Usability testing of the site

Usability testing is becoming a key tool in the hands of developers and designers, allowing them to identify and eliminate potential interface problems before the site reaches the end user.

This article will be of interest to a wide range of professionals involved in the creation and promotion of web resources. Web developers will find here information on how to integrate usability testing into the development process to make sites as user-friendly and user-friendly as possible. Designers learn how to use feedback from testing to improve the visual and functional aspects of the interface. For marketers and business owners, this article will help you understand why usability is a critical factor for increasing conversion and customer retention, and how it can be measured and optimized using modern tools like Testograf.

We will look at how to properly organize the usability testing process, what tools and techniques can be used, and how to make informed decisions to improve the site based on the data obtained. Real cases and examples demonstrating the effectiveness of usability testing in practice will also be presented. Whether you're a web development professional or just getting started with website development, this article will provide you with valuable knowledge and guidance to succeed in your work.

What is usability testing?

Usability testing is a method of assessing how easily end users can interact with a website, application, product or system. The goal of this process is to identify usability problems in order to make the product as clear, easy to use, and effective at accomplishing user tasks as possible.

Goals of usability testing:

  1. Improved usability: Identification of interface elements that cause difficulties for users and their subsequent optimization.

  2. Improving user experience (UX): Understanding user expectations and adapting product design and functionality to meet those expectations.

  3. Reduced support costs: Minimize the number of support calls due to a more intuitive interface.

  4. Increase conversion: Improving key performance indicators for a website or app, such as time spent on page and conversions.

Types of usability testing:

  1. Moderated testing: Conducted in the presence of a moderator who can observe the user in real time and ask questions. This can take place both in person and remotely.

  2. Unmoderated testing: Users complete tasks independently in the absence of a moderator. Data is collected automatically through specialized software.

  3. Group testing (Focus groups): Discussion of a product by a group of users to obtain opinions and preferences regarding its usability.

  4. A/B testing: Comparing two versions of a page or interface element with each other to determine the most effective option in terms of user experience.

  5. Testing using oculomotor trackers (Eye tracking): Research that analyzes where users look when interacting with an interface, helping to understand which elements attract the most attention.

  6. Heuristic testing: Evaluation of a product against predefined usability heuristics (rules), usually conducted by UX/UI experts.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and can be chosen depending on the testing objectives, available resources and the stage of product development. It is important to approach usability testing comprehensively, using various techniques to obtain the most complete picture of the user experience.

Why Usability Testing is Important for Your Website

Usability testing plays a critical role in optimizing websites and applications to meet user needs and expectations. The importance of this process cannot be underestimated, since it directly affects the effectiveness of the web resource and its ability to achieve business goals. Let's look at two main reasons why usability testing is so important.

Increased user satisfaction

User satisfaction is a key factor in the success of any website or application. If users encounter difficulties using your resource, they are likely to leave it and are unlikely to return. Usability testing helps identify and eliminate problems in the interface that may prevent the user from achieving their goals easily and effectively. By improving usability, you not only improve the user experience, but also improve the overall perception of your brand.

Increase conversion and customer retention

Conversion is a key website performance indicator that reflects the percentage of visitors who complete a desired action (for example, making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or filling out a feedback form). Usability testing is aimed at simplifying the process of performing these actions, eliminating possible obstacles in the user's path. Improving usability can significantly increase conversions because users are less frustrated and more trusting of a site that makes it easy to find the information they need and take the desired action.

Usability testing also helps in customer retention. Sites with a high level of usability encourage repeat visits. Users who feel comfortable using your site are more likely to return in the future. This creates a strong base of loyal customers and maintains long-term relationships with them.

As a result, usability testing not only increases user satisfaction and loyalty, but also directly affects the financial performance of a business, increasing conversion and promoting customer retention. Investing in usability is an investment in the success and sustainability of your online project.

