what, where, to whom and why?

Merge website.

To become a partner of the Merge 2024 conference – fill out the application on the website.

Recruiters and HR. Those who are hiring IT specialists will be able to find potential applicants, meet them and talk about their project. You will learn about new skills that will be in demand in the coming years. Learn to use artificial intelligence in HR tasks, develop an HR brand and use a product approach in personnel management. Increase your knowledge of new ways to attract and retain talent.

Examples of reports:

For developers. Immerse yourself in the world of modern tools and technologies, practice safe development practices, learn all about the latest industry trends, and improve your hard and soft skills. Learn to build sustainable systems even in the face of sanctions and vendors leaving the market. Learn how to work with high-load applications from representatives of the largest IT retailers. Understand native development and design systems.

You will be provided with networking with leads of interesting projects from key companies in the market, find out how the teams of leading employers are structured. Make useful contacts with specialists in the field. Chat at the afterparty in an informal setting

Examples of reports:

For testers. Understand the nuances of functional and non-functional testing, automation. Chat with potential employers, talk about problems and ways to overcome them with colleagues from other companies. There will be many opportunities for networking – question and answer sections, sidelines, discussions and, of course, an afterparty.

Examples of reports:

Data and ML engineers. The topic of artificial intelligence, big data and generative models continues to gain momentum. Every day we find more and more ways to use AI in IT products. Experts in machine learning and neural networks will teach you how to use GPT in customer support and marketing, work with recommendations inside large language models and not drown in an ocean of data. Chat with colleagues and employers, exchange experiences, discuss interesting cases and practice new ways to use AI.

Examples of reports:

CTO, CEO and CIO of companies. Improve your knowledge of team management and innovation strategies. Chat with other top managers and make new useful contacts, meet potential candidates for your team. Improve your team's performance and create a more comfortable and productive work environment with new practices.

Examples of reports:

Teamlidam. Meet other managers, exchange experiences, find new colleagues for your project, improve your management skills. Learn to interact more productively with your team and cope more effectively with routine in conditions of uncertainty. Learn more about management methodologies and strategies. We will separately discuss flexible methodologies Kanban and Agile together with leading practitioners and accredited trainers.

Examples of reports:

Marketers. Find out how new technologies are impacting marketing and how to market products in 2025. And here we will also talk a lot and thoroughly about the use of AI and neural networks, learn how to use new technologies and approaches in familiar tasks, and communicate with colleagues who are actively working in digital with the help of modern tools.

Examples of reports:

Products and project managers. Learn new methods to create successful products. Learn how to work more effectively with metrics and data. Talk about team relationships when working on the product. Learn to use modern approaches and technologies. And also communicate with each other, learn about new practices and exchange cases.

Examples of reports:

Additional benefits

Interactive formats. All participants will have the opportunity to ask questions to the speakers. Guests will be able to ask questions during the sessions and receive answers from leading experts. You will also be able to meet and chat with experts on the sidelines and at the afterparty.

One of the features Merge 2024 — interactive sessions and master classes, where participants can not only listen, but also actively participate in discussions. For example, at a master class on building effective teams, participants will be able to work in groups on real cases, which will allow them to immediately apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Afterparty. The program does not end after the presentations on the first day of the conference! At the end of the business program, we invite guests to Afterparty with DJ sets and buffet. This is a great opportunity to get to know each other better and chat with participants in an informal setting. This is the best option for networking!

Don't miss the opportunity to become part of the unique event MergeConf 2024! Tickets for the conference are now available for purchase. We have special prices for group applications: invite friends and colleagues and get discounts.

Buy a ticket You can visit the website now! We are waiting for you at Merge 2024!

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