why are robot dogs being developed?

In October 2023 became knownthat engineers at the Mechanics Research Institute of Moscow State University, as part of the Volt Brothers project, have developed a second version of their robot dog – the first was shown in 2021. The designers revised the approach to appearance, lightened the body, taught the “puppy” new movements and simplified access to internal subsystems. Now it has a lidar, an obstacle recognition system, threat detection modes, etc. The smart “dog” received increased attention at the Expocentre on Krasnaya Presnya. But the most popular question that was asked by ordinary people online and at the exhibition was “Why is this necessary?”


Robo-dog “Volt Brothers”. Source: IXBT.

Indeed, for carrying out rescue operations or exploring the area, robots in a different form factor are more suitable – for example, all-terrain vehicles like the Martian vehicles. So why are robot dogs being developed so persistently around the world? Let’s try to figure it out.

How it works: the design of four-legged robots

Most robots of this type have a similar design:

  • legs with knees that bend back (ensure even distribution of the load on all joints, inspired by nature);

  • muscles controlled by separate electric motors (in essence, each limb is autonomous and capable of moving independently of the others, which expands its applicability);

  • bones are lightweight but durable materials (a cheaper option is aluminum, a more expensive option is carbon fiber);

  • nerves – a system of sensors, scanners and artificial intelligence.

What does the “four-legged” form factor provide? Overcoming almost any obstacle. For example, a tracked or wheeled robot will not be able to climb steep stairs, but a “dog” will not be able to climb it easily. Another feature is the ability to get up after falling on your side or back. The robot tucks its limbs and returns to its original state, just as animals do. Problems arise only on loose or viscous soil, where the feet sink and do not allow the assistant to move normally. Therefore, robot dogs have not come to replace tracked and wheeled ones – they are created for a different job.

In what areas are metal dogs useful?

The applicability of robots is limited only by the imagination of the owner. Most often they are found in the following areas:

  • rescue operations in areas that are difficult to access and dangerous for humans (smoky spaces, high temperatures, caustic substances, radiation, risks of collapse, etc.);

  • industry (walking and inspecting the territory of remote industrial facilities, monitoring the safe performance of work, collecting data on equipment parameters, etc.);

  • cargo delivery (for example, the load capacity of the Spot robot from Boston Dynamics is up to 14 kg);

  • security, military purposes (reconnaissance, round-the-clock inspection of the territory, border control, mine clearance, evacuation measures from hot spots, etc.);

  • at home (transporting things, helping sedentary people, patrolling the territory of the house);

  • education, entertainment, medicine and others.

Interesting examples

Robot cops in New York

DigiDog security robots.  Source: New York Times

DigiDog security robots. Source: New York Times.

A new experiment by the New York police to bring robotic police officers to the streets. Two years ago, a similar initiative was considered a failure (the authorities were accused of wasting funds and purchasing expensive equipment that was not needed), but today technology has gone far ahead. New DigiDog robots can patrol the streets, detect violations using AI, and place GPS tags on cars trying to escape.

Robot inspectors in Tyumen

Robot inspectors 3Logic Group.  Source: CNews.

Robot inspectors 3Logic Group. Source: CNews.

Inspector work from Tyumen, software for which was developed by 3Logic Group, showed unprecedented efficiency. Thus, with the help of four-legged animals, it was possible to create a 3D model of a facility under construction for one of the large mining companies in just 12 minutes. It is clarified that this would take the surveyor up to 72 hours. Robots also helped control deadlines, identify violations and compare the real object with design documentation.

Robots that detect violators in Moscow

Moscow assistant robots Unitree Robotics.  Source: TADVISER.

Moscow assistant robots Unitree Robotics. Source: TADVISER.

The Moscow State Real Estate Inspectorate is trying to keep up with progress. Since 2021, the service has been armed with “smiling” robot dogs that detect violations in matters of illegal use of land, expanding borders, ignoring building codes, and others. Note that all the hardware, including the robots and lidars themselves, is supplied by Chinese companies.

Military four-legged robots in Russian army

Military robots from the Intellect of Machines company.  Source: RIA Novosti.

Military robots from the Intellect of Machines company. Source: RIA News.

A miniature “dog” in camouflage protective clothing was presented at the Army 2022 exhibition. In addition to the classic tasks of moving through rubble and delivering medicine, the robot is capable of conducting targeted fire, indicating targets for aviation, patrolling and protecting the territory, and delivering ammunition to soldiers. Other technical features have not been disclosed.

Who is leading the market?

