Winners of the Moscow City Competition (MGC) 2024

The head-to-head stage took place on October 5 annual Moscow City Competition (MGC)organized Center for Teaching Excellence together with MGIMO.

MGC is held for students in grades 6–11 who are interested in research and design in the social and humanitarian sphere. In their works, schoolchildren reflected on how neural networks can help solve social issues. Students presented work in the sections “History”, “Law”, “Political Science”, “Economics”, “Social Sciences”, “Philology” and “AI in the Service of the Family”.

This year we had 6 winning teams, and we would like to tell you about their work!

Section “AI in the service of the family”

Family AI Team
Authors: Daria Aristova, Taisiya Vorobyova, Ilya Verkhoturtsev, Alisa Lukash

The team developed the project “Tasty – AI point”.

An application based on artificial intelligence helps plan meals, taking into account the health status and taste preferences of each family member. The development is aimed at adults and children, and is especially useful for those who have any dietary restrictions.
The main problem that the application solves is the lack of time to create a varied menu. AI analyzes health data, habits and preferences to offer balanced and healthy recipes, freeing up time for other things.

Team “Fact Hunters”
Authors: Alexandra Shvets, Sofia Volnova, Kira Zaeva, Maria Filimonova

The guys developed the Funity app, which will help improve family relationships. Funity will remind you of important events and make it easier to plan shared leisure time.

Key features of the application:

  • Calendar of important events;

  • Family tree;

  • Wishlist;

  • Photo gallery.

The Funity app will help you stay connected and maintain mutual understanding, even if family members are separated by many kilometers.


Team “Fact Hunters”

Section “Law”

Team “Elephants”
Authors: Inna Malyutina, Elina Zagidullina, Khristina Usankina

Legal proceedings in Russia are not efficient, and citizens do not show much trust in them. That is why the “Elephants” team proposed introducing AI instead of the judge’s secretary. The guys analyzed international experience and came to the conclusion that this is also possible in our country!
The main goal of the project is to help the judge make fair decisions and improve the efficiency of the court.
The authors of the project have developed the Judicial Artificial Intelligence (JAI) application, which will quickly process information, making the work of judges easier, for example, creating minutes of meetings.

Section “Social Sciences”

Team “Timofey Fomin”
Author: Timofey Fomin

In the “Social Sciences” section, the youngest participant in the competition, Timofey Fomin, became the winner! His work is dedicated to school Olympiads.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to keep track of all the Olympiads: in the 2023–2024 academic year, 87 Olympiads for schoolchildren are being held in Russia. Each Olympiad has its own specific requirements and conditions, which complicates the application and participation process. Timofey suggested introducing AI to make it easier to track events of interest.

An AI-based application optimizes the scheduling of Olympiads. For this purpose, a preliminary analysis of data on previous events and collection of parameters for the next Olympiads are provided: dates, subject area, age of participants, etc.
The application will be useful for active guys who participate in several Olympiads at once.

Team “Biba and Bob”
Authors: Anastasia Gryzunova, Nikita Karpov

The Biba and Bob team has developed an information portal that, using AI, selects animals from shelters and helps track how they adapt to a new family. The database contains a profile of each animal. You can find a pet taking into account the wishes of the future owner, his lifestyle and psychotype.

The project solves the problem of overcrowding in shelters, allays the fears of future owners, and simplifies the search for lost pets. Owners can see if the animal is temperamentally suitable and if they can cope with raising it.
Additionally, the idea of ​​adopting a pet from a shelter reinforces the trend toward responsible animal ownership.

Section “Economics”

Team “Civilization of the Young”
Author: Artyom Sotnichenko

Artyom Sotnichenko decided to use AI to optimize investments.
He has developed a framework for investors that helps optimize investment portfolios based on preferences and risks. The system simplifies the investment process as it analyzes the market in real time and offers the most suitable options.

The model helps investors make decisions quickly and accurately. It processes large amounts of data and predicts market behavior. This project can help people with a low level of financial literacy, as they will be able to avoid mistakes when investing.

What do you think of our winners' work? It seems to us that all projects are very promising and feasible.
We wish our participants inspiration and patience in realizing their ideas!

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