where to start

Is it worth teaching a ten-year-old child programming? Definitely yes, if he is interested in the topic. But we do not insist, but want to tell you about popular and widespread areas that often become the basis of online programming courses for 10-year-old children.

First of all, let's note that writing code develops logical thinking: as children study independently or in courses with experienced teachers, they learn the basics of programming and its principles. And children who learn to program become more attentive to detail as a result of checking your own creations in the form of projects: no code, even visual, will work correctly if there are errors.

Thus, the development of logical thinking in combination with improved attentiveness are basic advantages. This increases overall academic performance, makes the experience of socialization positive, which is due to the ability to think rationally and highlight important details against the background of insignificant moments. And in classes, students learn the basics of IT, which opens up a lot of opportunities in terms of further education and obtaining a promising profession. But we will not talk only about the advantages: today we want to consider various areas of additional education, thanks to which children and teenagers who are interested in gaming, development and writing code can take their first steps and confidently enter IT.

Programming school for children Pixel will talk about the main directions and share links to useful lessons for schoolchildren.

Common IT training areas that modern children enjoy

Modern children increasingly prefer to develop their own games, create three-dimensional models, “animate” them and program the behavior of virtual characters. It is the game basis and the possibility of creative self-expression that attracts children: they eagerly begin to study independently or under the guidance of sensitive teachers.

Let's get down to business and look at the 6 main areas related to coding, as well as 3 additional ones that are suitable if programming is not interesting or seems too complicated.

1. Programming for 10 year olds in Scratch

The Scratch language was developed by specialists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The environment of the same name is often used in programming courses for 10-year-old children due to its simplicity and the principles it implements: you can write code using bright, memorable, and intuitive blocks.

In the Scratch environment, primary school children can learn to complete simple projects such as:

The Scratch language is considered to be childish, introductory. And this is a true statement: every little programmer working with visual blocks and composing programs with their help, first of all comprehends the basics. We want to say that studying Scratch and creating games in the environment means laying the foundation for further mastering programming in the form of immersion in the use of more complex text languages.

IN introductory training video A project is shown that even a beginner can do independently in Scratch. This lesson is free and simple: to get the result, just watch the video and repeat the actions after the teacher.

2. Writing Python code using Minecraft mod development as an example

In programming schools for children aged 10 and above, including Pixel, the principle of gamification often becomes the basis of training. We believe this approach is correct: younger students rarely delve into the technical part if there are no incentives and interest.

The situation is saved by the possibility of developing mods. They can be written in Python and integrated into Minecraft. The game basis helps to make learning more effective, because the role of the developer and the opportunity to complete their own creative project from scratch are very attractive even to restless children.

Now to the theory:

  • Minecraft is a game with elements of survival and RPG genre. It is popular among children and teenagers, therefore it is used as one of the tools for teaching schoolchildren coding;

  • Python is a scripting programming language. It is versatile: you can write code in Python to solve various problems. This includes the development of service OS, applications for iOS and Android devices, programs for data processing and analysis, machine learning, and more.

Python also helps kids create mods for the Minecraft universe, additional objects for the virtual world, say, a rocket. How to make one is shown in training video.

3. Programming for schoolchildren 10 years old on “Python”

Students interested in coding can learn Python without reference to Minecraft. In any likely case, understanding this scripting language and the skills to use it is a big plus, because with advanced training, a child will be able to learn:

  • Develop web projects. The language is used for scripting browser applications, websites, and various remote services;

  • Automate tasks that can be solved using a computer. Thanks to the Python language, you can write scripts for file processing, system administration, and more;

  • Create games. The presented language can be used to write code for 2D and 3D games;

  • Develop game engines and more.

So, the direction is interesting and promising. And in this training video It shows how you can use the language to create your own chatbot from scratch.

4. Coding in Lua in Roblox

Roblox is an online gaming platform where kids can develop their own games, share them with other users, and just play. And to get the result in the form of a completed project, they must use the Lua language and write code in it. And again, we came to learning in a game form – a principle that ensures the effectiveness of immersing schoolchildren in the fascinating world of coding.

Independent studies or programming lessons for children aged 10, when it comes to using the Roblox environment and the capabilities of Lua, can lead the child to an understanding of how to:

  • Develop games;

  • Create scenarios for the operation of autonomous programs;

  • Write scripts to ensure smooth operation of simple and complex software.

