Website Creation Course Review

Nowadays, a website is a business card not only for companies that sell goods and provide services. Rock bands, bloggers, and charitable foundations have their own web pages. Even animals have their own websites. All this suggests that website creation specialists are in demand. And anyone can learn this, even a schoolchild without special skills.
HTML and CSS are concepts that many adults and children are familiar with from school computer science classes, from html lessons for children. With their help, you can independently create your simple first website.

HTML — is a hypertext markup language. Using special tags, it transforms text into a format that is readable for us. Each tag is responsible for its content. For example, with the
tag we can move the text to a new line, and will allow us to insert an image on the site.

CSS is responsible for the visual content of the site and is translated as “cascading style sheets”. This includes everything that is somehow related to the color of the text, fonts, saturation, and grouping of elements. So, the font size is determined by the font-size property, the degree of wide or narrow font style is set by the font-stretch property, and to set one font family for the entire web page, you need to use font-family.

JavaScript is a scripting language, or, in other words, scripts. A script contains instructions that are immediately ready to run. They come in two types: built-in and external. External scripts are handled in a separate document, which has the .js extension.

Teaching Kids HTML, JS and CSS gives students the foundation they need to learn how layout, design, and back-end management of websites work. These skills will lay the foundation for a future career in web development or web design.

Website Development for Children. Prospects for Studying Web Page Layout

The Internet today is a whole world where you can find anything. From communicating with friends via social networks and instant messengers to shopping on various marketplaces and finding people with similar interests on specialized forums: all this is in one big space – the Internet. Currently, there are more than 1 billion websites registered in the world. For comparison: in 2008, there were about 185 million.

This huge amount of resources provides access to any information. Every day, users make about 8.5 billion search queries through Google. This indicates that the Internet has become an integral part of people's lives.

Over the years, the Internet has changed society dramatically. People began to communicate, study, work and even relax differently. It connects billions of people around the world, making the exchange of information and culture more accessible. And its growth statistics indicate that interest in web resources will not fade for a long time. Thus, the Internet continues its rapid development, bringing new opportunities for communication, education, business and entertainment.

Nowadays, you can become a website creator even without much experience in the IT sphere. This is especially relevant for young people, since website creation courses for schoolchildren can become not only an interesting hobby, but also a successful career in the future.

For parents: where to start teaching children how to create websites?

If your child has expressed a desire to learn this skill, find out what their goals are. They may want to revamp their school website, create their own social network, or create a fan site for their favorite game. Understanding their goal can help them choose the most effective learning path.

Teenagers intrigued by the possibilities of web programming and html for schoolchildren usually resort to one of two paths: either they learn to write code manually, or they use specialized online platforms and website builders that greatly simplify the process. But today we will analyze the first case, when the site is created independently.

Together, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript form the basis of web development. They are like the three pillars that most websites stand on. When it comes to more complex tasks, programmers can turn to other languages, such as PHP, PERL, or Java. If a student plans to become a web developer in the future, it is worth starting with learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create websites for children. This is a good starting point for beginners in web development.

When developers write code themselves, they can implement any idea they have and think through every detail. This means that they are limited only by their imagination. If a webmaster knows how to program, he will be able to quickly find and fix serious problems.

Writing code requires more effort than using ready-made tools for creating websites, but it is worth it. Learning programming and html for children can be difficult, but the result justifies itself: after mastering the courses, children can not only create their own website, but in the future it will be easier and more comfortable for them to learn more complex programming languages. Thus, a child's hobby can develop into the profession of a real developer.

7 JS, CSS and HTML Lessons for Kids for Free

You can start your journey in web development with free online lessons, where teachers explain the basics of layout using HTML, JavaScript, CSS. Below we have prepared seven simple and short lessons for you that will introduce you to the basics of layout. Each of them has detailed instructions, so you can immediately repeat the actions of the teacher on your PC or laptop.

Lesson #1: Learning Brackets

Brackets is a free text editor for developers that is indispensable when working with HTML, JS and CSS. It is compatible with Linux, Mac and Windows. After installing the editor according to the instructions in the video, you will learn about the basic HTML tags that are necessary for creating any web page, see how the Emmet extension works and what types of headings are used in layout.

Lesson #2: Understanding the Tag

The lesson is devoted to how to add an image to a web page using a special tag. From the lesson, you will also learn the difference between png and jpeg images. The teacher also talks about other types of tags, lists, and hyperlinks.

Lesson #3: CSS Basics

CSS stands for “cascading style sheets”. In layout, this language is used to structure information on a page. Simply put, each cell or set of cells collects different data. From the lesson, you will also learn how to create a table on a page using the tags





Lesson #4: Making an Online Store

The lesson is devoted to creating an online store using the Bootstrap library. To connect it, you need to go to, then in the CSS section next to the line click Copy. The copied line must be pasted into the editor under the tag. Next, you need to customize the appearance of the display of products, set the font, size and color. For detailed instructions, see the video tutorial.

Lesson #5: Playing and Layout

Consider this as additional material to the free course. Here you will learn about three games that you can play and simultaneously learn the basics of website layout. The games CSS Diner, Grid Garden and Flexbox Froggy will introduce students to the concept of a selector and how to choose one, and will help them understand classes and properties in CSS.

Lesson #6: Making a Calculator in JS

To create a calculator, you will need JavaScript. The JS script is included in Brackets before the closing tag. Next, you will learn how to set the appearance of the device using the


Lesson #7: Opening jQuery

jQuery is a JS library created for ease of use. From the lesson you will learn how to connect it to an html page, in practice see what interesting possibilities its use gives.

Pros and Cons of HTML, CSS, JavaScript for Schoolchildren

Let's look at the different aspects of this type of education for children.

The advantages include the absence of any binding to any templates or presets. The child determines the entire appearance of the page and its functions by the style settings, animation and HTML tags of the site, and also tries to create all the elements independently from scratch. Although this process seems complicated, it develops imagination and creative thinking well. In addition, children are always interested in working according to their own scenario, where there are no restrictions.

The second plus is the skills of logical thinking and working with algorithms. Working with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, as well as writing code, for example, in Python or C#, involves a clear sequence of actions. And in layout, it is often necessary to think about this or that problem in the code in order to correctly display this or that element on the page.

The third advantage of learning HTML for children is the wide functionality of websites that are created manually. With web layout skills, you can create anything: from an online store page to your own social network.

But creating a website is not enough, you still need to place it online. And here lies the main disadvantage of such a process. Such websites are also hosted by developers themselves, and this costs money. In order for a website to appear on the Internet, you need to buy a virtual service, pay for a license, and purchase security certificates. Also, let's not forget about maintaining the operation of the web resource, which also requires not only financial but also physical costs. But here everything depends on the project itself: large platforms are most often created by companies with a team of developers. But history knows many cases when brilliant IT students and programmers created successful websites that quickly gained popularity and brought profit to their creators (for example, social networks VK, Facebook).

If we are talking about small projects, then the costs for them are not so high: most likely, purchasing hosting will cost the developer no more than a morning cappuccino.

Courses CSS, JavaScript, HTML for teenagers and schoolchildren will suit children if they have an interest in the IT sphere in general. Perhaps in the future, he will find himself as a programmer and turn the creation of websites for children from a hobby into a full-time job. With additional training, the child will be able to easily move on to developing games and mobile applications. Perhaps in the future, he will even become a front-end developer in a promising company. One way or another, this basic direction will give the student the basics of working with computer code and skills that he can apply in practice, including for additional income.

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