“What the Dog Saw” by Malcolm Gladwell

The third part is about intelligence, character and personality. These micro-chapters are about late talents, which is intriguing, and myths about talents, which opens your eyes to the state of things: what happens when companies look for talents and do not put spokes in their wheels. Here, by the way, Malcolm Gladwell loops the narrative and again recalls the collapse of Enron. So we recommend reading everything in order from the very beginning, as intended.

And a little more about talents and rose-colored glasses. The author writes about the role of the environment in the development of late talents and believes that one of the keys to understanding this phenomenon is the provision of all benefits by loved ones. As an example, he cites the family relationship between a father and son, and a love story where the woman believed in her husband's talent, supporting him in everything and never raising the issue of money. Such is the economy.

Until the very last moment, the reader may wonder: what does the dog have to do with it? After all, it saw something, and the editors put it in the title. There is an explanation for this: in a separate chapter about training and tailed ones. You can not suffer like the author of this note, and put off the question until the last pages, if you had one.

Overall, this book by Malcolm Gladwell is interesting to read. Everyone can find fragments closer to understanding and use them as food for thought.

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