what games do kids create on their own in Roblox

Programming as a learning process does not have to be boring, monotonous and difficult. Especially if we are talking about children of primary school age, who in principle need game mechanics in any learning to better absorb the material.

The ideal candidate for such a fun IT training would be programming in Lua on the platform Roblox. Roblox is loved by children all over the world. And not only children: the platform is home to seasoned developers who also enjoy creating projects in a special style. This metaverse attracts millions of players with its bright graphics and tools that can be used to bring games of various genres to life.

For children, learning on Roblox courses is like a game. That is why programming in Lua on the platform is quite easy for children. And the language itself is not among the difficult languages ​​to master.

Let's look at the projects that a child can create in the Roblox programming course for schoolchildren using the example of students from the Pixel school.

Running away from zombies

Agatha, a student at Roblox's programming course for kids, created a simple game where you have to run away from zombies.

“I implemented adding a player to a team. I can add noobs, people or zombies to a team. The play button works to start the game. When starting, the NPC says to us: “Hello!” After we also say hello to him, he will say: “There are zombies! Run” — comments Agatha.

In the student's game, you can use a special potion and a speed-up block. Agatha also created a program for throwing blocks that help the player move around the field.

Building a labyrinth

Ostap created his project during the first two months of studying at the Roblox course at the Pixel programming school. In the video, the boy talks about the gameplays and scripts he created, shows the six NPCs introduced into the game and the blocks that serve as an obstacle for the player.

Before the game starts, we see a menu where we can choose the side we want to play for: good or evil. Next, we tell you how the plot of the games is built when choosing the light team. The main gameplay will be built around the labyrinth. The first NPC meets us near the entrance to it. From him, the player receives a task: to go through the labyrinth. Then we meet the second NPC, whose task is to tell us that the exit is somewhere close.

“I tried to make the maze as difficult as possible. There are also traps scattered around that prevent you from passing it. The obstacles consist of green blocks that block some paths. But the exit itself is near the winning block. There is also an invisible block here.” — comments the game’s creator.

This winning block is the end of the maze. We need to step on it to get the message “Congratulations”. And after that, the player leaves the maze.

The other three NPCs created by Ostap are on the tower, which you also need to fly to: this will be the next test. Before you start the walkthrough, you need to talk to the creator of the map, who is also introduced into the game. The creator has friends who, according to the plot, serve him faithfully. Ostap created long dialogues between the player and the NPC, so this is quite reminiscent of some popular online role-playing game with a strong plot.

Of course, in addition to all the gameplay, the student of the Roblox for kids course wrote scripts. A menu script, scripts for programming green blocks that prevent you from passing the maze, a program with conditions for a winning block.

How to Make a Roblox Game: Instructions from Slava, a Roblox Course Student for Schoolchildren

“I created my own personal project on the Roblox programming course for kids. Everything I'm going to show you, I learned at the Pixel school. I've been doing this for almost half a year now. Everything is going well and I really liked the direction” — says Slava.

A student created a racing-style game. Before the start, a picture appears with the caption: “Hello! You have entered the racing world. You must step on the teleporter. Good luck!” After we step on the teleporter, a car appears. There are lights right next to it — these are obstacles that must be overcome while moving along the track. The player can also choose the road he will drive on. To win, you need to touch (or, as Slava says, “crash”) a special block. After that, a message appears saying that we have won. Hooray!

Create a Room in Roblox Lessons for Kids

Kostya from Almaty studies online at the Pixel school on the Roblox course. In his original project, the boy changed a lot of things in his own way, using the knowledge he gained in practice.

The project itself is a room in which you can do different things. For example, Konstantin's room has a TV with a PS5 and a cactus that he added himself. The essence of the game is to perform free (random) actions and see what happens. For example, by pressing one of the handles, the player explodes and loses (or, as Kostya says in the language of gamers: “If I press the handle, I'll just get kicked out of the game”).

There is also a door in the game that you can't enter. If the player does break the rule and opens it, he will dance there forever. Forever, because the walls here will close off the entire space and it will be impossible to get out. In addition, you can have a snack of fast food in the room, look at the statue of Shrek and other objects. Kostya modeled many of the objects himself: for example, a piano using desks.

