We had one day off, almost 12 liters of coffee and tea and 13 riddles…

We decided to try ourselves in a new genre and organized a quest for colleagues and like-minded people in one of the cities where we operate. Six teams had a great run around Taganrog – they solved all the locations, spent time in the fresh air and ate pizza.

Do you want to arrange a similar city tour in the style of DozoR quests? Look under the cat. We've posted most of the riddles (and to add some intrigue, we'll add the answers later).

Walking around the city is not just for fun, but with meaning, more interesting. We have been hatching the idea of ​​implementing some kind of quest offline for a long time. I wanted to combine memories of participating in DoZoRs and the idea of ​​“near-IT” riddles. And this year we finally realized our plans.

We are present in different regions, but the choice of the city where to conduct such experiments somehow fell on Taganrog from the very beginning. Firstly, several colleagues work from this city and neighboring Rostov at once – there was someone to try for. And secondly, one of the Taganrozh residents already had experience in organizing similar events, albeit for cyclists. But the general concept was clear.

There is a lot to see in Taganrog. This is a city with a 300-year history, founded by Peter I (although there were settlements on this territory earlier). True, it was later destroyed by Peter I. This is a city of military glory, and a port, and a city of Pushkin’s places… In short, we had no shortage of locations.

To conduct the quest, we chose several historical points at a short distance from each other. We also found three commercial partners, in whose offices we organized tea and coffee and even some refreshments.

Although all the locations seemed to be close to each other, the length of the route for the participants was about 12 km. According to the terms of participation, it was possible to use public or individual transport – bicycles, scooters or the legendary Taganrog trams. Motorcycles and cars (neither personal nor car sharing) were not allowed.

A total of 13 riddles were prepared. At each point it was necessary to decipher the task – i.e. to understand what location we are talking about – get the whole team to the place and take a photo.

We would like to share eight riddles that, according to the participants, were the most interesting. Today we post them without answers. Try to solve it and write your answers in the comments. In a few days we will add the correct answers directly to the article under spoilers.


Riddle 1

Riddle 2

9V8mjTldWYo on the red button

Riddle 3. On the local IT landscape

Riddle 4

I symbolize something strong and stable,

I rarely see it in code, but I can’t ignore it.

My structure is complex and requires patience,

So think what am I? Here's a hint: it has to do with strength and durability.

What is this word that describes reliable material,

And in engineering is sometimes used to describe robust designs?

Riddle 5

Riddle 6

20 16 18 4 16 3 29 6 18 33 5 29 or 4 16 18 19 10 14 6 12 9 21 19 15 17

Hint: this is the same location, which has two names.

Riddle 7


Riddle 8

[Первое слово] [Второе слово]

[Первое слово] – “”Boyayrsyazyaugstszanftskh””

[Второе слово] – Method [какое-то слово, но оно не требуется для ответа] [Второе слово] – A top-down parsing algorithm in which each procedure conforms to a context-free grammar or BNF rule, and parsing is carried out through mutual procedure calls

Bottom line

From the very beginning, we set up an experiment – we decided to invite teams not only from Taganrog, but also from neighboring Rostov. They announced registration and literally in three hours gathered the maximum number of participants – 6 teams.

On average, teams played for three hours. In fact, only one team used any kind of transport (scooters), while the rest walked, averaging 15-18 thousand steps. It turned out to be a great event for maintaining work life balance.

We recommend repeating our route!

PS Expect answers in 1-2 days

PPS We publish our articles on several Runet sites. Subscribe to our page at VK or on Telegram channelto learn about all publications and other news from Maxilect.

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