What is computer forensics?

When a cybercrime occurs, it is not detectives with magnifying glasses who solve it, but computer forensics experts who search for and analyze the digital traces of criminals on computers and devices.

This is Maxim Antipov, a cyber detective and teacher at CyberEd. In this article, we will tell you how these specialists work and what lies behind their investigations.

Computer forensics is the search for and analysis of digital traces on computers and gadgets. Specialists restore deleted data, examine files and find out what happened on the device. This is necessary to investigate crimes and protect businesses from threats.

What does a forensic expert do?

A forensics expert, also known as a Digital forensics specialist, takes on the task of turning digital evidence into clear proof. Here's how it works:

  1. Data extraction. The examiner begins by carefully collecting information from the devices. This includes making exact copies of the data so that nothing is damaged. Like a crime scene, it is important to preserve everything so that no key elements are missed.

  2. Data analysis. The expert restores deleted files, decrypts messages and analyzes logs. Each file and record can tell part of the story, and the expert's job is to assemble these fragments into a single picture.

  3. Documenting the process. All steps of the investigation are carefully documented. The expert records his actions and findings to ensure transparency and the possibility of subsequent verification. This is necessary both for internal control and for presenting evidence in court.

  4. Generating reports. The final step is to compile a report that outlines all the key findings and conclusions. The report helps to understand what was happening on the device and can be crucial in legal proceedings.

Often, a cyber detective acts as a witness in court and helps the prosecution prove the hacker's guilt.

Examples of real cases

Forensics is not only the analysis of digital traces, but also an investigation that saves companies from disasters. Here are some real-life examples where computer forensics became the key to solving high-profile cases.

1. Attack on Sony Pictures (2014)

In 2014, Sony Pictures suffered one of the most high-profile hacker attacks. Hackers from the group “Guardians of Peace” stole and published confidential company data: emails, personal information of employees and movie scripts. As a result, Sony found itself at the center of a scandal.

Forensic experts recovered traces of the malware and analyzed its code. It turned out that the attack had a political background, connected with the film “The Interview”, which mocked the leader of North Korea. The investigation allowed to understand the scale of the leak and to identify vulnerabilities in the security system.

As a result, Sony has strengthened its cybersecurity measures and taken measures to protect data, and the incident has become a lesson for many companies about the need to protect themselves from cyber threats.

2. Equifax data breach (2017)

In 2017, Equifax reported a data breach that affected 147 million people. The breach included Social Security numbers, birth dates, and addresses. The vulnerability was attributed to unpatched software.

Computer forensics analyzed the vulnerability and found that it was known and had a patch that had not been installed. The investigation revealed how the attackers had penetrated the system and what data had been stolen.

Equifax has improved its data protection and implemented new vulnerability management measures. The incident resulted in fines and compensation for affected customers.

3. Capital One Data Breach (2019)

In 2019, Capital One suffered a data breach that exposed the personal information of more than 100 million customers. The vulnerability was due to a web server misconfiguration.

Experts reconstructed digital traces and determined that the attack was carried out by a former employee of the company who exploited a vulnerability in a web application. Data analysis helped determine what data was stolen and how it happened.

Capital One has strengthened its security measures and reviewed its internal access control processes. The incident highlights the importance of protecting against insider threats and ensuring that servers are properly configured.

Each case is a story about how a thorough analysis of digital traces can save a company from serious losses and ensure data protection.

How to Become a Digital Forensic Investigator

Digital forensics is a highly specialized area of ​​information security that requires unique skills and experience. If you are considering a career as a digital forensic analyst, here are some steps to take to achieve your goal.

Step 1: Earn a Bachelor's Degree from University

Start with a bachelor’s degree in computer science or cybersecurity. These programs will give you the knowledge and skills you need to work in the field. You’ll learn the fundamentals of security systems, programming, operating systems, and networking — all essential for a digital forensic analyst.

Step 2: Gain experience

A specialized education is not always the main factor. You can start your career in information security from entry-level positions. Working as a network analyst, IT support specialist or systems engineer, you will acquire basic technical skills. This knowledge will become a solid foundation for further mastering the complex aspects of digital forensics.

Step 3: Upskill

As with any profession, upgrading your skills helps you stay competitive and opens up the possibility of earning more. There are many programs available in digital forensics, both paid and free, that will help you improve your skills and knowledge.


Computer forensics is the art of investigating digital traces and solving cybercrimes. It is an important and sought-after field where every detail matters.

Often, in criminal proceedings related to digital crimes, a forensic expert becomes a key figure. The qualifications and experience of the expert directly affect the quality of the collection of digital evidence, the depth and correctness of their subsequent study. The expert's conclusion often becomes the main document in a criminal case, on the basis of which the entire investigation is built and it is determined whether the criminal will receive a deserved punishment. A high level of professionalism and thoroughness of the work of a forensic specialist can play a decisive role in the successful disclosure of a crime and the achievement of justice.

Thank you for reading the article! If you have any questions or ideas on how to improve it, please write. I will be happy to answer and discuss.

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