what is it for and how to use it

Python dictionaries are powerful tools for working with data. They support a variety of methods, but the setdefault() function stands out for its ability to simplify code and work efficiently with default values.

We have translated an article about the setdefault() function for you. In it, we will consider the syntax, usage scenarios of the function and demonstrate its usefulness with practical examples, and in a detailed conclusion we will draw the main conclusions.

Understanding the setdefault() function

Method setdefault() in Python dictionaries allows you to retrieve a value for a specified key, if it exists. If the key does not exist, the function inserts the key with the specified default value and returns that value. The method is especially useful when working with dictionaries that require a key and, if the key does not exist initially, you need to initialize it with a default value.


This is what the method syntax looks like setdefault():

dict.setdefault(key, default=None)
  • key: search for the key in the dictionary.

  • default: if the key is not found, the value is set and returned. The default value is None.

Return value

Method setdefault() returns:

  • the value of the specified key that exists in the dictionary;

  • default value if the key is not in the dictionary.

Practical examples

To understand how the function setdefault() works in different scenarios, let's look at some practical examples.

Example 1. Basic scenario

This is an example of basic use of the method. setdefault().

# Creating a dictionary (создаём словарь)
fruits = {'apples': 5, 'oranges': 3}

# Using setdefault to get the value of an existing key (с помощью setdefault получаем значение существующего ключа)
apples_count = fruits.setdefault('apples', 10)
print('Apples:', apples_count)

# Using setdefault to add a new key with a default value (c помощью setdefault добавляем новый ключ со значением по умолчанию)
bananas_count = fruits.setdefault('bananas', 10)
print('Bananas:', bananas_count)

# Printing the updated dictionary (выводим обновлённый словарь)


Example 2. Using setdefault() in a loop

In this example, using the method setdefault() Let's count the frequency of elements in the list.

# List of fruits (список фруктов)
fruit_list = ['apple', 'banana', 'apple', 'orange', 'banana', 'apple']

# Creating an empty dictionary to store the count (создаём пустой словарь для хранения подсчитанных значений)
fruit_count = {}

# Counting the frequency of each fruit (подсчитываем частотность каждого фрукта)
for fruit in fruit_list:
    fruit_count.setdefault(fruit, 0)
    fruit_count[fruit] += 1

# Printing the fruit count (выводим число подсчитанных фруктов)


Example 3. Using setdefault() with nested dictionaries

In this example we use the method setdefault() Let's work with nested dictionaries.

# Creating an empty dictionary to store student grades (создаём пустой словарь для хранения оценок студентов)
grades = {}

# List of student data (список сведений о студентах)
students = [
    ('Alice', 'Math', 'A'), 
    ('Bob', 'Math', 'B'),
    ('Alice', 'Science', 'A'),
    ('Bob', 'Science', 'C')

# Inserting student grades into the dictionary for name, subject, grade in students (вставляем оценки студентов в словарь: имя, предмет, оценка по каждому студенту):
    grades.setdefault(name, {})
    grades[name].setdefault(subject, grade)

# Printing the grades dictionary (выводим словарь с оценками студентов)


Example 4. Using setdefault() for complex data structures

In this example we will use the method setdefault()to form a dictionary of lists.

# List of student scores (список баллов студентов)
student_scores = [
    ('Alice', 85),
    ('Bob', 92), 
    ('Alice', 88), 
    ('Bob', 95)

# Creating an empty dictionary to store scores (создаём пустой словарь для хранения баллов)
scores = {}

# Inserting scores into the dictionary for name, score in student_scores (вставляем баллы в словарь: имя и балл по student_scores):
    scores.setdefault(name, []).append(score)

# Printing the scores dictionary (выводим словарь с баллами)


What is the bottom line?

Function setdefault() — a versatile, efficient tool for working with default values ​​in Python dictionaries. It simplifies code by reducing the need for explicit checks and conditionals when working with keys in dictionaries. Once you learn how to work with the setdefault()you will be able to write more clean codewhich is specific to Python, especially in scenarios where a key is required that is initialized to a default value.

Key findings:

  1. Baseline scenario. Method setdefault() Allows you to get a value for an existing key or set a default value if there is no key.

  2. Frequency counting. setdefault() can be used to efficiently count the frequency of elements in a list.

  3. Nested Dictionaries. Method setdefault() is especially useful when working with nested dictionaries, as it allows you to easily handle complex data structures.

  4. Creating complex data structures. Method setdefault() can be used to form dictionaries of lists or other complex data structures without explicit checks for the presence of keys.

By enabling the method setdefault() into your Python toolkit, you can improve the readability, efficiency, and reliability of your code. This built-in feature will certainly help both beginner and experienced Python developers work better with dictionaries and manage default values ​​effectively.

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