Why does a Microcontroller Programmer Need Diophantine Equations?


In mathematics there is such a topic as Diophantine equations. In their simplest form they look like this.

ax+by=d \qquad \qquad\qquad (1)

There is one equation and two unknowns: x,y. In this case, a, b, d are known constants.

At first glance it may seem like a useless gimmick for MCU programming, but that’s not the case.

When programming a microcontroller, the first thing you have to do is configure the clocking of the processor core. The clocking is controlled by the phase-locked loop (PLL) subsystem of the SoC(a).

And there you need to select three constants: M, N and F. In the Artery microcontroller, this electrical circuit looks like this.

According to formula (2)

\frac{(N\frac{F_{quartz}}{M}) } {F} = F_{sys} \qquad \qquad (2)

The system frequency F_sys is calculated. This equation transforms into (3)

F_{quartz} \frac{N}{M} -F_{sys}F = 0 \qquad \qquad (3)

And equation (3) is a real Diophantine equation. Here F_quartz – this is the frequency of the quartz resonator, which is set by the circuitry of the electronic board.
F_sys set by the programmer to achieve the desired firmware performance. The remaining integer unknowns are N, M and F.

Further restrictions are imposed by the microcontroller manufacturer. For Artery it's










FR (powers of two)



This is even written in the C source code provided by the manufacturer.

  *    config crm pll
  *                        pll_rcs_freq * pll_ns
  *         pll clock = --------------------------------
  *                           pll_ms * pll_fr_n
  *         attemtion:
  *                  31 <= pll_ns <= 500
  *                  1  <= pll_ms <= 15
  *                       pll_rcs_freq
  *         2mhz <=  ---------------------- <= 16mhz
  *                          pll_ms
  *                       pll_rcs_freq * pll_ns
  *         500mhz <=  -------------------------------- <= 1200mhz
  *                               pll_ms
  * @param  clock_source
  *         this parameter can be one of the following values:
  *         - CRM_PLL_SOURCE_HICK
  *         - CRM_PLL_SOURCE_HEXT
  * @param  pll_ns (31~500)
  * @param  pll_ms (1~15)
  * @param  pll_fr
  *         this parameter can be one of the following values:
  *         - CRM_PLL_FR_1
  *         - CRM_PLL_FR_2
  *         - CRM_PLL_FR_4
  *         - CRM_PLL_FR_8
  *         - CRM_PLL_FR_16
  *         - CRM_PLL_FR_32
  * @retval none
void crm_pll_config(crm_pll_clock_source_type clock_source, 
                    uint16_t pll_ns, 
                    uint16_t pll_ms,
                    crm_pll_fr_type pll_fr)

Formulation of the problem.

There is an electronic board with MCU Artery. A quartz resonator with a frequency of 8 MHz is connected to it. The system frequency must be configured to 100 MHz.

What should the PLL coefficients be: N, M and RF?


In essence, the task came down to solving this Diophantine equation (4).

8000000 \frac{N}{M} -100000000F = 0 \qquad \qquad (4)

You can try using Artificial intelligence (AI) on the Wolfram Alfa website

However, this is not a private solution. In practice, a numerical solution is needed to initialize the function crm_pll_config. In particular, here the range of values ​​of function (2) is quite small, so you can find a solution to equation (3) by ordinary enumeration.

To do this, I wrote my simple numerical Diophantine equation solver for PLL directly in C.

uint64_t ipow(uint32_t base, uint32_t exponenta) {
	uint64_t ret = 1, i = 0;
    if(0 != exponenta) {
        for(i = 1; i <= exponenta; i++) {
            ret *= base;
    return ret;

typedef struct{
    uint32_t ms;
    uint32_t ns;
    uint32_t fr;

bool pll_calc_artery(uint32_t freq_xtal_hz, 
                     uint32_t freq_sys_hz,
                     PllArtety_t* const PllArtety) {
    bool res = false;

    LOG_INFO(PLL_CALC, "FreqXtal:%u Hz,FreqSys:%u  Hz", freq_xtal_hz, 
    log_printf("{[(Xtal:%uHz/M)*N]/FR }= Sys:%u Hz" CRLF, 
               freq_xtal_hz, freq_sys_hz);
    if(PllArtety) {
        uint32_t m = 0;
        uint32_t temp_hz = 0;
        uint32_t cur_freq_sys_hz = 0;
        for(m = 1; m <= 15; m++) {
            uint32_t n = 0;
            for(n = 31; n <= 500; n++) {
                uint32_t f = 0;
                for(f = 0; f <= 5; f++) {
                    uint32_t fr = ipow(2, f);
                    cur_freq_sys_hz = ((n * freq_xtal_hz) / (m * fr));
                    if(freq_sys_hz == cur_freq_sys_hz) {
                        temp_hz = freq_xtal_hz * n / m; 
                        /*condition from Artery New Clock Config*/
                        if(500000000 <= temp_hz) {
                            if(temp_hz <= 1200000000) {
                                log_printf("MS:%u,NS:%u,FR:%u" CRLF, m, n, fr);
                                PllArtety->ms = m;
                                PllArtety->ns = n;
                                PllArtety->fr = fr;
                                res = true;
    if(res) {
        LOG_INFO(PLL_CALC, "SpotPllVals!");
    } else {
        LOG_ERROR(PLL_CALC, "NoPllVals!");
    return res;


So, in the firmware simulator on a PC, I executed the PLL calculation command and got as many as 5 solutions to choose from.

Then, by substituting the fourth solution into the verification utility, I saw that the config was valid.



As you can see, programming microcontrollers requires mathematical training.

Thanks to the ability to solve Diophantine equations, you can reconfigure the processor frequency far into run-time.

You can, for example, switch to power saving mode by specifically lowering the core frequency.





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