Top Supplements to Boost Performance and Energy

Everyone is free to use convenient tools to increase their productivity and energy. However, why ignore truly effective means?

In touch RISE: community about Nootropics and Biohacking. Today we will analyze the peculiarity of supplements for increasing efficiency and energy. They do not make a person productive by themselves. They help to do what you do every day more effectively. And, most importantly, the dosage is not as important as the correct selection of components for a complex effect on the body.

How do performance and energy supplements work?

Our body is a complex system that interacts with each other through the balance of internal substances. We are talking about neurotransmitters that transmit signals from the brain to the muscles, and hormones that regulate the body's internal processes. It seems that the answer is simple: add specific hormones, and everything will be fine. But it is not that simple.

The risks of the fast track

Each person is complex and unique. Blind interaction with hormones will lead to no less severe consequences, rollbacks and problems. It is even more difficult to talk about drugs to increase the brain's performance and energy:

  • Our brain is protected by the blood-brain barrier, also known as the BBB. This is a dense layer of endothelium that covers the vessels from the inside. It prevents the hormones produced by the body from entering the brain. Because the brain itself also produces the same hormones, but for its own internal work. And mixing these components is guaranteed to lead to interruptions in the brain's work.

  • In addition to hormones, the bloodstream contains a lot of amino acids, sugars and other substances that are harmful to the brain. A clear example of the risks of all this is hemorrhagic stroke. It is diagnosed when a blood vessel in the brain bursts. Blood literally gets on neurons, causing their death.

  • The blood-brain barrier will not allow neurotransmitters into the brain, even if large doses are administered directly into the vein. But there are substances that pass through the BBB.

These are the well-known nicotine, alcohol, coffee and some potent substances. Separately, scientists are also engaged in modifying certain neurotransmitters, such as GABA, so that they also pass through the BBB. This is how the well-known phenibut and diazepam appeared. But all the substances that pass the BBB and provide a quick result, they also form tolerance, addiction, and abrupt cessation of use results in withdrawal syndrome. Therefore, it is much more effective to use classic nootropics.

The work of precursors and adaptogens

Neurotransmitters and hormones act powerfully, unprincipled, giving a person what he needs right now. But they turn into side effects, addiction and withdrawal syndrome. Precursors and adaptogens are completely opposite to them. Even those created on their basis anti-stress pills do not suppress the body, but help to gently survive stress. And the work of precursors is based on the following principles:

  • Any organism is inextricably linked with the external environment. To interact with it, it produces certain enzymes.

  • The production of enzymes is physiologically determined. In response to the intake of a specific substance, the body secretes a specific portion of enzymes.

  • When a substance is processed by enzymes, the body receives the necessary neurotransmitter or hormone. The remains of the substance, if the enzymes run out, are sent out through the excretory systems.

The main difference from synthetic drugs: the body itself regulates how much of the substance it needs to absorb and how much to eliminate. Any overdose will not affect the brain, but the capabilities of the gastrointestinal tract, manifesting itself as nausea or upset. Yes, it is unpleasant, but it is much better than getting an overdose from stimulants or relaxants. And you can only get symptoms of poisoning if you consume an inadequately large amount.

The Essential Top Supplements to Boost Performance and Energy

It is not how many supplements you take that are important, but how they are related to each other. You can find multivitamin complexes in any drugstore or sports nutrition store. But sometimes, due to a conflict of ingredients, the efficiency of absorption of useful elements decreases. Therefore, it is important to choose supplements that are not only effective, but also compatible with each other.


Most of the world's adult population uses caffeine to boost performance and energy. The main effect of the supplement, whether in the form of a fragrant mug in the morning or capsules from a jar with a bright label, consists of three factors:

  • Blocking fatigue. During the day, the body accumulates a fatigue neurohormone, adenosine. It is destroyed during the night, but begins to accumulate again in the morning. Caffeine blocks adenosine receptors, preventing it from sending a signal of fatigue. Due to this, a person feels more energetic.

  • Caffeine also affects norepinephrine receptors and leads to release of dopamine. That’s why after a cup of coffee you feel motivated and want to change your life and the world around you for the better.

  • When consumed over a long period of time, caffeine acts as a neuroprotector, protecting the brain from neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease. In particular, it has been established that regardless of whether a person has Parkinson's disease or not, caffeine consumption reduced the risk of developing diseases.

As a supplement, caffeine is effective because it works in both the short and long term. When used correctly, it can both boost productivity and strengthen neural connections.


