What JavaSript developers need to learn in 2024

We found out from experienced JavaScript developers what novice programmers should learn in 2024 in order to be in demand as specialists.


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***Cover by expert Alexey KankovAlexey Kankov

Senior Backend Developer at Revizto

In the field of web development, technology is developing rapidly. JavaScript is the most popular programming language and has an extensive set of tools, frameworks and libraries that are constantly updated and developed. Some libraries and frameworks remain for a long time, while others disappear as quickly as they appeared.

Frontend development

Outdated technology

jQuery has long been considered obsolete in modern projects and preference is given to using modern frameworks. But in old projects this library is still actively used.

AngularJS (version 1.x) is also considered deprecated, although Angular 2+ remains a current choice.

Current libraries and frameworks

React continues to be one of the most popular libraries for creating user interfaces. Despite the fact that more than 10 years have already passed since the first release, its popularity is only growing. Its ecosystem, including Next.js for server-side rendering and static site creation, is an important addition.

Vue.js remains a popular choice for developers due to its simplicity and flexibility. Nuxt.js is its counterpart to Next.js in the Vue ecosystem.

AngularJS (version 2 and higher) continues to develop and remains in demand in large enterprise projects.

Svelte and its static generation and server-side rendering framework, SvelteKit, are gaining popularity due to their innovative component compilation concept.


Webpack and Rollup remain the standard tools for building modules, although Vite and Parcel are gaining popularity due to their speed and simplicity.

ESLint for static code analysis and Prettier for code formatting are the main tools for maintaining code quality.

TypeScript, which is a programming language that compiles to JavaScript, is becoming an almost essential tool for JavaScript development, providing strong typing and improving code quality.

Backend development

Outdated technology

Express isn’t necessarily obsolete, but many developers are looking for more modern alternatives that offer richer functionality out of the box.

Current frameworks and tools

Node.js remains the foundation for JavaScript on the server, with its asynchronous, event-driven architecture.

NestJS is a modern framework for creating scalable server applications on Node.js, integrated with TypeScript. It can run on top of low-level frameworks such as Express and Fastify.

Fastify is gaining popularity due to its performance and ease, becoming an alternative to Express with a more modern API.

Koa, from the makers of Express, offers a more lightweight and flexible approach to building web applications.


Docker and Kubernetes have become key technologies in application development and deployment, including the Node.js backend.

GraphQL continues to gain popularity as an alternative to REST APIs, offering more flexible and efficient data loading.


We remind you that you can ask your question to the experts, and we will collect answers to it if it turns out to be interesting. Questions that have already been asked can be found in the list of issues in the section.

If you want to join the ranks of experts and send an answer from your company or yourself, then write to experts@tproger.ru, we will tell you how to do this.

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