Vivaldi 5.7 – Plural in the singular

It often happens that a small, even, say, tiny external change hides a rather tangible difference in the operation of the program. So in the new version of Vivaldi 5.7 for desktops, a couple of letters have changed, and the result turned out to be impressive.

Changing letters

So, in the new version, there has been a slight change in the browser menu: now the “Windows Sidebar” option has appeared in the View menu. More precisely, it replaced the previous one – “Window Sidebar”. It would seem – is nonsense, but in fact it is only an external manifestation of the changes that we have made to the browser code. In general, as is clear from the new name of the option, now all open browser windows will be displayed in the sidebar of windows. Except private:

What does it give? Gives a lot. For example, now you can drag a tab from one window to another in this sidebar. Or even from one group of tabs in one window to another group of tabs in another, respectively, window. Or drag an entire group of tabs to another window. In general, complete freedom of action, experiment on health.

And not only

In addition, we added a couple of nice little things. For example, the option to auto-read messages:

No, the browser will not read the letter for you, even if you really ask. But it will be able to automatically mark it as read a few seconds after opening. Also now you can assign a keyboard shortcut to mark an email as spam. Or as not spam – your choice. Keyboard shortcuts can be assigned to each of these actions.

And it’s all?

No, not all

We also fixed more than a hundred and fifty of your bug reports. We did a lot of work on the bugs. You can see the full list of changes Here.

However, experienced users already guess: if there are few new noticeable options in the next version, then the developers are preparing something big and interesting. And yet we are preparing, what can we hide. But what exactly – we will not say yet. Let there be a surprise.

In the meantime, thank you all for your help in preparing this version and do not forget to download it from official website.

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