer, because the risk of flooding it increases significantly. This, in turn, leads to short circuits and simply to corrosion. At least do not put the computer on the grass, and from the table or bench, if you are going to put it there, brush off dust, leaves and other debris.

Can a hard drive fail?

No equipment likes shaking. There is not much of it outside, but in some cases, transportation to the park can lead to damage. And when working outside, the laptop is exposed to an increased risk of mechanical damage.

Accidental drops, impacts and squeezing can cause damage to the case and display hinges, cracks and chips on the screen, as well as damage to the hard drive, which does not like shaking at all, especially during operation. We have a separate video about this, how does a hard drive work and why does it not like shaking.

To minimize the risk of mechanical damage, at least get a case for your computer. This can significantly extend laptop battery life.

It is necessary to take into account not only the laptop itself, but also its accessories, they can also suffer

It is necessary to take into account not only the laptop itself, but also its accessories, they can also suffer

Using a durable case and handling your laptop with care will help reduce the risk of mechanical damage.

Is it worth connecting to Wi-Fi in a park or cafe?

Working outdoors often involves using public Wi-Fi networks, which can be unsafe. Hackers can intercept datatransmitted over unsecured channels, which puts the confidentiality of information at risk. In addition, an unstable internet connection can lead to data loss and decreased productivity.

If you need a network connection, it is better to choose mobile Internet for yourself, distributing it from your phone or buy a small router with a built-in battery and SIM card. No one wants to lose data – especially valuable data.

Is it possible to use a charger in a public place?

When working outdoors, the laptop is often powered by the battery, but sometimes it may be necessary to connect to the power grid. However, using unknown or unreliable power sources can damage the battery and power controller. This is often caused by voltage surges due to poor quality equipment. If we are talking about public transport, then the surges are even higher due to the constant change in speed and operating mode of generators.

You need to be extremely careful about your power supply. It's better to either not use an unknown public charger or buy a good external battery. There are even some like that Power Bank That Can Charge Your LaptopThis applies not only to laptops, but also to smartphones.

What to do if your laptop is stolen?

Relaxed? Decided that all the previous things don't threaten you? But the laptop can be stolen. You can't be sure whether this will happen or not. So just take action. First of all, set up a strong password for power-on, and if the computer allows it, then disk protection. This way, at least, you will protect your data from strangers.

When a person is engrossed in work, it is very easy to grab a laptop and run away. Keep this in mind

When a person is engrossed in work, it is very easy to grab a laptop and run away. Keep this in mind

Some computers, such as MacBooks, allow enable geolocation search and remotely lock your computer. Definitely do this. If you lose it or it gets stolen, it will be easier to find. But don't go after it yourself if it was stolen. It's better to contact the police and give them all the information. It sounds trivial, but it's the right way.

Laptop screen brightness outdoors

Working outdoors often means bright sunlight glare on your laptop screen, making it difficult to read information. Even if your laptop has an anti-glare coating, prolonged eye strain can lead to fatigue and headaches. Additionally, some types of screens (such as glossy ones) are particularly susceptible to glare and reflections.

In the sun the screen becomes very

In the sun the screen becomes very “blind” and this makes you strain your eyes

To improve readability, it is worth at least increasing the brightness (but this will increase heating). The ideal option would be buying a laptop with a higher contrast display. In addition, you can use anti-glare films, but privacy filters that prevent peeping from the outside only make things worse.

Is it possible to turn on a cold laptop?

In addition to the risk of overheating, working outdoors can expose your laptop to extremely cold temperatures, especially in the winter. Cold temperatures can reduce battery capacity and life, slow down the display, and make the plastic casing more fragile.

In winter, a computer is no less vulnerable than in summer.

In winter, a computer is no less vulnerable than in summer.

But you are unlikely to want to sit outside at -20 degrees Celsius. In winter, you should rather think about how you will use your laptop after being outside. Having brought a cold laptop home or to the office, let it warm up a little at room temperature. Turning on leads to heating of the components, and if they are cold, condensation may appear. I will not tell you further, you have understood everything yourself. But I will advise you to use thick envelopes for carrying the computer in winter. This way the temperature difference will not be so strong.

Is it ok to smoke near a laptop?

The Ministry of Health and we warn that the use of anything containing nicotine is very harmful and should not be used. However, many people like to smoke or vape near the computer. Especially on the street, where it is easier to do this than at home or in the office. So you you will harm not only yourself, but also your gadget.

Smoke and steam contain many suspended particles, which are readily sucked into the cooling system by the fan. There they settle, gradually accumulating and worsening the system's performance. One time is unlikely to change anything, but if you do this constantly, the computer will fail faster. So stop doing this – improve both your health and that of your computer.

Working with a laptop outdoors comes with a number of technical issues and risks that can negatively impact productivitydurability and safety of the device. Overheating, moisture, dust, mechanical damage. All this is only part of the factors that should be taken into account when planning work outside.

Specialists always recommend limiting laptop use outdoors and take the necessary precautions to protect your device and data. Don't forget about regular backups and using security tools. This way, you'll extend the life of your computer, save money and nerves, and enjoy the summer that's finally here.

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