Unshaven hamster – the psychology of crypto trading. Rubric “Trading Rules” No. 1. Don't regret what you did

No. 1. Don't regret what you did.

This is a simple, and sometimes very complex rule that I I follow I try to follow.

1. I bought a viola at the bottom, and a day later I saw the second bottom – it sank another 20%. I knew! Why did you hurry? It would be better to wait a little longer…2. I sold Notcoin at a price of 0.5 cents, I thought that it would roll away and crawl around for a long time, but after 5 days it dropped by 3 cents. What I've done? If I had left it alone, I would have received 6 X's.3. Long with 10 leverage, because the price has approached a powerful liquidity zone, we have blocked the imbalance, the upward trend, all indicators are showing upwards, and also, I love this coin and believe that it will grow (about the love of coins in the next post). What? Bitcoin threw two long red downwards and my coin flew away after it – technical analysis does not work, I record the loss until it is liquidated. Phew, out… What??? The next 3 green candles are monsters… They covered my minus and I would already be in profit! Why did I leave early?!
DO YOU Familiar?

The vague word WOULD…
Minus the money. Plus experience. Do not blame yourself. Decision is made! The result is received! You can't turn back time! Your decisions were based on flimsy assumptions, because you don't think you can figure out the market, do you? Not a single expert in the world knows when and where the price will go (okay, okay, there are those who know, because sometimes it is controlled – the market maker can play out scenarios and draw a chart, but that's another story)

Are you wrong? Perhaps… But! Do you remember receiving a loss, sitting in a drawdown, not making enough profit is a common routine for a trader.
You didn't know this? Now you know! If you don’t agree to this, it’s better not to continue trading, you will be disappointed.

Trading is a combination of unprofitable and profitable decisions; what matters is what happens at the end of the week/month.
So that there is a +, not a minus – risk management to help. Do you know the maximum loss you are willing to incur on this trade? If there is a profit, at what point are you going to record it?

Before any transaction, take a deep breath, exhale and answer yourself the question – do I really understand what and why I am doing now? How am I feeling now? Is there euphoria or other extreme emotions? If you are overexcited, skip this deal. The market will always provide more opportunities!

The main thing is to accept the fact that if you made the “wrong” decision, it doesn’t say anything about you as a person. It's just a deal… The process is underway… Right now, $150 million worth of traders have been liquidated and they remain alive, they will draw conclusions, move on, although some may not…
By the way, the Germans are happy to receive 4% per annum on their capital. You made 15% last month… That's cool! Praise yourself…
If it’s still hard, take a break, take a walk, calm down, give your body exercise, take a cool shower, breathe (there are techniques).
If you succeed, try not to extinguish your anger and indignation harshly. You have the right to feel all emotions. Live.

And this… Fighter, you don’t need to break into the market again to win back yours – it could end badly.

A little esotericism 🙂 Intuition is the body. It knows in advance what the result will be. Listen to him. Is it tense or relaxed and easy? Cover your eyes. Try to see the outcome – where the graph will go… Ask inside yourself: yes or no? By the way, the dog might know too 🙂 Just kidding…

Just be firm and courageous… Don't give up… If you continue on your path, you will win, first yourself, then the market… The main thing is to have a more powerful razor 🙂

No matter what happens, don't regret what you did.

TG channel “Unshaven Hamster” – https://t.me/cryptopsyblog


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