Goes hand in hand with caffeine. L-tyrosine is a building block for dopamine. The body uses it to create fuel for motivation and energy. Moreover, it is the excess dopamine that is synthesized into norepinephrine. This is how maximum concentration on the goal is achieved. At the same time:

  • The use of L-tyrosine is closely related to the work of operational memory. Saturation of the body with L-tyrosine leads to increase in efficiency how a person remembers information in the moment.

  • A separate study was conducted on bees, where social communication was studied when L-tyrosine was consumed. And indeed, its use led to thatthat the effectiveness of social groups grew. That is, as a tool for increasing social communication, L-tyrosine is very good.

  • A valuable effect of L-tyrosine is the ability to resist daytime sleepiness. We are talking about narcolepsy, but its mild form is known to anyone who would like to just lie down after lunch. Reception L-Tyrosine Relieves Symptoms of Narcolepsyhelping you to be alert and efficient until the evening.

L-tyrosine itself is not bad. But together with caffeine they act much better. In fact, pumping up memory, supporting dopamine increaseproviding vigor and an indirect increase in norepinephrine.


DMAE is often talked about as a cosmetic supplement for skin rejuvenation, but its effect on the brain is difficult to overestimate. DMAE, brain productivity toolis the building block for acetylcholine. In fact: dopamine, norepinephrine and acetylcholine are the top 3 for concentration and flow states, when you spend hours immersed in a process, literally creating, not just doing routine work.

The value of DMAE is that it:

  • Helps the body produce more acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter responsible for transmitting signals from the brain to the muscles.

  • Due to the increase in acetylcholine, the body works more efficiently. There are no cramps, breathing is even, the heartbeat is rhythmic.

  • At the same time, the brain's efficiency increases. More resources are used for targeted work, maintaining that precious state of flow.

Use of DMAE promotes improving brain function, in particular, we are talking about calming internal rhythms, both during rest and intensive work.


Caffeine, L-tyrosine and DMAE are representatives of a group of natural invigorating elements. They bring the body into a state of heightened attention. To prevent this state from developing into panic, there is a balance system, the main element of which is L-theanine.

L-theanine acts as mild sedativepreventing the side effects of caffeine and L-tyrosine from occurring. In fact, it protects the body from tremors, anxiety, and irritability. The main symptoms that occur when you drink too much coffee.

Most appropriate use L-theanine immediately when using the precursor complex. It will help to avoid a quick effect with a bias towards overexcitement, will stretch the effect of vivacity for a long time.


The most effective in their work are Rhodiola rosea and Bacopa Monnieri. These are two herbal supplements that act in synergy, enhancing the effectiveness of each other. Their advantages are as follows:

  • Rhodiola rosea complements the effect of caffeine. One of its effects is the narrowing of the blood vessels of the brain. Rhodiola prevents this, helping the blood vessels of the brain to maintain elasticity and does not exaggerate the strength of the spasm, thereby supplying the brain with a sufficient amount of nutrients. It helps to get rid of even consequences of covid.

  • At the same time, Rhodiola rosea gently invigorates the central nervous system, it is also called natural antidepressant. However, in case of hypertension or high blood pressure, taking Rhodiola is accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure. The plant is an adaptogen, that is, adapts the state organism.

  • Bacopa Monnieri is notable for its ability to promote the main process of memory development – ​​the growth of neural connections. It is deservedly included in the list of “best nootropics” If we exaggerate, it is practically Indian plantain for the brainwhich helps you think effectively and remember new information.

The effect of adaptogens, with the support of precursors, helps not only to get the most out of each of the substances. The combined effect on neurons, blood vessels and brain function as a whole allows you to pump up your intellect both immediately and in the long term.

B vitamins

Everything that was discussed above helps the brain work during its active moments. But professional athletes know that the body develops not during training, but during rest. And the better this process is organized, the more effective the body will work.

Therefore, it is important not only to maintain productivity, but also to restore brain resources. The action of B vitamins is aimed at this process. Acting together, they ensure the restoration and support of the nervous system.

How to choose supplements to increase performance and energy?

All of the listed supplements can be purchased separately or you can choose a ready-made complex, in our line it is MindBoosterIt already contains the listed components, and the dosage helps to increase efficiency in the morning and hold out until late evening.

Article written by Philip Donchev, community member RISE: Nootropics and Biohacking. We post more interesting analyses, cases and studies in our telegram channel and on other platforms.

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