Roblox Computer Game for Kids “Zombies vs. Fortress”

The author of the project is Egor from St. Petersburg, he is 10 years old. His game is called “Zombies vs. Fortress”. We are greeted by a menu in which we can choose whether we will be warriors and attack zombies openly, or we will be civilians and hold the siege of the fortress. The goal of the game is to get to the ship and escape.

Warriors take up arms and go to fight zombies. Yellow platforms in the game indicate acceleration in different directions. When we get to the ship, we are met by an invisible through block that we need to pass.

Once on the ship, you will have to shoot back at the zombies until they run out. They will either fall onto the ship or descend into the water. Egor also divided the zombies by strength and designated a territory for each type. So, the strongest are in the air, and the weakest are on the ground.

“I took the Roblox course and did one module there. Our teacher Diana explained everything very clearly and understandably, so it was very easy for me to study on this course” – Egor shares his impressions.

How to Create Your Own Roblox World Using 3D Modeling

Yaroslav created his project “Survive on the Island” using the 3D modeling capabilities of the Roblox studio.

The plot of the game is as follows: the main character was flying a helicopter, but it fell and crashed. Then the player appears on the island after the accident and walks around it, exploring the surroundings. His task is to find ways to survive and the necessary inventory for this.

Yaroslav created the helicopter model himself earlier in the course and added it to the game. The student also built a cave on the map, the entrance to which is blocked with stones. Going further, we will see a radio tower that can be climbed, and a house with a wounded man inside. He acts as an NPC with whom you can talk and provide first aid. To do this, the player will need to find a first aid kit.

There is also a broken bridge on the map, which is not so easy to cross. Somewhere you need to walk, and in some places you need to jump. And if you look closely, you can see that the student carefully worked out the textures of the walls of some houses and even pasted wallpaper!

Yaroslav is still finalizing the project: he has to decide how the player will get the first aid kit to help the person from the radio tower.

“I'm sure I'll do it someday. Right now the first aid kit just lies there and there's no way to pick it up. I also plan to make some walls transparent. For now, this is how it works: survival on an island. I think I'll add something else to this game and publish it,” — the student shares his plans.

How to Make a Parkour Roblox Game

Evgeniy created a project called “Parkour” in his training course. It is a map: to pass it, you need to jump over obstacles and not step on the floor, because in this case the game will be over. NPC models, some blocks for the map the student took from Toolbox. There are also blocks created using Lua scripts.

Zhenya gave the blocks color using the color function. Checkpoint was made an accelerating block. The game also has NPC assistants for other players.

Simple dialogues are written for them: they can say hello, goodbye, rejoice, warn that some area is especially dangerous.

The map runs at speed and is built so that one side does not open to other parts of it. At the end of the game there is an NPC who says: “You did well! You completed the map.” This is where the game ends.

How to Make Roblox Games: Underground Mines

Alexandra created a game project, the idea of ​​which is to find underground mines and defeat the main boss in them. The game ends when the user finds the winning block and stands on it: then the message “Victory!” will appear. Along the way, there will be “bulletproof monsters” (or simply zombies) that you will have to fight.

Alexandra added different types of weapons to the map to defend against zombies and destroy the main villain. Among the inventory, you can find a shovel, which is also needed for the passage.

To create objects in the game and set up gameplay, the student assigned values ​​to variables in the script and wrote down coordinates. Each team has its own script, which corresponds to a certain plot action in the game. The victory block is invisible, for which a condition is written, according to which, upon contact, a message about victory is displayed.

We see how diverse children's projects created within the same courses can be. Now these kids know how create a game in Roblox Studio and publish it to allow other users to evaluate it. Thanks to the platform's tools, children develop their imagination: no one limits their ideas or advises them on which monster is best to put or what plot to write. This is the main value of learning, because only in this case do children develop a genuine interest in programming, and they are ready to develop in the future at a more serious level.

Perhaps you have your own examples of children's IT projects that you admire? Feel free to share them in the comments!

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