How to use Testograph for usability testing

Testograph is a powerful tool for conducting online surveys, tests and voting, which can be effectively used for usability testing of websites and applications. Using Testograph allows you to collect, analyze data and draw informed conclusions about how users interact with your product. Below we describe the capabilities of the service that make it an ideal tool for usability testing.

Service features relevant for usability testing:

  • Different types of questions: Testographer offers more than 30 question types, including single and multiple choice, rating scales, open-ended questions and drag-and-drop. This allows you to create detailed questionnaires to test various aspects of website usability.

  • Randomization of questions and answers: The service allows you to randomly change the order of questions and answers, which helps minimize bias in the results.

  • Setting up transition logic: You can set up your survey logic so that a user's answers to certain questions will direct them to different parts of the survey. This allows you to create more complex and in-depth testing scenarios, simulating different user paths on the site.

  • Survey branding: Testographer offers survey branding capabilities, allowing you to create tests that fully match the style of your site or application.

  • E-mail newsletter: You can invite participants to test directly via email, which greatly simplifies the data collection process.

  • Uploading results: Survey results can be exported in .CSV, .XLSX and .PDF formats for further analysis.

  • API access for integrations: The Testographer API allows you to integrate survey data with other systems and tools, which expands the ability to analyze and use the collected data.

  • Automated analytics: The system provides automatic analytics with the construction of tables and charts, which simplifies the interpretation of the results.

  • Various types of embedding surveys on a website: You can embed surveys directly on your website using a widget, pop-up or iframe. This makes the process of participating in testing as invisible and convenient for users as possible.

Using these capabilities, you can create comprehensive usability tests that will help you better understand how users interact with your product and identify areas for improvement.

Useful links for further reference:

Examples of surveys for usability testing

For successful website usability testing, it is important to carefully design your survey questions so that they can effectively identify any usability and design issues. Here are examples of questions that can be used to evaluate the ease of navigation of a site and the quality of visual design.

Developing questions to determine the ease of navigation on the site:

  1. How easy was it for you to find the information you needed on the site?

  2. Have you encountered any difficulties using the site menu?

    • Yes, there were difficulties

    • No, there were no difficulties

    • If yes, describe with which ones

  3. Was the site navigation intuitive?

    • Yes

    • No

    • Partially

  4. How convenient was it to navigate between sections of the site?

    • Very comfortably

    • Convenient enough

    • Not very comfortable

    • Not at all convenient

Website visual design assessment:

  1. What do you think of the visual design of our website?

  2. How readable are the texts on the site?

    • Very readable

    • Mostly readable

    • There are problems with readability

    • Texts are unreadable

  3. Did you enjoy your time on the site?

    • Yes, very nice

    • More pleasant than not

    • More unpleasant than pleasant

    • Very unpleasant

  4. Are there design elements you don't like or would change?

    • No, I like everything

    • Yes (please indicate which ones)

Using Testograph, you can easily create surveys with similar questions and collect feedback from users. This will help you identify weaknesses in your site's design and navigation, and then optimize them to improve the overall user experience.

For more information and survey templates, visit the page with sample surveys and questionnaire templates on the Testograph website: Examples of surveys and questionnaire templates. Here you will find ready-made templates that you can use as a starting point to create your own surveys, tailored to the specifics of your site or application.

Case: application of usability testing in practice

Let's look at a usability testing case for an online electronics store that was faced with the problem of low conversion and high abandonment at the checkout stage. Using Testograph, the company ran a series of tests to identify and fix usability issues on its website.

Test preparation

  1. Setting goals: The main goal was to increase conversion at the checkout stage by improving usability.

  2. Hypotheses development: It has been suggested that the complexity of the ordering process and lack of information about order status may discourage users.

  3. Selecting a testing methodology: To receive the most detailed feedback, it was decided to conduct moderated testing with the involvement of real users.

  4. Development of surveys in Testograph: With the help of Testograph, surveys were created aimed at identifying problematic issues in the interface and the purchasing process.


  1. Recruitment of participants: A group of current clients and potential buyers was formed.

  2. Moderated sessions: Each participant went through the process of selecting a product and placing an order, during which his actions and comments were recorded.