Lua is considered a standalone language suitable for development, although it can be considered as an introductory language. As with Scratch, Lua is suitable for beginners who want to start their journey in IT.

5. Working with the Unity engine and creating programs in C#

The Unity engine is used to create games, which captivates children, as is the case with other areas. But successful independent studies or lessons in online programming courses for 10-year-olds, provided that the Unity tools are used, will be impossible without C#, a language created by the Microsoft team specifically for coding applications for Windows OS.

But today, Sea Sharp is used for other purposes as well. These are:

  • Creating video games. This is what the guys who chose the presented direction will be doing;

  • Development of VR applications;

  • Writing scripts for machine learning purposes;

  • Backend development etc.

It seems that C# is not the best programming language for 10-year-olds: it is complex, although promising, and cannot be considered introductory. But this is not so: even a beginner child can cope with the tools of “C Sharp” with the help of free educational videos or with the support of a competent teacher in courses.

6. Development of websites and web services in HTML, CSS, JavaScript

In free programming lessons for 10-year-old children or in courses with experienced teachers, modern children can master web development – a promising direction. Mastering it helps specialists create:

  • One-page and multi-page sites;

  • Web applications;

  • Remote services and services.

To master the direction, you need to study:

  • HTML and CSS. These are the hypertext markup language and cascading style sheets, respectively. The first is necessary for structuring and formatting content: as a result, it is possible to create a convenient hierarchical structure of pages. CSS is a kind of tool for visually formatting website content. Cascading style sheets have long been considered a standard in web development, because they allow you to quickly change the graphical representation of content without using third-party and often more complex programs and similar tools;

  • JavaScript. This is a high-level language common among web developers. Together with HTML and CSS, it forms the triad of the main Internet technologies. No full-fledged website can function stably and smoothly if it is not based on code written in JavaScript.

IN video You can see how to make a web calculator using the JavaScript language.

So, we have considered 6 main directions, described their advantages and features. If you could not choose something to your liking, we offer alternative options. They will suit creative children and guys who want to create something new and implement even the most daring ideas into life.

Bonus: What areas to consider if the option of learning programming from the age of 10 is not suitable

Questions about teaching children to write code at the age of 10 are debatable: some believe that it is too early, while others believe that the earlier, the better. But we think that it is more important to start from the interests of the child and not to impose your adult “correct” position on him: often the attempt of parents to direct their children on the “correct” path of additional education extinguishes aspirations and talents that need to be supported and developed.

Therefore, we recommend that you consider all the presented directions together with your child. And if you don’t like them, you should take a closer look at:

Many IT schools for children, including Pixel, offer corresponding additional training programs.

Web design

The most commonly used tool for teaching children web design is Figma, an online editor designed for designing interfaces and creating layouts:

And in Figma and similar programs, web designers make colorful presentations, bright illustrations, memorable logos and animations. The corresponding tools are used by:

  • Designers;

  • Product managers;

  • Web developers who need user-friendly website interfaces.

Graphic design

Graphic designers use Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator to create logos, branding tools, and design packaging layouts, marketing materials, and more.

Specialists who are proficient in graphic design tools are in demand in:

  • Advertising agencies, creative companies;

  • Marketing firms;

  • Design studios;

  • In the media.

But this does not mean that after training you need to get a job: like web designers, graphic design specialists can earn extra money as freelancers. Even a schoolchild who has just completed an online course will be able to take and complete the first paid projects on Internet exchanges. Everything will work out if there is interest and the completed studies are of high quality.

3D modeling

A child from 10 years old can master this direction in programming schools or independently. We recommend doing this through Roblox and Blender, but the second option is more suitable for advanced students.

In any case, 3D modeling will be a great way of self-expression and a means that, subject to further training, will help the child take a place in one of the common areas. Among them:

  • Game development;

  • Cinematography and video production;

  • Industry, etc.

These are examples that have one thing in common: none of the areas presented can do without high-quality 3D models.

We would like to complete the selection of promising areas of additional education for modern children and ask you to tell us whether you managed to select anything.

And also share your opinion and tell me, what do you think, can a ten-year-old child master programming if he is interested? Or should he be convinced and find himself in something else?

The material was prepared by the IT school Pixel. We teach children aged 5-17 programming, game creation, 3D modeling, graphic design and many other areas. Come to us to introduce your child to IT.

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