which direction to choose

Programming seems like a complicated topic, but even a beginner teenager with no experience can learn to write code. How to do it and what direction to choose? Let's figure it out.

Today, schoolchildren are almost no longer interested in traditional sections and clubs, often preferring more modern activities: they eagerly take IT courses, enthusiastically learn to program, create 3D models, games and more. My colleagues and I at school Pixel We believe that this desire should be supported, and the corresponding interest and potential should be developed, because even a small programmer without experience, as he learns, becomes closer to information technology and one of the most sought-after professions of the future.

The questions about the choice of direction are fair, because there are many options:

  • Visual programming (eg Scratch);

  • Writing Python code;

  • Game development using Lua language;

  • C# programming etc.

And we want to talk about each of the options and briefly describe them: note the advantages and prospects, and also talk about further education and a possible career. Let's get started and consider the designated and other areas of additional IT education for 12-year-olds. In total, we will highlight 6 main options and 3 additional ones, indirectly related to the code (and most importantly, to the IT sphere): you and your child will only have to make a choice.

We will add video tutorials to some areas so that you can immediately get acquainted with the structure of the program and the possible learning path. More lessons can be found on our video resources, they are all available for free, links will be at the end of the material.

1. Programming in Scratch

The Scratch environment was developed by the staff of the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) media lab specifically for children. The visual language of the same name can be used to develop simple games, animations, and cartoons.

Pros of the environment:

  • Simplicity. To write code, children use bright blocks – commands. With their help, you can control game objects and characters – sprites;

  • Accessibility and free of charge. You can use the program online or offline, you don’t need to pay for it;

  • An opportunity to take the first step towards writing code. Creating games and doing other projects in Scratch introduces children to logic and other coding principles, which lays the foundation for mastering more complex text-based languages.

So, the advantages are obvious. But it may seem that the children's language “Scratch” is too simple for teenagers. Partly this is true: the visual code only lays the foundations and does not provide sufficient practical skills. But if you have no experience, you can start with Scratch in courses or free lessons in teaching programming for children aged 12: this will help you get to the bottom of the basics and better understand how the logic of coding works.

2. Writing Python Code and Creating Minecraft Mods

Python is a relatively simple scripting language that is versatile: it is suitable for developing applications for iOS and Android devices, as well as for creating larger projects – desktop programs and even server operating systems. Python is used:

  • Researchers involved in machine learning;

  • Testers;

  • Developers of mobile and computer applications, games and more.

The language should not be considered difficult: even a beginner child can cope with it. And we want to note the game universe of Minecraft and the prospects for its use in the learning process: the ability to write code in Python to develop mods is an incentive and motivation for any child. As the “boring” text language is mastered through the creation of add-ons for a favorite game, each student imperceptibly gets involved in learning and begins to comprehend Python at a level close to advanced. This creates a solid foundation for further education and mastering the profession of a programmer.

3. Python Programming

Teaching children the Python language is not at all necessary using Minecraft as an example: if a teenager is interested, he can become a so-called Pythonist even without a gaming basis. However, my colleagues and I at the Pixel programming school for 12-year-olds believe that gamification is the basis for successful learning for restless teenagers who are keen on gaming. Therefore, it is better to take the first steps with examples in the form of creating simple games and similar projects: this way, learning the relatively complex Python will be much more interesting and exciting.

We have already talked about the prospects: Python can be used by developers of mobile and desktop applications, games and more. If a child in grades 5-6 is interested in coding, this language will be a good start.

4. Lua Coding in Roblox

Online programming courses for 12-year-olds often teach Lua, a scripting language created at the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. Lua is close to JavaScript, which in theory makes it somewhat complex, but the syntax is reminiscent of Pascal. For this reason, the language is used to teach teenagers: it can be mastered even in early adolescence.

And in conjunction with Roblox, an online gaming platform, Lua becomes an excellent means of additional IT training. Using these tools, children learn:

  • Create your own games, which you can even sell later;

  • Write text code.

And on the Roblox platform, children can communicate with each other, exchange experiences and develop projects on the Roblox Studio engine. If everything works out, then there will be prospects for earning money: we have already noted that the games created can be sold in the internal store.

5. Programming in C# and development on the Unity engine

The C# language was originally created by Microsoft for coding applications for Windows, but today it is a cross-platform tool: with its help you can write programs for Linux, iOS. Knowing C# is promising because it is used by developers for:

  • Working with databases;

  • Programming the logic of complex software solutions;

  • Machine learning;

  • Creation of video games.

