What is real burnout?

What is real burnout?

Before I start describing a real case of burnout, I’ll start with its definition, which was formed by everyone’s favorite AI:

Burnout is a state of physical, emotional and psychological exhaustion caused by prolonged and increased levels of stress at work or in other areas of life. A person experiencing burnout feels fatigue, lack of motivationemotional exhaustion, and decreased productivity And efficiency.
Burnout usually results from a long period of work overload, demands, conflict, lack of support and an inability to cope with constant stress. It often occurs in people who work in professions involving high responsibility, emotional involvement, or prolonged stress.
Symptoms of burnout may include
physical fatigue, insomnia, irritability, depression, lack of energy and interest in work, decreased self-esteem, pessimistic attitude towards lifeand health problemsincluding headaches, digestive problems and a weakened immune system.
Treatment for burnout includes stress management, setting boundaries and priorities, seeking support and help, and rest and recovery. It is important to reach out to a professional, such as a psychologist or therapist, for personalized help and support in coping with burnout.

In the text above, I have already highlighted the main problems that are caused by burnout (at least for me, everything is individual here, but several points should definitely coincide). However, AI does not face the same things we humans face. So, what do those who are in the “era of burnout” have to face?

First of all, you lose the mood for everything: work, life, entertainment, career growth and a number of activities that bring you profit or were simply interesting. Secondly, you have a loss of strength. They are not even available for ordinary, routine things, such as preparing food for yourself or just getting out of bed. Thirdly, when you realized all this and went on vacation, took sick leave or something similar, the desire to return to your “favorite job” does not disappear. You continue to do what drove you into this state: work, communicate, write, control, get back involved in the process. And even if you are “kicked out” or not allowed to work, you will find (at least for yourself) reasons to return to the process.

Eventually you will begin to notice problems with your moral and physical condition, but it will be difficult to stop. As a child, we (at least me) were told that workaholism is good. Those like me who take these words literally have a greater potential for burnout. This does not mean that we were taught poorly. It’s just that we haven’t been taught to love ourselves (and a person who loves himself will not bring himself to stress and create problems for himself).

So. You've encountered a problem. What to do? First of all, make it a rule: have a work schedule. If you work from 10 to 18, then everything that you are assigned, written, urgently asked to do before 10 or after 18 will wait. We are not doctors! No one has ever died if we didn't write a report 12 hours later or respond to a message after 30 minutes instead of immediately. At this moment, remember your worst colleagues. Most often it helps (he didn't, why should I?). Learn to prioritize. In real life, this is more difficult than the description of the Eisenhower matrix on a page on Wikipedia or RBC, but it is worth it. If your work involves a lot of communication, then you should definitely have a person (preferably not a close friend or relative) to whom you can express everything: everything you think about clients, employees, opponents. This person could be a psychologist or psychotherapist (you shouldn’t be afraid of them. They, as qualified specialists, can help you, even if you yourself are a psychologist or a specialist in the same profile).

Also, in my struggle with burnout, I was faced with the reaction of society, family and friends. When it comes to pills (antidepressants, tranquilizers, antipsychotics, sedatives, etc.), most of society reacts: “What a weakling you are! In our time, we managed without it!” Maybe they got by. But the world is changing. Plus, accepting problems is not an indicator of weakness, but the opposite. It is better to overcome the problem immediately than to treat its consequences later. And there is no such load, such work as before… If it comes to medications, ignore the “experts in life”. Your fortune is in your hands. The same principle applies here as with a fire: if you do not put out a small fire, then it will be more difficult to put out a large fire.

And, approaching the climax, I will again turn to AI. Here's what the new era advisor offers:

Dealing with burnout requires time, self-reflection, and taking steps to restore your physical and emotional well-being. Here are some strategies that can help you cope with burnout:
1. Rest and Recover: Regular rest and recovery are key aspects of managing burnout. Take time to relax, rest and engage in activities that bring you pleasure and allow you to unwind.
2. Set Boundaries: Define your boundaries and learn to say no to things you can't or don't want to do. Prioritize your tasks and learn to delegate to reduce the stress on yourself.
3. Keep fit: Make time for physical activity, proper nutrition and sleep. Physical activity helps relieve tension and stress, while healthy eating and good sleep promote overall well-being.
4. Seek support: Connect with people who can understand and support you. Talk to friends, family, or coworkers about your feelings and experiences. Consider seeing a professional, such as a psychologist or therapist, for help and support.
5. Reconsider your goals and priorities: Take time to rethink your goals and priorities in life and work. Think about what really matters to you and perhaps make changes to your plans or career to create balance and satisfaction.
6. Avoid information overload: Limit the time you spend on social networks and the Internet to avoid a constant flow of information. Take time to unplug and relax.
7. Practice mental self-management: Learn and practice mental self-management strategies such as meditation, deep breathing, positive thinking and mindfulness practices. These techniques can help relieve stress and improve your emotional state.

Of all the examples that the AI ​​offers, in the text above I actually forgot to indicate the moments with physical activity, breathing and maximum rest. These moments help you to distract yourself and bring yourself back to normal. Practice, use. Well, I’m going to forget about work for the 100th time…

It is important to remember that each person is unique and different strategies may suit different people. Experiment and find what works best for you. If you are experiencing severe symptoms of burnout, contact a professional for additional help and support.

Don't burn out! Love yourself!

PS: they argued with me about when you get into work on vacation or on sick leave. That this is not burnout, but sublimation. I agree, but partly. If you didn't work at 150%, if you didn't try to do everything perfectly, then you wouldn't burn out and wouldn't reach a state of sublimation, so, in my opinion, these are 2 interrelated things that can result from one from another. I look forward to your thoughts on this matter in the comments.

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