useful materials from Selectel employees

In the article, the author talks about the container management system in Kubernetes. Starts with the concept and architecture, and ends with instructions for setting up a cluster. Additionally, he highlights important points that can worsen the design of the system and offers his solution. Everything is short and to the point.

Where to find → follow the link.

Kubernetes The Hard Way


product manager

Popular tutorial with 40 thousand stars on GitHub. If you are going to administer K8s clusters, I recommend taking it. Of course, doing it yourself is still “the hard way,” but you can always turn to managed solutions.

The guide is divided into 14 labs, which detail how to deploy a Kubernetes cluster from scratch using basic control-plane components. Suitable for those who want to understand the K8s architecture from the inside and learn how its components interact with each other.

Where to find → in GitHub.

What happens when…


lead developer

A good article about the internal structure and interaction of k8s components. After studying the material, I began to better understand what is happening in the cluster at a certain point in time.

The material is suitable for users with a basic understanding of Kubernetes. It will help you find out in detail what happens when you run the kubectl create deployment nginx command. Despite the fact that some mechanisms have lost their relevance, the article provides a deep understanding of the architecture, describes in detail the interaction of control-plane components with each other and explains operating patterns using the K8s source code as an example.

Where to find → on GitHub.

Video lessons

YouTube channel ADV-IT


junior system administrator

When I changed from working with networks to administration, the course helped me study and basicly understand the K8s architecture. Now I can independently configure clusters on a virtual machine without looking at the “tutorial”.

The ADV-IT channel has a separate playlist on diving into Kubernetes. The author focuses on practice: he shows how to raise clusters on different platforms, create Docker images, manage pods and Helm charts. There are 13 lessons in total, ranging from 7 to 30 minutes.

Where to find → on



Video from TechWorld with Nana


lead developer

Two intensive video lessons that give good theory and a general understanding of Kubernetes. If videos are better than texts, I recommend starting with these materials.

The first video is a crash course on the core concepts and components of Kubernetes. In an hour, you will learn the syntax and contents of the configuration file, and also create a project in which you will deploy a web application with a database on a local Kubernetes cluster.

The second video is already about four hours long. In addition to the information from the previous lesson, the author provides a base on the K8s architecture, saving data using Volumes and Helm charts. Additionally deploys demo project to MongoDB and Mongo Express.

Where to find → on YouTube (






Kubernetes in action



A useful theory for those who like to study information from a textbook. I recommend the English version, the Russian version has distorted the translation. For example, the basic minimal abstraction has become a module, which creates unnecessary confusion for an inexperienced reader.

The author of the book teaches how to use Kubernetes to deploy containerized applications. Starts with an overview of container technologies using Docker as an example and gradually dives into the functionality of K8s – such as monitoring, configuration and scaling.

Some versions of the K8s api given in the book are already outdated, but the general concepts and approaches discussed will be relevant for a long time.

Where to find → by



A Guide to Kubernetes for Kids


junior product manager

Don’t be afraid of the phrase “for children”, because we are all big children. Sometimes things that everyone understands are incomprehensible to us, which is why it is so difficult to overcome yourself and ask someone. This book will help you form an idea of ​​containers, clusters, namespaces and other abstractions. You don’t even have to read, but just look at the pictures, they are wonderful.

In the story, the main character Pyshka, a simple PHP program, is looking for his place in the big world. Together with her friends and Captain Cube, she overcomes all the obstacles on her way, finds her own environment, learns to make copies and manage services. And all this in parallel with a detailed explanation of complex terms and diagrams.

The book has continuationwhich introduces readers to Kubernetes concepts using zoo pets as an example.

Where to find → by



Professional chats in Telegram


backend developer

When I don’t know how to solve a problem, I turn to the documentation first and then ask the K8s community for advice. Helped me out more than once. 🙂

Often in Telegram chats, experts discuss specific problems that go beyond the scope of documentation. There are probably people there who have already encountered similar problems. They can share the best solution or advise what not to do.

Where to find → in Telegram (@kubernetes_ru And @gitops_ru).

Secret source of knowledge


System Administrator

As trivial as it may sound, documentation is often enough to learn Kubernetes. It contains all the basic information for a quick start.

As you get to know Kubernetes, the documentation helps you answer technical questions. For example, how to manage secrets using Kubectl or troubleshoot cluster components. Useful as an additional source of knowledge.

Where to find → on official website.

What materials helped you in learning Kubernetes? Share your options in the comments.

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