Volt-amperemeter based on ESP8266 with data recording in a log and transmission via the Internet

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Today we will assemble a voltammeter based on the ESP8266 meringue; it is equipped with modules: INA226, real-time module, digital temperature sensor, touch screen, SD card for saving logs, WI-FI module, controller for managing power keys.

Such a device is perfect not only for use in a power supply, but also in an electronic load, in a car’s on-board network, a solar panel system and for other systems where, upon reaching a certain threshold for voltage, current or temperature, the device must be disconnected or connected necessary modules.

On the main page we display data: voltage, current, watts, milliamps per hour, milliwatts per hour, current temperature from a digital temperature sensor and fan speed.

At the top of the screen we display the current time and IP address, through which we can connect to our device using a phone, tablet or computer from anywhere in the world.



Our graph is built in real time and is adaptive; at the top of the screen you can select the display mode: in seconds, minutes, hours.



On the settings page we can choose the color of the data, for example, change the color of the watt value to yellow, now we will have yellow data on watts both on the main page and on the graphs page.

Color selection

Color selection

Also on the settings page we have the option to choose whether to save data to a log file or not.

Here we can clear the memory card and see how much space is currently occupied on it.

Web page: Graph

Web page: Graph

The voltammeter can also display data on a phone, tablet or computer anywhere in the world, as we see in real time, a graph is built and the current values ​​of voltage, current, watts and temperature are displayed, with the colors we have chosen in the device, so They are also displayed on the chart, for example, let it be turquoise, there are filters on the chart thanks to which we can hide some data or display it by clicking on the corresponding buttons on the screen.

We can download all the data on the graph in Excel format.

Web page: Logs

Web page: Logs

By going to the “Logs” tab and opening the corresponding file for the period of time required for us, you can view all the data in the form of a graph or download it in Excel format, where, based on the data received, you can build your own graphs or process the information as you wish.

Web page: Settings

Web page: Settings

The “settings” tab contains very flexible network data settings, which will allow you to use this voltammeter without any restrictions.

Wiring diagram (in pictures)

Wiring diagram (in pictures)

Well, the wiring diagram itself (in pictures).

I also made detailed instructions for you and prepared a printed circuit board in Sprint-Layout and PDF, all links in the description under the video on YouTube.

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