What does crypto have to do with it – conceptual SEO WEB 3.0: in 2025 everything will change

J. Billings: “I will not offer two cents for simplicity on this side of complexity, but I will give my life for simplicity on the other side of complexity.”

This phrase is here for a reason – we are all trying to find some simple but working tools and ways to improve our activities and lives in general. We are trying to cheat in an attempt to curb the chaos of highly complex systems. And in this article I will discuss how this can be done in theory.

In the article:

1) Why Google became what it is now

2) We do not give benefits, but satisfy momentary desires

3) How an SEO guy reads your thoughts

4) Conceptual SEO is not for everyone

5) Crypto and SEO

Why Google is no longer a cake

Any system is rebuilt taking into account the needs of most of its elements. In the early stages of Web 2.0, the Internet was filled with people with a specific purpose and understanding of the issue. Those who did not “fumble” gathered on social networks. When in the tenth years everyone had the opportunity to create their own website or start a blog on a popular forum, other mechanics came into play. Users began to receive in search results not what they needed, but what they wanted to see.

Example – YouTube. Videos that, in fact, do not have much value gain more views. But they are “sticky” and give the audience the feeling that they almost got what they wanted. Why make step-by-step guides “Python from scratch“, if you can upload motivating semi-watery videos “The Programmer's Path. First million” and transfer everyone to your tg.

Reading minds isn't that hard

What's going on in people's heads? How to read their thoughts? Let's not take out a crystal ball, but use logic.

The requests of consumers and potential buyers are based on their ideas, which are often erroneous. Therefore, experienced SEO specialists speak the language of a user who can search for an electric stove and type “gas” into Google.

What statistics does the webmaster collect to “read your mind”:

  • queries by which people came to the site;

  • page scrolling map;

  • survey data;

  • characteristics of the audience in social networks;

  • geo;

  • visiting times;

  • declines and rises in demand for certain keys over several weeks or months.

By themselves, these data are not very useful if you do not see the connections between them. For example, a promotional page for a new residential complex will have near-zero conversion if organic traffic and advertising campaigns are tailored to mortgage queries that were relevant six months ago.

Conceptual SEO is combinatorics and team strategy

Any craft, as well as business, has its own nuances – details that can only be obtained through experience. When the competition is small, even a small detail can provoke a strong leap forward.

Valery Linkov

But when the “clearing” is trampled by experienced fishermen, you have to look for and implement one feature after another. Meanwhile, as competition grows, the race accelerates. And those nuances that worked before begin to work much worse. But we can’t do without them anymore. You have to combine a bunch of different tools and techniques so that they work together and reinforce each other.

An SEO specialist who has access to data from calls and correspondence with clients on social networks understands the end client much better than someone who buries himself in the analytics of competitors and service data.

SEO formula of the past:

solid base (fundamental technique and complete relevance)

+ experiments

+ getting rid of non-working methods

+ adding new tools and methods

Conceptual SEO formula:


+ dense interaction with subcontractors (HR, DevOps, technical support, call center)

+ regular getting rid of old methods

+ adding and combining new “chips”

+ taking into account changing intentions

Crypto and SEO

An example from a crypto project. Promoting the tg channel consisted of pouring organic traffic into it from vc.ru. The articles were news items, so they had to be posted regularly at a specific time. Since the topic is fattening, only the lazy did not try to shake it up.

While working on the project, I began to notice nuances:

If you update the dates in old articles, change a couple of paragraphs of text and insert 1-2 new pictures, then Yandex shows them as fresh in the search feed. With a label from the “fast robot”, as in the screenshot.

And when you post 10-15 news materials on one vc account, traffic can be increased 1.5 times per week, simply by daily updating the most “successful” articles that have collected the most views from the search.

Anastasia Linkova

Another nuance. At some point, 50% of bold queries changed form. It was singular and became plural. And blogs on vc, which were previously outsiders in the niche, began to grow sharply, although nothing changed. And this happened because they did not worry about the shapes of the keys from the beginning and used most of them in the plural. A SEO specialist who did not notice this 4-5 hours before the release of a new article loses 30-50 thousand live traffic). And so on every 5 hours. Why did users start entering the same request, but in a different way? They were simply tired of typing the same long phrase into the search and began to shorten it, at the same time changing the form of the words.

And one more thing. In some topics, in the morning people enter a query like “1 word + 2 word”, and in the afternoon and evening “2 word + 1 word”, i.e. they simply swap words. And sites that have unique pages designed for both of these options outperform those who have made only one page for this key.

We don't know what to do

A common mistake of managers and business owners is the following:

  1. I know what to do, but I don't understand how. I need a specialist like this, for example in SEO.

In fact, in 90% of cases this conclusion is based on assumptions. Competitors have a cool website with a lot of features and a cool design. Let's make it even brighter. And we’ll start promoting, or better yet, add widgets to increase sales.

In reality, a maximum of 20% of solutions work, and it’s not a fact that attracting a new specialist was the key. Perhaps the result was a natural consequence of earlier actions, only with a delay.

And to be honest, most likely, of those 20% of effective actions, there was another 20% that became the root cause of the result. And from them you can isolate another 20%. When I began to look for flaws and patterns in my own projects, I almost always came to the conclusion that in reality less than 1% of the actions that were taken to achieve the goals were enough.

I suspect that similar numbers can be reached in the vast majority of projects from both ends of the spectrum:

  • Startups. There is no understanding of the next steps yet, because the product itself is not complete. There are no refined processes or any clear strategy.

  • Giants. For example, overstaffing has become the norm for companies with 10,000+ employees. By firing 10% of the staff, they will not lose anything, but rather, they will even improve their processes a little. This is the opinion of David Ulevich, a venture investor from Silicon Valley.

In the new generation of SEO, only experienced specialists can isolate even those same 20% of effective actions, as elsewhere, however. But if you expand the database by collecting complete statistics… I wrote about this in last article.

How to work with an SEO specialist

Most often there is no need to ask a specialist questions. If there is a big difference in expertise between the client and the pro, then discussing the details will not only take a lot of time, but will also lead away from the main goal. In addition, trying to understand the essence of the pro’s methods will still not help you implement his recommendations on your own. Even if something works, there is a considerable risk of disrupting related processes that were tied to a specific element of the system.

It works – don’t touch it, as users say. Actually no) You need to touch it if you know when and how.

I share other thoughts on the topic of analytics and online promotion in my channel. I will be glad to see your comments.

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