TypeScript client for Wildberries API

As part of working on one of the projects, it was necessary to use the Wildberries API.
Since I write in TypeScript, the best way to create types was to generate them from Swagger.

In the end, it all resulted in a library. wildberries-api.

All API methods with request/response types have been generated. The automatic generation script will allow you to effortlessly maintain the current version of the API.

NPM | Github


npm install wildberries-api

Example of use:

import { supplies } from 'wildberries-api';

const api = new supplies.Api({
  baseApiParams: {
    headers: {
      'Authorization': process.env.WB_TOKEN
  baseUrl: 'https://supplies-api.wildberries.ru'

const main = async() => {
  const result = await api.api.v1WarehousesList();


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