Unusual tools for the central nervous system

You can influence your body and be productive not only with the help of supplements and drugs. Being a biohacker means constantly looking for tools to “hack” and reconfigure yourself into a better version.

This is exactly what we are talking about in RISE: community about Nootropics and Biohacking.

In this article, you will learn about unconventional methods and tools that will help you increase productivity without using oral medications.

Cold bath/shower

This is Wim Hof ​​and he doesn't pay for heating in winter)

This is Wim Hof ​​and he doesn't pay for heating in winter)

Physiological effects

When we step into a cold shower or plunge into an ice bath, a process called vasoconstriction occurs.
Blood vessels constrict, the heart rate increases, adrenaline and noradrenaline are released. All this action stimulates metabolism, reduces inflammation and helps restore damaged tissue, especially after training.
This procedure not only gives an influx of energy for half a day, but also has a beneficial effect on our body in the future. For example, ice procedures harden immunityBy the way, it was this breathing system that allowed Wim Hof, the man in the photo above, to set the following Guinness records: record for swimming under ice and long-term contact of the whole body with ice, record for a half marathon barefoot on ice and snow.

What about the central nervous system?

Immersion in cold water activates a mechanism called “fight or flight”, our sympathetic nervous system prepares the body for immediate action and problem solving. The brain after such a procedure works like clockwork, creativity, energy, good mood.

Naturally, you shouldn't immediately climb into the ice hole for the sake of the enlightenment effect) Start small, a contrast shower, cold dousing, if there are no contraindications, then you can move on to cold baths. The water temperature should be 12-15 °C, 5-8 minutes in such water will be quite enough.
After this, rub yourself with a soft towel to warm up the skin and get the blood flowing a little.
I myself practiced cryotherapy, started with a cold shower, to lying in a bath with ice, bathed in -23 ℃ in an ice hole, the effect is amazing. I forgot about ARVI for about 3 years.

Hyperventilation Breathing by Wim Hof

Unusual tools for the central nervous system

Unusual tools for the central nervous system

Wim Hof's breathing method is as old as the world, he is not an innovator, he took the system from Bhastrika and optimized it for the majority.
The method of his system is simple: each cycle of breathing practice consists of two parts, first rapid breathing, without breaks, breathe with your stomach, inhale and exhale with your mouth, then hold your breath. Such cycles are performed 2-3 times, each cycle takes 4-5 minutes, all approaches take about 15-20 minutes.

How to breathe?

You take a deep breath through your mouth and exhale through your mouth, 30 breaths in, 30 breaths out, hold your breath on the last exhale for 2 minutes (it can be shorter, it can be longer, as is comfortable, you don't need to endure it), then take a breath and hold it for another 15-30 seconds and exhale slowly. It is advisable to breathe with your stomach or, more correctly, with your diaphragm. Then rest for 10-15 seconds and repeat, with each cycle the breath holding will increase.

Breathing practice improves moodphysical arousal, reduces anxiety and risk depressive disorders. This anti-stress effect is also explained by a decrease cortisol after practice.

20 minutes of such breathing after an ice-cold shower and you feel like you're on energy drinks, with clear thoughts and in complete peace. Believe me, it works great.
Actually link to an explanation from Wim Hof ​​and herself practicewho already know.


This is actually what preparing a bronomat looks like.

The term “bulletcoffee” was coined by scientist and businessman David Asprey, one of the first biohackers. He claimed that this coffee helped him lose 45 kg and increased his iQ. I won't vouch for the increase in IQ, but the fact that bulletcoffee really does replace breakfast, acts more gently and lasts longer than regular coffee, that's true.

The recipe itself:
Bulletproof coffee is made from freshly brewed coffee, poured into another container and here the magic happens, we add MCT, ghee or butter, preferably grass-fed, 1 tbsp of butter per 200 ml, and 2 teaspoons of MCT, you can add cinnamon to taste. We beat all this with a cappuccino maker, whisk, blender, whatever is convenient for you and get a rich, tasty and most importantly high-calorie drink.

