Where do targetologists and marketing agencies look for clients? And what else do they earn?

My name is Alexander Yanichkin, I have a small marketing agency and I have been targeting for 6 years. Once I attracted 25,000 registrations in 2 weeks, turned off 15,000,000 rubles of the budget per month, and also attracted 3,000 applications for offline educational projects.

Recently, I took up the issue of systemic lead generation for checks from 30,000 rubles for 1 service. In the process of work, I analyzed the methods of obtaining such clients from my close colleagues and presented the collected material in this article.

Unit – targetologist or marketing agency.

The sample included 14 units, information about which I know reliably, and also +- I understand how their funnel works, and I know what they personally do to advance.


  • everyone somehow has some way to attract customers, but only a third of the units do it systematically and in a controlled manner;

  • sell courses or educational services ~60% of units;

  • big money (from 300k) can be made either by taking % from the budget, or by recruiting more than 15 projects *).

Details, conclusions, as well as the answer to the question “Do I earn more than 300,000 rubles?” Below.


Analyzed 11 customer acquisition channels. I divided them into 2 categories – managed and not. I compared how many specialists use certain methods and got:

Managed Sources – these are sources where you can directly get a predictable result based on previous experience for the invested amount of effort.

  • 35% units run targeted ads on the content chain of emails or mailing;

  • Targeted advertising for their services is launched 28%;

  • They speak at conferences and somehow shine as a personality in the media space 21% units;

  • Send resumes to job sites 21%;

  • Indulge in mass mailings (spam) 7%;

  • Get leads from commenting on other people’s posts or posts on specialized resources 7%.

Unmanaged sources – these are sources where the result may not be determined or predicted, or the causal relationship between the efforts and the result obtained is not clear.

  • It is surprising that not everyone comes to clients by sundress, only 57% are satisfied with this source on an ongoing basis;

  • 50% units write content on specialized business and marketing resources;

  • Receive recommendations from private chats of entrepreneurs fourteen% – it’s more about marketing agencies than about singles;

  • Vertical videos from Instagram, YouTube or TikTok only work for fourteen%;

  • Barter, when % of the income from the client is paid for the recommendation, use 7% units on an ongoing basis, although almost everyone has it.

For convenience, the same information in table form:



Managed Source

Content target



Service target









Comments in groups









Content on specialized resources



Entrepreneur chats



Vertical videos



Recommendations from friends



Moreover, of all the units, they regularly post content on a personal page or in a group only 42%and send mailings through personal messages half as much (21%).

It is noteworthy that the richest (according to the author) units do this.

What else do units do?

  • 64% infobizat from a personal brand or sell mentoring/coaching/mentoring;

  • 14% have their own project – this is either an educational project or some other business, not to be confused with an info business or a marketing agency;

  • 14% are employed and combine with freelance activities.

How to still earn

Really good income have only 28% units. By this I mean a stable systematic income of 300,000 rubles.

I don’t have more than 300.

Moreover, you can earn such an amount on marketing services in 2 ways:

  • take % from the client’s budgetin a different form, it can be work for attracted applications or another type, the main thing is that there should be% of the result;

  • recruit a large number of projects of the same typethat is, pick up 15 branches of the same franchise or 10 programming schools, but from different GEOs.

Also, based on information from colleagues, a significant part of the income is brought by the infobusiness in one form or another, sometimes up to 70% per month. But! Nobody sees this direction as systemic.


  • First of all, you should pay attention to your own content and promotion through it.

  • The competition for attention in targeted advertising is quite high, but not all specialists use this tool, which makes it possible to outbid a competitor’s offer with more favorable conditions or better results in similar projects.

  • It is imperative to warm up the audience through content or mailings.

  • You can earn either with% of the budget in one form or another, or by nicheing.

Author’s opinion

In general, apparently, to make 1,000,000 clean on marketing services is something unrealistic. Therefore, it is necessary to either go into business, or change the field of activity and go to hire, where they pay really big money (IT, crypto, management).

Regarding the irrelevant sample. Having superficially communicated with other participants in the professional sphere, I saw that, often, the promotion methods of many intersect, which allows us to conclude that even a small sample will reflect the approximate state of affairs in the market.

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