Top 6 best neural networks for text generation that you can try for free

What if Tolstoy decided to write “War and Peace” in the 21st century, and instead of ink and piles of papers, he went into the browser and typed in a simple query: “Which authoring tool should I choose?” Perhaps if he had encountered AI and the same ChatGPT, the novel would have been shortened by a couple of hundred pages without losing its essence.

And while authors have historically drawn inspiration from the world around them and other books, today technology offers additional resources for finding inspiration that make the writing process more accessible and efficient. As an example, using tools to generate ideas or edit text can significantly improve a writer's productivity and performance.

In this article, we'll look at the best digital writing assistants that can help you at every stage of writing, from draft to final draft.

Happy reading!

Easy Writer

And our top opens with such a tool as Easy Writer. This is an AI-powered article generator that can help you create quality content on any topic quickly and effortlessly. If suddenly you don’t have any inspiration or ideas, this is your ace in the hole that will help you overcome your creative crisis.

An author of any level will be able to prepare at least a draft, and at most a full-fledged article in a matter of minutes, because this tool is your assistant, capable of working 24/7, which, by the way, offers its work absolutely free.

Do you run a telegram channel? Easy Writer will help you write a post on any topic. Or maybe you needed a scientific article? Ready. The generator provides an extensive set of settings so that you get exactly the material you came for: you can select the AI ​​model, language, indicate whether you need links to sources, select the article size, and much more.

If you are an author, marketer, copywriter or anyone else who also needs content, you should at least try Easy Writer, because it gives access to one of the models absolutely free, namely gemini 1.5 pro exp, there are also models in the free list gpt, llama and mistral. There are also paid models, for example, claude 3.5 sonnet, which generates texts in a near-human language very well and you can also play with it without investments, since by clicking on the link above you will be awarded a bonus of 100k tokens.

In summary: the main difference between Easy Writer is its focus on flexible generation settings, which is ideal for automating a variety of content, as well as completely free access to several AI models + the ability to test paid models for free due to a nice bonus.


The second service we’ll talk about has become a favorite among many authors – Jasper AI. The service is intended for copywriters, marketers and all those who need fast and high-quality content.

Speaking of functionality, the first and main function is the generation of articles, posts, advertisements and scripts. Jasper can also generate images for text without watermarks. There is support for more than 25 languages, including Russian, templates for various types of content and SEO integration.

Jasper can work with large texts, but it is worth considering that the quality of such content may vary. Jasper will help you save time, guarantee the quality of the generated content, and also offer an abundance of formats for any task. However, Jasper has limits – even in paid plans there are restrictions on the number of words, and also, no wonder – the facts that the neural network writes need to be thoroughly verified.

Speaking of cost, this is not a completely free service, then what did he forget in the selection of free ones? Yes, it doesn’t have a “Free” tariff or anything similar, but it does have a trial period, which means you can play around. Jasper has already proven itself and it would be sad not to say anything about it, since it is suitable for both an individual user and an entire team.

In summary: Jasper is aimed at professionals who care about productivity and quality. It can handle voluminous materials, can generate images without watermarks, and also has SEO integration.

And we continue with Copy.aianother service for generating text content that is perfect for automating workflows. The interface, by the way, is also in English, like Jasper.

Here, like its predecessors, in addition to generating text content in various formats, there are prepared templates, of which there are more than 90 pieces. There is also functionality to improve the visibility of content in search engines and support for more than 25 languages, including Russian. Among the interesting things, has a chat tool where you can ask questions, and the service also has the ability to edit the generated texts at your discretion.

Unlike Jasper, offers a free plan of 2,000 words per month and access to over 90 copywriting tools. There are also paid plans that remove word limits and provide access to APIs and new tools.

Thus, is perfect as an assistant for authors, marketers and businessmen to create content, and the free tariff plan allows you to use the service without financial costs. However, word restrictions still play an important role, and the cost may seem somewhat overpriced for an individual user or a small team.

