Where to get energy? The epidemic of IT burnout

Why do I think the situation is getting worse and we are on the verge of a burnout epidemic?

Many IT companies, either covertly or actively, promote overtime. This is due to the high cost of IT specialists, the low qualifications of project managers, errors at the pre-sale stage, and rush jobs during the execution of government contracts – when the money in the budget needs to be spent before the end of the calendar year. And lengthy approvals, lack of initiative and various behind-the-scenes games lead to the fact that the tender is held in the summer at best, and in November-December at worst, respectively, the entire project needs to be completed in the remaining few months. Which is often impossible to do with the available forces.

All this leads to working in front of a screen for 10-14 hours and a complete lack of physical activity. And if in the pre-COVID era, one of the regular sources of physical activity was commuting to work and moving around the office, then with the mass transition to a remote or hybrid work format, even this small physical activity has been reduced to zero. And the widespread distribution of food delivery has effectively reduced trips to the grocery store to zero.

Lack of physical activity reduces the level of blood circulation in the body, leads to a deterioration in the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the brain, causes irritability, insomnia, decreased performance, and rapid fatigue.

The psychological aspect is also important. Nowadays, many people live under conditions of increased stress, which can occasionally become acute. In addition to obvious problems with physical health, a sedentary lifestyle also creates risks for the psychological state – and unnoticed by a person. Even minor chronic stress tends to accumulate and then suddenly manifest itself in the form of a nervous breakdown or depression. And most people do not know how to relieve stress with the help of physical exercise.

What does lack of energy look like in real life?

Everyone forgets everything. A culture of kicking is being introduced. Responsibility is shifted from the performers to you. If you need someone to do something, then you are the one who must literally shake the answer out of a colleague, partner or customer. At a meeting or conference, everyone understands everything, but in the end, no one does anything. And this is not about management culture or indifference. This is about a lack of energy – thinking is energy-consuming. But not thinking is a path to nowhere.

What to do?

Like on a plane – first put the oxygen mask on yourself, then on the child. The most accessible sport is running. Accessible does not mean simple. Like any other activity, it has its own nuances, and some knowledge comes only with experience. If you think that I am all about sports, then no. The first time I went for a run was when I was 40. At school, I went to the chess section and ran in physical education.

Over four years of amateur jogging, I have acquired knowledge and experience, a new figure. I have lost weight and improved my social image. The purpose of this article is to highlight the problem and motivate change. I started a TG channel where I share useful experience for beginners. In general, as they advised in the old Soviet cartoon – I do good and throw it into the water!

What to do globally?

When our company emerged from the Covid restrictions and switched to a hybrid work format, we created several amateur communities: sports, reading, history. The idea was supported by the company's management. For them, such communities are a godsend: horizontal connections in the company, energy and motivation of participants, potential for personal development. Over several years, our amateur communities have grown to hundreds of active participants.

Don't know where to start – ask me how? I'll be happy to share my experience. Why do I need this? I just want to live in a healthy society. I'll be happy to tell your colleagues about the benefits of running, the specifics of training for beginners. I'll help with advice on organizing a sports community in your company. That's how we win!

How to go for your first run?

The truth of life is that you don't need special sneakers or clothes for your first run. You just need the desire to get out and run slowly for about 10 minutes, then walk, catch your breath, and try to run for another 5-10 minutes. The general rule is to run slowly. The lower your pulse and the easier your breathing, the better. Not even slowly, but slooooowly! And don't be put off by the fact that you are being overtaken by grannies with sticks and Yandex robot couriers. This running pace is called conversational – you run and freely communicate with a friend, girlfriend, colleague.

If you start to run out of air, slow down or switch to walking. Your goal is to accustom your body to physical activity, and not to run a couple of kilometers beautifully (as you think), borrow strength from your body, overload an untrained body, and decide that running is not for you. A good practice is to walk 10 minutes to the starting point, so you warm up your body a little. Do a light warm-up – neck, arms, waist, knees, ankles, and go! But slowly 😉

How to easily form a running habit?

There are only two conditions:

  • regularity – go for a run once every two days, that’s quite enough

  • ease – after jogging you should have enough energy to run for another 15 minutes.

If you run at your maximum every time – increase the pace, distance, training time, then your body will definitely figure out how to force you to rest for a week.

On my channel in TG I have posted a proven training program for amateurs in a pin. The program is designed for people with zero or negative athleticism. There I also answer private questions about running, as they say – without registration, chat bots and SMS!

I'm sure there will be comments that running is bad for joints and heart, is not suitable for overweight people, etc. I'm ready to give a reasoned answer.

I am not saying that running is necessary for everyone and is beneficial for everyone, I am saying that running is a real thrill, a guarantee of health, a source of energy!

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