Unknown “dev” option. Please use “compilerOptions” for any Svelte compiler configuration.
The error occurs in rollup-plugin-svelte.
Errors of this kind:
svelte ({
// enable run-time checks when not in production
dev:! production,
// we’ll extract any component CSS out into
// a separate file – better for performance
css: css => {
css.write (‘public / build / bundle.css’, false);
[rollup-plugin-svelte] Unknown “dev” option. Please use “compilerOptions” for any Svelte compiler configuration.
[rollup-plugin-svelte] Unknown “css” option. Please use “compilerOptions” for any Svelte compiler configuration.
To solve, we roll back:
Or we completely rebuild the configuration in the file according to the updated docks rollup.config.js with updating all dependencies in package.json…