what we included in the document

We recently wrote on the website about how the adaptation process is going in our company. At one point in this process there is an introduction to the Welcome book. We would like to tell you why this document is needed and what we included in it.

A welcome book is a document, most often presented in electronic form, which contains all the information that a new employee will need at the beginning of his journey in the company. It answers important questions that a newbie might have. A high-quality Welcome book helps you quickly integrate into the work process, become a full-fledged member of the team and feel your value to the company.

Most likely, in most companies this document has approximately the same content. We will tell you which blocks are included in our Welcome book.

history of the company

The history of Delaweb begins with the story of the path of its founder; any startup is, first of all, people. Next, we talk about how tasks and stacks changed, how projects became more complex, and how we became the company we are today.

Why this block? It is so that the new employee understands that the company has come a certain way, grown and developed. This should inspire confidence in the future, in the fact that the company strives to be better, bigger, more efficient, which means that working there will be interesting, and there will be opportunities for personal growth and professional development.

Organizational issues, resources and tools

Here we talk about wages, when we pay them, the dates of the advance and the main part, the work schedule, its standards, time for rest. We indicate what opportunities there are to take time off or ask for time off, and an algorithm on how to do this. The programs and platforms that we use in our work are also indicated (messengers, task tracker, mail, knowledge base, etc.).

Block on corporate culture

We consider it one of the most important and necessary. Here you can learn about the mission, vision and values. Why do we exist as a company, what are our values ​​that we convey and support. We also describe employee competencies that are important to us. So that the new team member understands what he needs to develop in himself and where to strive. You can also learn the fundamental principles of operation by following the link to our knowledge base. This link is attached in this block. Of course, we describe information about our traditions and holidays (corporate parties, birthdays, work anniversaries).

Opportunities, growth and development in the company

What is the company ready to give for employee development? At Delaweb we support and develop our employees. As part of our company’s policy, we offer partial payment for training, share the experience of senior colleagues, fill the internal knowledge base, conduct meetups, mini-trainings, where you can also share experience and gain new knowledge; In addition, our company has a rotation mechanism between projects.

Miscellaneous, but important about the company

Understanding the company's structure is one of the important factors that allows new employees to quickly find their bearings in a new place. Therefore, we are adding a cheat sheet with information about the company structure, projects, and our social networks. Thanks to this approach, immersion in work processes is easier.

And the last block is “Buns”

We understand that the most important thing is that the employee likes the tasks, the team, and is satisfied with the material reward, but at the same time, we want to please our team members with additional bonuses. This block contains information about voluntary health insurance and compensation for various services (swimming pool, sports, massage, courses, etc.). When and how you can get them, what they include.

In addition to these blocks, our document, of course, has welcome slides and there are also several links for feedback to specific HRD colleagues, an assistant manager, and a link to an anonymous feedback service.

You have the right to add anything you want, it is important not to forget that this information is really important, useful and helps a new employee get to know your company better.

For clarity, we attach some pages of our Welcome book.

This is how we divide the Welcome book into logical blocks.

This is how we divide the Welcome book into logical blocks.

An important section that every member of our team should know and share is the company’s values.

An important section that every member of our team should know and share is the company’s values.

.We talk about the traditions existing in the team to make it easier to immerse yourself in the new working environment.

.We talk about the traditions existing in the team to make it easier to immerse yourself in the new working environment.

In the Welcome book, we congratulate each employee on joining our team and emphasize the importance of this moment for us.

In the Welcome book, we congratulate each employee on joining our team and emphasize the importance of this moment for us.

This is how we invite new employees to subscribe to our resources, without additional mailings.

This is how we invite new employees to subscribe to our resources, without additional mailings.

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