For 100 ml – 153 calories, I usually make 200 ml.
By the way, if you don't have time to have breakfast, this coffee will do just fine for breakfast and will help you hold out until lunch, but I don't recommend doing it often. Recently, bronematcha has also become popular, the recipe is the same: half a teaspoon of matcha powder per 250 ml, pour in hot water at 75-70°C, beat and the drink is ready.
Lately I like Bronematch more, by the way, Match is one of the record holders in terms of content L-theaninewhich protects the central nervous system from damage, helps with anxiety, improves memory and brain function.

What's the trick with the armored drink?

In composition and synergy.
MST (medium chain triglycerides) – these are medium chain triglycerides. Unlike other fats, MCT goes directly to the liver, and is not deposited in fatty tissue. This oil activates work of the head brain, helps control weight, and also helps speed up metabolism, normalize bowel function and improve performance.

Your body produces more ketones, which means more energy, and ketones help control appetite, increase energy levels, and speed up metabolism.

And by adding butter, we get a 2x effect from ketones. Ghee oil It wins over butter in that it does not contain lactose or casein, which is great for people with allergies or those who do not tolerate dairy well.

Well, of course caffeine – this is vigor, energy and concentration.

It feels like the armored drink lasts longer than regular coffee/matcha ketones help you be more energetic, and calories are full and satisfied, and it's delicious in itself)

Blue light

When you've sat under a blue lamp for too long

When you've sat under a blue lamp for too long

There was an interesting study that involved teenagers aged 12 to 17. The study consisted of three stages. At each stage, the teenagers went to bed at half past one in the morning and got up at six in the morning. In the morning, one part of the teenagers was exposed to blue light, and the other part remained in dim lighting.
Results showed that blue light improved the cortisol awakening response in sleep-deprived adolescents.

“Blue light helps the body wake up and prepare for the day ahead, and it turns out that we can also easily relieve teenagers of stress – just use blue light in the morning.”

The study was authored by Mariana Figueiro.

Moderate exposure to blue light can increase our mood and improve concentration. When a certain part of the blue light spectrum is activated, our brain begins to produce more serotonin.

Need to get your child ready for kindergarten or perk yourself up? No problem, turn on a blue spectrum lamp for 5-10 minutes and you're as fresh as a cucumber.

Short-term blue light also stimulates dopamine production, but long-term exposure to light has the opposite effect and leads to symptoms such as anxiety, mood swings and poor sleep.

Music for the state of “flow”

Radio station LofiGirl is very popular due to its calm music for work and rest. The radio station has 13.5 million subscribers from all over the world.

Radio station LofiGirl is very popular due to its calm music for work and rest. The radio station has 13.5 million subscribers from all over the world.

LofiGirl radio station has been on air continuously since 2020. Over the years of its existence, the channel has become very popular – people often listen to it in the background while working, doing homework or other routine work. For others, the radio simply helps them relax after a hard day.

What is flow state?

“Flow is the feeling of peak productivity when you are fully focused on the task at hand.”

For a good mood, concentration and a state of “flow”, all you need is music.

Of course, if you put on one scale the effect of caffeine, from which you immediately feel an exciting effect, and turn on a Bach symphony in the background, you will say that music does not work for you. But studies show amazing results, and not just any kind of meta-analysis.

For example, active musical practice can provide the highest level of neuroprotection, and there is evidence that simply listening to music also has a beneficial effect on cognitive function and brain aging.

In a randomized clinical trial research Adults with cognitive impairment who listened to music for 12 minutes every day for 12 weeks experienced a reduction in a cellular biomarker of aging in the blood, as well as improvements in memory, mood, and sleep.

Music has also been shown to promote the production of serotonin and oxytocin.
I think for many people, even without research, the impact of music is conditioned by their own observations. Music helps to concentrate on some work during training, write texts or do something they love. For some, music is a way to relax or fall asleep.
By the way, what kind of music do you use for concentration and work?

Let's sum it up

Unusual tools for the central nervous system

Unusual tools for the central nervous system

There are different ways to effectively influence the central nervous system, it is not necessary to drink handfuls of racetams or supplements, balance is important in everything. The essence of biohacking is to find the golden mean, to be productive and not to die prematurely.

Try using at least three of the five tools for a week and notice the difference in sensations.

Article written by a community member RISE: Nootropics and Biohacking. We post more interesting analyses, cases and studies on our Telegram channel and other platforms.

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