What analysts will be told at Flow 2024 Autumn

UML and other graphical notations: what is relevant in 2024? Research, opinions, practice

Yuri Kupriyanov

Systemic Shift

Is UML relevant now and should analysts study it? How to use it? Maybe it is already outdated and now we need to use C4 or ArchiMate? Or something else?

Yuri asked these questions on his channel and received a lot of polar opinions. Then he decided to repeat the 2014 study on the use of graphic models, sketches and drafts in the development of software products.

The author surveyed over 200 analysts, architects, and developers and would like to share the results of the study with you, and at the same time talk about your experience using graphical notations.

DDD for an Analyst: How to Increase Your Value to Everyone

Innokenty Bodrov


Actively learning and applying the Domain-Driven Design methodology is giving a boost to many teams and products.

Initially, the approach was intended for developers to explore the subject area and create an application as a reflection of real-world objects. Now this area of ​​work is mainly handled by analysts, and the DDD approach, when used skillfully, will help them immerse themselves in the subject area, immerse the development team in it, and tune in with customers on the same wavelength.

The speaker will share his experience of using DDD in product teams, failures and successes.

Lida track

Systems Analyst in Different Types of Companies: Challenges and Prospects

Dmitry Andreev


In this report, we will look at how systems analysts differ in different companies and how these differences affect their work. We classify companies by the following parameters:

Activity: product development, outsourcing, integrators, non-IT companies, etc.
Stage of development: startups, young companies, established companies, large corporations, etc.
Other characteristics that define the unique features of the company.

Each of these categories has its own specific characteristics, risks, and opportunities that systems analysts need to consider. Understanding these differences will help you better adapt to your new job and effectively deal with the challenges it presents.

Roadmap for developing an analyst's mindset

Natalia Semenova

Smart Effect

Natalia suggests looking at what types of thinking are important on the path of an analyst, when they are useful for us and how you can identify that it is time to change something in your head, and most importantly – what and how. As a result, each of you will be able to create your own individual roadmap (and someone – a branched mindmap) with a plan for the development of your own thinking.

Models of management of the system analysis department

Georgy Volobuev


Georgy will talk about popular models of SA department management and more. He will consider the difference in the life cycle for each approach, and will also analyze their pros and cons. We will discuss general and specific SA processes. What did and did not result from changes in processes in Sound.

Analyst Interview: Crafting Questions Based on Real Job Tasks

Tatyana Markina

Positive Technologies

Elena Pavlova

Positive Technologies

When selecting a system or business analyst for your team, you need to understand how they will cope with the tasks that they will face in the team. Standard questionnaires/checklists, even if they exist in the company, reflect a certain average profile of the candidate; the tasks often have a very broad context. And they ask one thing, but in reality the candidate will do something completely different.

During the master class, you will be shown how to define a candidate’s profile, focus a task with a broad context, and what other questions, in addition to technical ones, to ask the candidate.

The Art of Mentoring for Systems Analysts

Elizaveta Markova


Today, experienced systems analysts often do not take advantage of the opportunity to take on interns: either there is no time, or there is a fear that it will not work out. The goal of the presentation is to convey to the target audience (system analysts who would like to try themselves in the role of mentors) that the learning process can be easy and interesting. Elizaveta will share specific steps that will help in this.

Running to the goal and running from problems. How to use Gerchikov's motivational model for yourself and your team

Anastasia Moskovkina


Why are “interesting tasks” motivating for some people and not for others? There are different theories and methods of motivation that are used in practice. One of them was proposed by Russian sociologist Vladimir Gerchikov – dividing people into achievers (running towards the goal) and avoiders (running away from problems).

The features of this typification can be used in drawing up development plans, forming a team, identifying leaders and changing grades. I will tell you about this tool, its application and give examples of its use from the practice of an analyst manager.


From Niche App to Super App: Design Strategy for Product Expansion

Anton Gubarev-Pentin

QIC Digital Hub

In this talk, Anton will highlight how his team develops an interface that can scale with the growth and development of the product. We will discuss methods for integrating agile principles into our design system and strategies for effective interaction with stakeholders. This allows Anton's company to expand the product without having to completely rework it with each major update.


The program is clear – it remains to explain the format for those who have not encountered it before:

  • September 17th will be a completely online day.

  • And on September 24 and 25, whatever is more convenient for you: you can either come to the site in St. Petersburg in person or connect remotely from anywhere on the planet.

In both cases, questions can be asked to the speakers after the reports, so we will wait for them.

Other information – on the conference websitetickets are there, if you have any questions, ask in the comments.

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