What role does your corporate website play in recruiting employees?

“Personnel is everything”

— from the speech of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, Russian revolutionary, Soviet political, state, military and party figure, generalissimo, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the RCP(b)-VKP(b)-CPSU in 1922-1953, which he delivered on May 4, 1935 in the Kremlin Palace to graduates of military academies.

Our cooperation with PJSC Rosseti Ural began in 2008. At that time, the company was called MRSK Urala, and we created a new website for it.
Many years have passed since then, and the number of projects that we have implemented for Rosseti Ural has exceeded three dozen.

We will talk about the 34th project – the development of the section “Our People”, which was previously called “Personnel Policy”.


Taking into account the echo of the demographic pit of the 1990s, the reduction of supply on the labor market and unemployment in Russia reaching a historical minimum, the fight for personnel has become one of the most important tasks for a large organization. The usual posting of vacancies on “job” sites no longer solves the issue of attracting personnel, it no longer solves it comprehensively and systematically.

At the end of 2023, it became clear that the existing section of the company's website dedicated to interaction with potential employees did not meet modern requirements in terms of content, design, or functionality. It required serious modernization.


The new section was supposed to:

  • Provide job seekers with convenient interfaces for searching for vacancies and responding to vacancies.

  • To reflect all the diversity of the company's corporate life.

This required mechanisms for posting content to interact with all target audiences: job seekers, students, schoolchildren. And all this diverse content had to be delivered to the visitor in a convenient and attractive manner.


A team of five people worked on the design of the section. Narrow specialists were periodically involved. The development of the technical specifications and prototypes took three months. At first glance, this is a lot, but for a project with many interested parties, it is normal.

During the design of the section, the key concept was approved: “The faces of the company are the soul of the company.” It was decided to actively use illustrations with images of people on the site. And only the company's employees – no stock images!

Rosseti Ural employees did a great job and provided materials for creating the page design at the right time.

To deliver content, we designed new modules: “Events”, “Blog” and “Success Stories”. To communicate with students, we came up with the “Practices” module. We made it possible to sign up for an excursion or practice.


Page “For Students”: slider, informers of events, blog, practices, success stories

The core of the section, of course, is the module “Vacancies”. Since the company is geographically distributed, vacancies are displayed not only as a list, but also linked to a map.

Search for vacancies on the map

Search for vacancies on the map

Convenient search by vacancies and consistent smart filters help the user quickly narrow down the list of vacancies and find the most suitable one for him.

Job filters

Job filters

In the interests of SEO, a functionality was implemented that allows creating sets of vacancies based on the intersection of their features. Thus, a reserve was created for attracting more search traffic.

Simple and clear navigation through the section does not give the visitor a chance to leave the section without the necessary information.

The most interesting content sections are visually announced on the main pages in administrated sliders and with the help of beautiful informers.

Vacancy informer on the

Vacancy informer on the “Applicants” page


As often happens, the creation or serious redesign of an Internet resource becomes not only a reflection, but also a catalyst for the launch of new business processes at the enterprise.
In our case, the processes for creating content in the interests of the HR service were separated into independent processes.

Not much time has passed since the introduction of the new functionality, but it is already obvious that Yandex and Google have positively assessed the new section. Search traffic to the section pages has doubled in a month, and we are confident that the growth of traffic will not be several times, but by orders of magnitude.

The conversion of traffic into responses also increased significantly.
The number of responses to vacancies has already increased several times and will grow even more.

Thus, with the help of excellent content and functionality, the problem of the enterprise’s personnel is solved.

Good luck to everyone!
And yes, personnel truly decides everything!

Author – Rublevsky Roman. June 2024

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