Useful and efficient algorithms for secp256k1 elliptic curve

In this article, we will look at several useful and efficient algorithms for an elliptic curve. E over the field GF(p) given by the short Weierstrass equation

у^2 = х^3 + Ах + В

  • Algorithm for generating a point on a curve E

  • Algorithm for adding points

  • Doubling Point Algorithm

  • Algorithm for finding an integer multiple point

  • Algorithm for finding an integer multiple point (scalar multiplication)

  • Algorithm for constructing a divider D over the curve E with carrier supp(D) given size d

  • Miller’s algorithm for calculating the value of the Weil function f n, P by divisor D such that supp(D) ∩ {P, O} = ∅

  • Pairing Weil (Weyl pairing)

Modular operations (integers) on a finite field (or Galois field)

  1. x mod n means “the remainder of n after dividing x”. In other words, if x = an + b and a, b ∈ integer, and also 0 ≤ b ≤ n − 1, then x mod n = b .

  2. Reverse : if ax = 1 mod n then a is the inverse of x mod n . There are two popular methods solutions :• Method 1 : Try each value for a bye xa mod n = 1 .• Method 2 : Euclidean method that is commonly used to solve the inverse problem of large integers, so it is recommended to use method 1 to solve the inverse problem of small integers.

Elliptic Curve Point Operation

Dot P(x 0 ,y 0 ) on an elliptic curve E means: its coordinates x 0 and y 0 are elements of the field, and the coordinates x 0 and y 0 satisfy the equation.

  1. Adding points on an elliptic curve : let P, Q and R will be three points on an elliptic curve. Adding points P + Q = R.

  2. Doubling points on an elliptic curve : let P, Q are two points on an elliptic curve. Doubling Points P + P = 2P = Q

  3. Scalar multiplication : let P will be a point on the curve E defined in the equation

    • Scalar multiplication nP defined as nP = P + P + P + … + P ( n times), where n is an integer; nP is also a point on the same curve E .

    • The minimum natural number a for aP = O called in order P .

    • Dot multiplication is widely required in elliptic curve cryptosystems.


Divisor (Divider) D on the curve E is a convenient way to indicate multiset of points on E written as a formal sum

  • The set of all divisors E denoted Div Fq (E) and forms a group in which the addition of divisors is natural.

  • Zero Divisor: This is the divisor for all n P = 0, zero divisor 0 ∈ Div Fq (E) .

  • If the field F q is not specific, it can be omitted and simply written as Div(E) to denote a group of divisors.

Function f divided by E

Function Divisor f on the E used to denote intersection points (and their multiplicities) of functions f and E .

Pairing Weil

The Weyl pairing, which is denoted e m takes as input a pair of points P, Q ∈ E[m] and gives at the output root _m of unity e m( P , Q) . The bilinearity of the Weyl pairing is expressed by the equations

e m (P one + P 2 Q) = e m (P one Q) * e m (P2, B),

e m (P, Q one +Q 2 ) = e m (P, Q one )*e m (P, Q 2 ).

Pair Weil P and Q is the quantity

where S ∈ E is any point that satisfies the condition S ∉ {O, P, −Q, P − Q} . (This ensures that all quantities on the right side are defined and non-zero.) You can check that the value e m (P,Q) does not depend on choice f P , f Q and S .

An Efficient Weil Pairing Computation Algorithm

Let E be an elliptic curve, and let P = (x P ,y P ) and Q = (x Q ,y Q ) are nonzero points on E .

Let λ will be the slope of the line connecting P and Q or the slope of the tangent to E in P if P= Q. (If the line is vertical, we assume λ = ∞.) Define the function g P, Q on the E in the following way:


div(g P, Q ) = [P] + [Q] — [P + Q] — [ O ].

Miller’s algorithm

Let m ≥ and write the binary expansion m how

m = m 0 + m one *2+m 2 *2 2 +···+m n – 1 2 n – 1

at m i ∈ {0, 1} and m n – 1 ≠ 0 . The following algorithm returns a function f P whose divisor satisfies the condition

div( f P ) = mP ] — [ mP ] — ( m – 1 ) [ O ],

where functions g T, T and g T, P, used by the algorithm are defined in (a).

In particular, if P ∈ E[m] then div( f P ) = mP ] − mO ].


git clone

cd CryptoDeepTools/04AlgorithmsForSecp256k/

pip3 install numpy
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├──            <- Спаривания Вейля, а так же Алгоритм Миллера
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