We fight anxiety together with Habr Career and Alter

We often talk to IT professionals and know how worried they can be about their careers. Important aspects such as work, career growth, finding a new place or changing professional activities often cause feelings of anxiety. And this is natural – we all worry when it comes to our future.

It is important to learn to control our anxiety rather than let it control us. Together with the mental health service Alter, we made a projectwhich we hope will help you deal with difficult feelings.

In the project:

  • a guide with practices to combat anxiety,

  • promo code for a 30% discount on a session with a psychologist at Alter,

  • live broadcast with a psychologist who will analyze your stories about career experiences and failures – they can be shared anonymously on the project page.

→ Join the project

How to cope with stress

Each person reacts to stress in their own way: some become overly active, while others, on the contrary, fall into a stupor. It is useful to understand exactly how you react to stressful situations. Analyze your behavior in the past under similar circumstances.

This will help you recognize how your thinking may be distorted in the moment, and quickly restore the balance between panic and rational behavior. Assess whether you are really in danger? You may need the help of a specialist – in this case, contact him first.

Together with the team of the online service for recruiting psychologists Alter, we have prepared a guide that will explain where anxiety comes from, how to cope with it in the moment, and how to prevent it from influencing your career, decisions, and life in general.

In this guide, we offer several techniques to help cope with anxiety. They concern the aspects on which anxiety primarily affects: the body, thinking, nutrition, behavior, people.

One useful exercise is to transfer anxious thoughts to paper. Freewriting is often used when working with depression, psychological trauma and anxiety disorders.

Other practices to combat anxiety are in our guide. You can get it for free, by registering via the link. The guide will be available until October 7.

Psychotherapy is ok

If you are experiencing difficulties, do not hesitate to seek professional help. Psychotherapy is a tool that helps people cope more effectively with problems and develop. Working with a specialist can be more productive than trying to figure it out on your own.

There is no shame in seeking counseling – it is a sign of awareness and self-care. For registration in the project We are giving a promotional code for a 30% discount on a session with a psychologist at Alter. The bonus is available until October 7.

→ Register

Tell a psychologist your story – it's anonymous

In the project, we collect anonymous stories about career experiences and failures to help you understand these situations. If you have a story to tell, please share with us. October 3 Let's analyze the stories live together with the psychologist of the Alter online service Polina Tsvetkova.

→ I have this story

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