What to do if a person critical to your project does not respond? (practical advice for Project Managers)

On one project for the creation of FSIS, which I led, critical errors were identified the day before delivery, after which the stand where the display was supposed to take place completely fell down. I was the RP of the project, but it was not me, but other fellow managers who were responsible for the project team (there was a very strange political situation there). It was necessary to get through to the development manager so that he would raise his team so that she would raise the stand and correct the errors. And it was Sunday, late in the evening – everything was as it should be.

Of course, I wrote to the messenger, but did not receive an answer. Then I called once – no answer. I called a second time – no answer. Obviously, in a situation where the stand has fallen and the system has critical errors before the PSI, this is the manager’s fault. I realized that “I called” would be a weak position. I needed a reaction. And then I called two more times, after which I texted my colleague manager: “We have critical errors in PSI and the stand has fallen. Need your help“If he doesn't react after that, what else can be done? And then I received an answer that I will never forget, the answer was: “I'm at the opera!!” to which, of course, I replied: “and the project is in %op!

The problems were resolved the next day, and on the day of delivery, our team, despite the politics, came out united, where no one tried to blame anyone. There were no questions for RP – he waved the red flag until the last moment and there was nothing more he could do.

Since then I have learned a simple rule: “4 calls and SMS”. If the person you urgently need doesn’t pick up the phone or answer, don’t hesitate to call several times (because you don’t call about a really urgent matter every day) and send an SMS. The SMS will definitely reach you and you can read it at a meeting, etc.

If you really need someone urgently, apply the rule “4 calls and SMS“After this, you, as a RP, can relax – you have done everything that depended on you, there will be no questions for you.

I’ll add here, just in case: you don’t need to use this rule every day – you will be fired as an alarmist, unable to solve problems at your level. The rule applies only in case of real crits.


A project manager is often responsible for a project that involves critical people that he does not manage. These people have their own priorities, their own leaders, and the RP cannot tell them directly. These simple rules will allow you to resolve issues where you clearly cannot lead. Polite persistence within the framework of your project works wonders, especially if it is confirmed by correspondence, call logs and SMS 🙂

As they say, a kind word and a gun can achieve much more than just a kind word (c)

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