We would like to talk about the latter separately and mention Unity, a modern game engine. In combination with C#, it is used to develop mobile and desktop games. The Unity environment also includes tools designed to work with:

Knowing Unity and C# will be useful for any modern 12-year-old who is interested in gaming, game development, and coding: in the future, you can get a professional education and become a sought-after specialist. The field does not matter: machine learning, video games, working with databases are just examples.

6. Web development using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

As before, let's start with the theory: this will help us understand what tools we're talking about, and also why HTML and CSS are not actually used for programming. So:

  • HTML is a tool designed for hypertext markup. With the help of the language, text, pictures, tables and other content can be placed on website pages, and this can be done concisely and neatly;

  • CSS is a formal language used to describe the appearance of web pages. It is useful when you need to quickly and easily change the visual design of a site, but do not want to use more complex tools: it is enough to choose ready-made style sheets to change colors, fonts, content placement on web resource pages and more.

But JavaScript is a full-fledged programming language. It is in demand among web developers: with its help, specialists create interactive pages and remote applications, as well as simple games.

You can learn to use the presented languages ​​in programming lessons for children aged 12 online, without leaving your home. Courses or educational videos – it does not matter: the main thing is that the child is interested in the topic of web development. It is interest and passion that will become a comprehensive basis for successful independent learning or effective classes under the sensitive guidance of a competent teacher.

Bonus: Additional IT areas that may interest your child

We noted that there are other areas that are not directly related to writing code. We want to tell you about them and recommend getting acquainted with them, especially if the teenager is not interested in programming, but wants to start a career in IT.

7. Web design

Figma is usually used for web design training. It is a graphic editor designed for designing websites, applications and other products. The direction is closely related to development in HTML, CSS and JavaScript: having a Figma specialist in the team guarantees high-quality preliminary prototyping. The graphic editor we presented is also used to work with:

  • Interfaces. In Figma, you can draw icons, buttons, logos, and also create interactive elements and effects like pop-up animation;

  • Vector graphics. You can create graphic objects from scratch or upload them to Figma from third-party sources.

Often, teaching children to work in Figma is combined with an introduction to Tilda, a well-known website builder. If you master the direction, in the future you can become a full-fledged web designer even without additional training: the first paid projects can be completed on freelance exchanges after courses or watching training videos.

8. Graphic design

Teaching children graphic design is impossible without immersion in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, professional tools used by advanced designers. These programs open up the possibility of conveying messages and ideas using fonts, graphics, pictures, and videos. A teenager who is proficient in Photoshop and Illustrator can independently create:

  • Logos;

  • Visual elements for branding;

  • Packaging mockups;

  • Advertising materials and more.

So, graphic design is another interesting direction that deserves attention if programming does not interest a 12-year-old teenager.

9. Creating 3D models in Blender

The Blender graphic editor is characterized by its multifunctionality: with its help you can create three-dimensional models for games, animation and video. The program offers children and teenagers tools designed for:

  • Modeling and visualization;

  • Editing videos;

  • Creation of visual effects;

  • Animation of characters and objects;

  • Sculpting, or creating digital sculpture;

  • Development of textures and models for computer games.

The prospects for mastering the editor are enormous: in the future, a teenager who knows how to handle Blender can become part of a team of game developers, designers or researchers, and even a member of a full-fledged film crew. This is due to the fact that 3D models are used in many areas, among which IT is no exception.

Study on your own or take online courses

We believe that you can start and take the first steps yourself: short educational video collections will do. In them, competent teachers talk about complex things in simple terms, give examples and show what and how to do to get the expected result.

Courses will be an excellent solution in two cases:

  1. Self-study did not lead to results, mistakes and difficulties arose, but the interest did not fade, but only increased. With the support of teachers, the teenager will be able to understand what was done wrong, as well as understand non-obvious things. This will become an incentive and additional motivation on the path to immersion in IT and obtaining a sought-after profession in the future.

  2. Everything worked out, but I want to learn more and bring my skills to an almost professional level. In this, as in the first case, competent teachers will help.

Tell us how you plan to study? What would you choose for a teenager: programming or another option? And if you are already familiar with one of the presented areas, please tell us where and how you studied.


The material was prepared by the programming school for children PixelWe introduce children aged 5-17 to IT areas in individual and group online classes.

Free lessons in all areas can be found on our resources: YouTube, Rutube, Zen, VK.

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