Overall: balances accessibility with functionality and offers 2,000 words per month for free, which is suitable for individual users who want to get to know the platform. Plus, the service has more than 90 prepared templates, as well as a chat for various questions.


Next, I suggest you pay attention to an online service that can simplify the writing process and your productivity, namely – WriteSonic. AI-based text generation again.

WriteSonic, like Easy Writer, has a friendly design and an intuitive interface (yes, again in English). In addition to generating content in various formats, here we can again find tools for SEO, an abundance of templates (more than 80) that will allow you to adapt the text to various needs, and support for several languages. Here we can also change the tone, that is, adapt the writing style to certain requirements, for example, the audience.

WriteSonic offers a free plan with a word limit and access to basic features, which I think might be enough for an individual user. If after testing the functionality of the service you want to buy a subscription, it is much cheaper than its predecessor and more profitable than Jasper.

WriteSonic allows you to save time for various users, be it a blogger or a business owner, as it offers a wide range of options. The service is also quite flexible, since it gives us access to customizing the generated content, however, WriteSonic also has its drawbacks. For example, the quality may begin to suffer if the topic is complex, and there are also slight questions about the uniqueness of the service, since sometimes the generated content cannot boast of originality, especially when using the paraphrasing function. That’s why the “trust but verify” rule applies more than ever with WriteSonic.

In summary: WriteSonic differs from similar services in its accessibility, offering more affordable tariffs, as well as richer basic functionality for free use. You can also change the tone of the text within the service to adapt it to a particular audience. is a cloud service in English for generating… yes, text content. Here you can find various tools for working with text: for writing, for editing and for optimization. Also, the target audience of the service is copywriters and marketers. allows you to generate content for your blog, as well as promotional materials or emails, while supporting more than 30 languages, including Russian. Here, like in Jasper, you can generate an image on request, and there is also chat support, like, where you can ask a question or execute a command. offers tools for SEO optimization, as well as a built-in text editor that allows you to modify the generated materials, change the formatting, or check for errors.

There's a generous free plan that gives you access to 20 writing styles and 40 templates, as well as generating up to 5 images and up to 10,000 characters per month. in general is quite budget-friendly, this is in case you like the service and have reached the limit in the free plan. also checks the text for plagiarism to ensure the uniqueness of the text, although the texts still require improvement, and if they are also voluminous, then the budget of the platform reveals itself in all its glory and the quality may not be satisfactory.

In summary: is a very budget service, it offers a generous free plan with 10k characters per month and focuses on a variety of writing styles and ready-made templates. The service also has a built-in editor with error checking and plagiarism.


A more feature-rich English-language service for creating, managing and distributing content called Simplified. The platform combines tools for text, design, video and social media management, in general, ideal for a marketer or someone who runs a blog.

Here we will find the generation of text in various formats and writing styles with support for more than 20 languages, we can also create presentations/videos/graphics using ready-made templates or AI. There is also content performance tracking using built-in analytics tools, social media management from one interface, and the ability to work in a team.

A free plan is provided, which gives access to the basic functions of the service (without design), as well as a limit of 35,000 words per month.

In fact, it is very convenient when the tools for creating content are in one solution, that is, you don’t have to look for everything separately and compare: which is more profitable. And it’s especially good that there is a free plan, which at least gives you the opportunity to test the functionality without investment. However, if you have a non-trivial task, then the templates that the service offers may not seem flexible enough, and working with high-quality graphics may slow down the service, which results in productivity losses.

In summary: Simplified is a multifunctional solution; the service combines work with video/text/design on one platform. Here you can create and promote content. We are offered a free plan with basic functionality and a limit of up to 35k words per month.

In summary, nowadays authors have an excellent opportunity to use AI-based tools that make it easier and faster to create texts. Tools like Easy Writer, or Simplifield can help authors generate unique content and support the creative process.

Despite the skepticism of seasoned professionals, AI is not a replacement for humans, it is a tool for productivity. It’s like giving a non-artist a brush and expecting results, when it’s not the tool that decides, but the one who uses it – the brush only simplifies the task.

Thanks for reading!

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