Two countries are leading in the field of robotics: the USA and China. European countries and Japan are trying to keep up, and India also has its own developments. Let’s consider several companies with international status:

  • Boston Dynamics (USA). The most famous robot manufacturer in the world. At one time he supplied BigDog models for the US Department of Defense. In 2013, Boston Dynamics was purchased by Google, but the IT giant got rid of the company after 3 years because board members did not believe in the financial health of the project. In addition to four-legged assistants, the model range includes six- and two-legged ones.

  • Ghost Robotics (USA). In March 2022, Ghost Robotics delivered robot dogs to US border officials. Their Vision 60 model costs $150,000, is equipped with a thermal imager, special software for detecting border violators, night vision cameras and specially passable “paws”. In the future, Ghost Robotics plans to solve not only the problems of the military, but also help large corporations at industrial sites.

  • ANYbotics (Switzerland). The development of the first walking robots at ETH Zurich began back in 2009, and the first working prototype of StarlETH was shown to the public in 2015. The ANYbotics brand began in 2016, under whose wing ANYmal, one of the most “smart” robotic dogs of its time, was created. The main feature of the model is the highly integrated modular drive of the ANYdrive robotic connection.

  • DEEP Robotics (China). Leader of the Chinese market. In many ways, he was a pioneer: he was the first to introduce robotic dogs into the real B2B segment of the PRC, and in 2021 he introduced first waterproof robot from China. DEEP Robotics specializes in models for industry and large production, and there are inexpensive options compared to American ones.

  • Xiaomi (China). The Chinese giant introduced its first robot dog in 2021a couple of years later an updated version appeared – CyberDog 2. Specialization – household use. Xiaomi produces robotic companions in a stylish body that can follow their owner at speeds of up to 12 km/h. The prices are encouraging when compared with analogues – new versions cost around $1,700.

  • Unitree (China). Another supplier from the Celestial Empire, who will assemble to order almost any robotic dog according to its technical capabilities. This is the main advantage of Unitree models: their robots are often used as a basis for programming. They cost less than their counterparts from Boston Dynamics, and the software is very flexible.

  • Welian (China). The company specializes in companion robots for visually impaired and immobile people. The most famous model is AlphaDog, which is capable of “barking,” assessing dangers and leading people along optimal routes. AlphaDog can receive data via 5G networks, so it is considered as autonomous as possible. The cost is about $2400.

  • Sony (Japan). The Japanese technology giant has been producing one of the most famous series of robot dogs since 1999 – they are called AIBO. This is an imitation of live puppies, almost perfect. The purpose of the development is to educate children, use in medical institutions, and entertain. An interesting feature: each AIBO develops its own character over time, depending on the behavior of its owners.

What about in Russia?

Russia is famous primarily for software, and all the hardware for experiments is purchased in China. This is how one of the leaders of the domestic market works 3Logic Group, which has become the official distributor of Unitree robot dogs. The supplier is one of the ten largest IT companies in Russia. Improved models help builders find defects on sites, and industrial enterprises monitor product quality.

Another notable four-legged helper is HyperDog from the Laboratory of Intelligent Space Robotics. This is already an original development designed to solve specialized problems: searching for leaks of liquids and gases, monitoring the safety of hard-to-reach objects, laser scanning of terrain, creating three-dimensional models, etc. HyperDog understands operator gestures and easily adapts to changing conditions.

Non-commercial versions of robots are being built by an association “Volt Brothers”, with which we started the review. A team of engineers teaches children and students robotics and constantly refines their own experimental models. Overall, they managed to achieve success in their field. Among the features, the developers highlight “a new control algorithm inspired by the central generators of ordered activity located in the spinal cord of mammals.”


Sber is designing its own robot dog based on a Chinese model Unitree B1 with manipulator Z1. The manufacturer from China supplies good hardware, but the software is still lagging behind. The task set by Sber is to implement advanced software from the robotics stack: mapping, localization, motion planning, control, manipulation. At the same time, the components are also being modernized: for example, “Sberdog” is equipped with a backpack with new equipment – lidar, cameras and a computer.


In October 2023, researchers from Stanford University and the Shanghai Qi Zhi Institute developed a new algorithm based on computer vision, which allows robots to cope with various obstacles without detailed training in passing each of them. That is, the machine will adapt to changes in the environment much faster, while minimizing the likelihood of error. Considering the leap in AI development in recent years, the technology will allow robot dogs to become even smarter and better at using their resources. Therefore, the forecasts for four-legged inspectors and security guards are favorable. Now only physical limitations remain, such as battery capacity, and in software terms there are practically no problems left.

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