  3. Surveys via Testograph: Upon completion of the tasks, participants filled out surveys in Testograph to evaluate the usability of the site and identify difficulties.

Analysis of results

  1. Data processing: Using Testograph's analytical tools, the team analyzed participants' responses and identified key issues.

  2. Issues identified:

    • Insufficiently clear instructions at the ordering stage.

    • Complicated and confusing process of entering the delivery address.

    • There is no visible confirmation that an item has been added to the cart.

  3. Recommendations and implementation of changes: Based on the data obtained, recommendations were developed to simplify the ordering process and improve visual cues.


After implementing the proposed changes, the online store recorded a significant increase in conversion at the ordering stage and a decrease in refusals. Thanks to usability testing using Testograph, the company was able to not only improve the user experience on its website, but also increase its sales.

This case demonstrates how a comprehensive approach to usability testing, including preparing, conducting tests and analyzing results using Testograph tools, can help identify and eliminate problems that stand in the way of improving the effectiveness of a website.

Analysis of results and site optimization

Analysis of the results obtained through Testograph and subsequent site optimization require a careful approach to interpreting the collected data and making informed decisions. Below are steps and recommendations for effectively using the information from Testograph to improve your website.

Interpretation of data from Testograph

  1. Analysis of answers to questions: The first step is to analyze the responses to each survey question in detail. Pay attention to questions where most answers indicate problems – this will help identify the most critical aspects of your site's usability.

  2. Trend identification: Looking for general trends and patterns in responses will help you understand common problems in how users perceive and use the site. For example, if many users indicate difficulties with navigation, this is a clear signal to action.

  3. Score open-ended responses: Carefully study the open-ended answers to the questions. They may contain specific comments and suggestions that will be useful when finalizing the site.

  4. Statistics analysis: Use Testographer's statistical tools to analyze data, such as response rates, averages for rating scales, etc. This will help quantify problems and priorities.

Making decisions based on received feedback

  1. Prioritize changes: Based on data analysis, determine which problems require immediate solutions. Focus on those aspects that have the greatest impact on usability and user satisfaction.

  2. Development of solutions: For each identified problem, develop specific solutions. This could include simplifying the checkout process, redesigning navigation, improving visual design, etc.

  3. A/B testing: Before making major changes, conduct A/B testing to evaluate their effectiveness. This will allow you to compare the new version with the current one and ensure that the changes actually improve usability.

  4. Implementation and re-evaluation: After testing and confirming the effectiveness of the changes, implement them on the site. Then run the surveys again through Testograph to evaluate how the usability scores have improved.

  5. Continuous improvement process: Usability testing and website optimization is a continuous process. Regularly collect feedback from users and adapt the site to their needs.

Using Testograph to analyze the results of usability testing allows you not only to identify problem areas, but also to track the dynamics of improvements. The key to success is being attentive to user feedback and being willing to continually improve your site.


In the modern digital world, where competition between websites and online services is only intensifying, the key factor for success is user satisfaction and loyalty. One of the most effective ways to improve these metrics is through usability testing, a process that allows you to deeply understand the needs and problems of your site's users. Using tools like Testograph makes this process accessible and efficient for companies of any size.

Testograph provides a wide range of functionality for creating online surveys, tests and voting, allowing you to collect feedback from users in real time. This data becomes the basis for making informed decisions to improve usability and, as a result, increase conversion and customer retention.

Don't miss the opportunity to improve your website, make it more user-friendly and understandable. Start using Testograph today to easily create and analyze surveys that will help you optimize your online presence and reach new heights in your business.

For those who are looking for an effective way to collect opinions and preferences of their audience, Testograph offers a solution in the form online voting. This tool is ideal for quickly obtaining feedback and involving users in the process of improving products and services.

Remember that your website is a living organism that requires constant attention and improvement. Leverage the power of Testograph to make these improvements meaningful and effective. Get started today and let your site thrive by providing users with exactly what they are looking for.

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